metacity-themes --------------- This package consists of metacity themes from various sources. Each one has been checked to ensure that it is of high quality (implements all parts of the theme) and is licensed under terms which are compatible with the Debian free software guidelines. For information on using the themes, please see the metacity manual. I have generated a directory for each theme within this directory containing a README.Debian file, and any documentation which was included with the theme. In the unlikely event that you fins theme documentation in the /usr/share/themes directory from a theme in this collection, please let me know and I will update the documentation script. I have investigated many themes which have not been included in this collection. Details of these are in the rejected.Debian file. Please look through this before suggesting a theme to be added. Themes I don't know about: *If* they're high quality, released under a dfsg compliant license and work with the version of metacity in Debian sid, please email me with a link Alternatively you can report a bug against metacity-themes If they don't meet those standards, perhaps you would like email the upstream authors to make them conform.