libunicode-collate-perl (1.07-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Imported Upstream version 1.07 -- Angel Abad Wed, 28 May 2014 09:14:07 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (1.05-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Drop xz compression for {binary,source} package, set by default by dpkg since 1.17.{0,6}. * Strip trailing slash from metacpan URLs. * New upstream release. * Update years of upstream and packaging copyright. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 25 May 2014 15:34:05 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (1.04-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- gregor herrmann Wed, 25 Dec 2013 19:45:55 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (1.03-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Imported Upstream version 1.03 -- Angel Abad Thu, 05 Dec 2013 18:04:18 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (1.02-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Drop pod-encoding.patch, issue fixed upstream. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:01:42 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (1.01-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Update years of packaging copyright. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.5. * Add patch to fix POD encoding. -- gregor herrmann Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:54:57 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.99-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) ] * Imported Upstream version 0.99 - support overriding out-of-range values (see 'overrideOut' in manpage) -- Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) Wed, 09 Oct 2013 08:21:21 +0800 libunicode-collate-perl (0.98-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change based URIs to based URIs [ Angel Abad ] * Imported Upstream version 0.98 * debian/copyright: Update upstream years -- Angel Abad Sun, 30 Jun 2013 12:05:12 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (0.97-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Change Vcs-Git to canonical URI (git:// [ Angel Abad ] * Imported Upstream version 0.97 * debian/copyright: Update debian years -- Angel Abad Wed, 16 Jan 2013 12:56:13 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.95-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/copyright: update years of third-party copyright. * Use debhelper 9.20120312 to get all hardening flags. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:04:37 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.91-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.91 -- Angel Abad Sun, 04 Nov 2012 13:38:36 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.90-1) unstable; urgency=low [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/control: update {versioned,alternative} (build) dependencies. [ Angel Abad ] * Imported Upstream version 0.90 * debian/copyright: - Upgrade copyright to format 1.0 - Update Upstream-Contact - Update debian/* section * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 * debian/control: Pre-Depends on versioned dpkg (>= 1.15.6~) for xz compression -- Angel Abad Mon, 24 Sep 2012 14:15:53 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (0.89-1) unstable; urgency=low * Email change: Angel Abad -> * Imported Upstream version 0.89 * Bump Debhelper compat level 9 * debian/copyright: - Update copyright years - Fix allkeys.txt path * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 -- Angel Abad Fri, 16 Mar 2012 13:02:07 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.87-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Fabrizio Regalli ] * Imported Upstream version 0.85 * Added myself to Uploaders and Copyright * Updated copyright to latest .174 DEP5 revision. [ gregor herrmann ] * Add a Pre-Depends on dpkg (>= 1.15.6~) for the xz compression. * New upstream release 0.87. * Add /me to Uploaders. -- gregor herrmann Sat, 26 Nov 2011 22:33:24 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.84-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.84 -- Angel Abad Sun, 06 Nov 2011 10:39:33 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.83-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Angel Abad ] * Imported Upstream version 0.83 [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * Use XZ compression for source and binary packages. -- Angel Abad Sun, 30 Oct 2011 16:07:16 +0100 libunicode-collate-perl (0.81-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.81 -- Angel Abad Sun, 23 Oct 2011 22:35:07 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (0.80-1) unstable; urgency=low * Imported Upstream version 0.80 * debian/copyright: - Update license stanzas - Update debian/* section * debian/control: Add myself to Uploaders -- Angel Abad Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:57:01 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (0.79-1) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. * New upstream release. * Remove patch, applied upstream. -- gregor herrmann Sun, 02 Oct 2011 17:31:45 +0200 libunicode-collate-perl (0.78-1) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. * New upstream version. * Bump s-v to 3.9.2 (no changes). * Remove unneeded dependency on quilt for 3.0 (quilt) source packages. * Copyright should refer to versioned symlink. * Remove article from description (per 6.2.2), remove unnecessary linebreak. * Remove unused requirement for --with-quilt * Expanded description. * Add patch to fix a minor grammar problem in the spelling. * Bump upstream copyright year. * Remove GNU/Linux references in copyright file. * Add copyright for Unicode font, inc. seemingly free Unicode license. * Rephrase to remove generic reference in control file. * Expand Unicode license section to include missing header paragraphs. * Make d/rules more debian-like. [ gregor herrmann ] * Update watch file. [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * debian/control: Convert Vcs-* fields to Git. [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * debian/copyright: Replace DEP5 Format-Specification URL from to URL. -- Harlan Lieberman-Berg Mon, 15 Aug 2011 16:54:03 -0400 libunicode-collate-perl (0.66-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Danai SAE-HAN ] * Initial release (Closes: #602435). -- Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) Sun, 07 Nov 2010 19:00:12 +0100