mlmmj for Debian ---------------- 0. Contents 1. Installation 1.1. Postfix 1.1.1. Recipient delimiter 1.1.2. Using the system aliases 1.1.3. Using virtual maps 1.2. Exim 1.3. Sendmail 1.4. Qmail 2. Creating a mailing list 2.1. Using /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml 2.2. Old version of /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml 3. MLMMJ PHP Web Admin 3.1. Setting-up Apache2 1. Installation 1.1. Postfix 1.1.1. Recipient delimiter Make sure that `recipient_delimiter' is set to `+'; run: dpkg-reconfigure -plow postfix if in doubt, or edit /etc/postfix/ and restart postfix. 1.1.2. Using the system aliases Create mailing lists using the -a option to mlmmj-make-ml, then (as instructed) run "/usr/bin/newaliases". Don't worry about the cron job, there's already one in place for all the lists in /etc/cron.d/mlmmj. Note that you may need (or not) to: chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/spool/mlmmj/list depending on your postfix setup. 1.1.2. Using virtual maps If you don't want to use system aliases (for example if you need to do mass hosting of mailing lists), you can use a more complex setup: virtual_alias_maps and alias_maps in postfix, and custom path for each of your lists. It's a little bit more complex, but not so much. The following directives in postfix instead: virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/postfix_virtual_mlmmj alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, hash:/etc/postfix_aliases_mlmmj This will extend the system aliases. Now let's pretend we want to add a new list. We create it with mlmmj-make-ml (without the -a option): (echo; echo; echo N;) | /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml -L example.com_mylist -s /path/to/ In the file /etc/postfix/postfix_virtual put: example.com_mylist In the file postfix_aliases_mlmmj, put: example.com_mylist: "|/usr/bin/mlmmj-recieve -L /path/to/" Don't forget to: postmap /etc/postfix/postfix_virtual_mlmmj postmap /etc/postfix_aliases_mlmmj /etc/init.d/postfix reload each time you add a new list. 1.2. Exim For Exim intergration it is recommended to follow the docs in: /usr/share/doc/mlmmj/README.exim4 Rather than using a mlmmj user and group you can: chown -R Debian-exim:Debian-exim /var/spool/mlmmj/mlmmj-test It is also possible to use the /etc/aliases file as in "1.1 Postfix" part of this file and add the following to the "userforward:" and "localuser:" exim configuration: local_part_suffix = +* local_part_suffix_optional Running "/usr/bin/newaliases" is not required and the there's already a cron job in /etc/cron.d/mlmmj in place to handle all lists. 1.3. Sendmail For use with sendmail please refer to: /usr/share/doc/mlmmj/README.sendmail 1.4. Qmail For use with qmail please refer to: /usr/share/doc/mlmmj/README.qmail 2. Creating a mailing list 2.1. Using /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml The installed version of mlmmj-make-ml is an untouched version from the upstream release. Run "man mlmmj-make-ml" for details of usage. If the exim4 package is installed then it is not necessary to add anything to /etc/aliases if you have correctly intergrated mlmmj into the exim4 configuration. The only option recommended is "-L" to name the mailing list. Read /usr/share/doc/mlmmj/TUNABLES.gz to configure your mailing list by adding/editing files in /var/spool/mlmmj/[list name]/control/. Use /usr/bin/mlmmj-sub to subscribe people to your mailing list. 2.2. Old version of /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml You can find the old version of /usr/bin/mlmmj-make-ml in /usr/share/doc/mlmmj/ directory. This depends on the dctrl-tools package. 3. MLMMJ PHP Web Admin 3.1. Setting-up Apache2 To use mlmmj-php-web-admin add something like this in one of your virtual host files (for example in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default): AllowOverride All Alias /mlmmj-php-web-admin /usr/share/mlmmj-php-web-admin/htdocs The AllowOverride All is necessary for the default .htaccess to work. 3.2. Configuring MLMMJ Web Admin Set the path of your list in /etc/mlmmj-web-admin/config.php. Set a login and password as follow: htpasswd -c /etc/mlmmj-php-web-admin/htpasswd YOUR-USERNAME