basic-robot-csm for Debian ------------------------- Please be noted that using client side mod (CSM) in public servers might be an unethical behaviour because some players think that it is cheating. And be respectful to the server admins if they dislike any CSM. ## Start using basic_robot_csm First, we need to make sure that client side mod is enabled. Please go "Settings" tab and click "All Settings". Search for "enable_client_modding" and enable it. You can also check ~/.minetest/minetest.conf to see if there is "enable_client_modding = true" To start using basic-robot-csm, please create a file called ~/.minetest/clientmods/mods.conf The content of the above file should contains: load_mod_basic_robot_csm = true If you have another client side mods, just make sure that "load_mod_ = true" is in that file too. After the above settings are done, restart the client. Use ".b" command in minetest and it will show you a window to paste your program. ## Some basic_robot_csm code examples. Here we give some examples of using basic_robot_csm. For more functions, please check the following documents and examples. * examples in /usr/share/doc/minetest-mod-basic-robot-csm/examples * /usr/share/doc/minetest/client_lua_api.txt.gz from minetest-data package. ### say(message, send_to_server) Send a message. Ex: -- This will be sent to the server and will be seen by other players. say("hi", true) -- This will only show locally on your screen. say("Hello World!!", false) self.remove() ### self.pos() Get the player's position. Ex: mypos = self.pos() say("x="..mypos.x..", y="..mypos.y..", z="..mypos.z, false) ### self.viewdir() Get the player's view angle. Ex: myangle = self.viewdir() yaw = math.atan2(myangle.x, myangle.z) yawAngle = 180.0 * yaw / math.pi pitch = math.asin(myangle.y) pitchAngle = 180.0 * pitch / math.pi say("yaw="..yawAngle.." pitch="..pitchAngle, false) ### self.remove() Pause the bot. Otherwise the code will run periodically. ### Get player's name Ex: say("My name is ", false) self.remove() ### minetest.get_csm_restrictions() Get CSM restrictions Ex: r = minetest.get_csm_restrictions() for k,v in pairs(r) do if type(v) == "boolean" then if v then say(""..k..": ".."true", false) else say(""..k..": ".."false", false) end elseif type(v) == "number" then say(""..k..": "..v, false) else say(""..k..": "..v, false) end end self.remove() ### minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) Get a node at a specified position. Sometimes this function returns nil. It might because your client or server restrict the distance of this function. On local games, you have to change csm_restriction_noderange value. You can change this value from "Settings" tab and click "All Settings" and then search it. It is also in the config file ~/.minetest/minetest.conf For example "csm_restriction_noderange = 20" will give you the rights to read nodes within 20 distance. If you play on a server, your client by default will respect the value given from the server so the settings in minetest.conf won't be used. Ex: pos1 = self.pos() pos1.x = math.floor(pos1.x+0.5) pos1.y = math.floor(pos1.y+0.5) pos1.z = math.floor(pos1.z+0.5) node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos1) if node then say(""" node.param2="..node.param2, false) else say("node is nil.", false) end ### minetest.get_node_light(pos) Get node light at a specified position. Ex: pos1 = self.pos() pos1.x = math.floor(pos1.x+0.5) pos1.y = math.floor(pos1.y+0.5) pos1.z = math.floor(pos1.z+0.5) nodename = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos1).name nodelight = minetest.get_node_light(pos1) say("node="..nodename.." light="..nodelight, false) ### minetest.get_meta(pos) Get node's metadata. Ex: -- stand on a chest. List inventory. pos1 = self.pos() pos1.x = math.floor(pos1.x+0.5) pos1.y = math.floor(pos1.y+0.5)-1 pos1.z = math.floor(pos1.z+0.5) nodemeta = minetest.get_meta(pos1):to_table() if nodemeta then for k,v in pairs(nodemeta) do if (k == "inventory") then for k1,v1 in pairs(v) do if (k1 == "main") then for k2,v2 in pairs(v1) do r1 = v2:to_table() if r1 then itemName="" itemCount=0 for k3,v3 in pairs(r1) do if (k3 == "name") then itemName=v3 end if (k3 == "count") then itemCount=v3 end end if (itemCount > 0) then say("item: "..itemName.." count: "..itemCount,false) end end end end end end end else say("node's meta is nil.", false) end self.remove() ### minetest.register_on_damage_taken(function(hp)) When damage is taken, run the function. Once the function is registered, even the bot is stopped, the function will still run when the event is triggered. Ex: function toSpawn(hp) say("/spawn", true) end minetest.register_on_damage_taken(toSpawn) self.remove() -- Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) Sat, 08 Oct 2022 04:47:56 +0800