This package was debianized by Kevin B. McCarty and Lifeng Sun . It was downloaded from the web page The very large file 2006_src.tar.gz was split up into individual modules, from which non-free files were removed, of which the relevant ones have been recompressed in the "upstream" directory of the mclibs source package. See the file debian/README.Debian-source in the source package for a detailed description of this process. COPYRIGHT --------- CERNLIB, including the CERN Monte Carlo libraries, is copyright (C) CERN and others. As of this writing, 08 February 2008, the web page (which gives the terms under which CERNLIB may be used) states: CERNLIB Availability (C) Copyright CERN except where explicitly stated otherwise. Permission to use and/or redistribute this work is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License. FLUKA routines included in GEANT3 are joint copyright of INFN and CERN and are not licensed under the GPL: permission to use and/or redistribute outside GEANT3 should be negotiated. The software and documentation made available under the terms of this license are provided with no warranty. Last modified: 18-March-2004 The aforementioned FLUKA routines have been excised from the CERNLIB source code and binary packages distributed by Debian. It should also be noted that the above license supersedes the non-free license stated in the file located at /usr/share/doc/libpdflib804-2-dev/pdfdoc.txt.gz (package libpdflib804-2-dev) mclibs-$VERSION/src/mclibs/pdf/doc/pdfdoc.dat (unpacked Debian source). There is some ambiguity as to whether CERN intended to have CERNLIB available specifically under GPL version 2 (the current version at the time the above- mentioned web page was written) or always under the current version. (The text "GNU General Public License" in the web page quoted above is a hyperlink to which, as of this writing, references GPL version 3.) I have requested clarification from the upstream maintainer. In the meantime, it should be noted that the orig.tar.gz files for CERNLIB in Debian were obtained from the upstream web site prior to the release of GPL version 3. It therefore seems to me to be safe to assume that re-distribution of CERNLIB from the Debian source packages is permissible under the terms either of GPL version 2 or of the current GPL version, at the re-distributor's option. On Debian systems, the complete text of the current version of the GNU General Public License can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'. The text of version 2 can be found at `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. EXCEPTIONS ---------- The files jetset74.h and lepto62.h in the montecarlo-base binary package, and all files included in the tarball upstream/src_cfortran.tar.gz in the mclibs source package, are instead Copyright (C) 1990-2003 Burkhard Burow, , and are licensed (at your choice) under either the GNU Library General Public License or an alternate non-free license. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Library General Public License can be found in the file `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2'. The alternate license for the cfortran-related files is as follows: THIS PACKAGE, I.E. CFORTRAN.H, THIS DOCUMENT, AND THE CFORTRAN.H EXAMPLE PROGRAMS ARE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR WHO RESERVES ALL RIGHTS. THIS PACKAGE AND THE CODE IT PRODUCES MAY BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT FEES, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS: - YOU MUST ACCOMPANY ANY COPIES OR DISTRIBUTION WITH THIS (UNALTERED) NOTICE. - YOU MAY NOT RECEIVE MONEY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OR FOR ITS MEDIA (E.G. TAPE, DISK, COMPUTER, PAPER.) - YOU MAY NOT PREVENT OTHERS FROM COPYING IT FREELY. - YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE MODIFIED VERSIONS WITHOUT CLEARLY DOCUMENTING YOUR CHANGES AND NOTIFYING THE AUTHOR. - YOU MAY NOT MISREPRESENTED THE ORIGIN OF THIS SOFTWARE, EITHER BY EXPLICIT CLAIM OR BY OMISSION. THE INTENT OF THE ABOVE TERMS IS TO ENSURE THAT THE CFORTRAN.H PACKAGE NOT BE USED FOR PROFIT MAKING ACTIVITIES UNLESS SOME ROYALTY ARRANGEMENT IS ENTERED INTO WITH ITS AUTHOR. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SUPPORT OR SERVICE OF THE CFORTRAN.H PACKAGE. Burkhard Burow DELETIA ------- The following files and directories have been removed from the Debian source package of CERNLIB due to license ambiguities or incompatibilities with the GPL (e.g. positive BSD advertising clause). If needed, they may be found in the upstream source tarballs. Please see the README.Debian file of the montecarlo-base package for more information on obtaining the Ariadne, Fritiof, Jetset, Lepto, and Pythia libraries. mclibs/ariadne/ mclibs/ariadne_407/ mclibs/fritiof/ mclibs/jetset/ mclibs/lepto63/ mclibs/pythia/