modplugtools (0.5.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Bump debhelper version to 11. * Bump standards version to 4.2.1. * debian/control: Replace libmodplug-dev with libopenmpt-modplug-dev. * debian/rules: Drop autotools call. -- Gürkan Myczko Tue, 11 Sep 2018 15:33:40 +0200 modplugtools (0.5.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Bump debhelper version to 10. * Bump standards version to 4.0.0. * Reference shuf instead of rl. (Closes: #801217) * Update my name. -- Gürkan Myczko Sat, 16 Sep 2017 11:25:25 +0200 modplugtools (0.5.3-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * NMU * run dh-autoreconf to update config.{sub,guess} and {libtool,aclocal}.m4. Closes: #727462 -- Steve McIntyre <> Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:00:29 +0100 modplugtools (0.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. (Closes: #622703) * Bump debhelper version to 8. * Bump standards version to 3.9.2. -- Gürkan Sengün Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:02:46 +0200 modplugtools (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. (Closes: #513077) -- Gürkan Sengün Mon, 21 Feb 2011 11:11:09 +0100