GNOME keyring usage (msmtp-gnome): ================================== To manage the msmtp accounts settings into the GNOME keyring a python script is available: /usr/share/doc/msmtp-gnome/scripts/ It needs the following package to be present on your system: python-gnomekeyring (This package should be installed as a « Recommends ») This tool permits one to retrieve, edit, modify, delete your msmtp account settings. For more information on how to use it, execute the following command: # python /usr/share/doc/msmtp-gnome/scripts/ --help Scripts shipped in /usr/share/doc/msmtp/examples ================================================ The scripts shipped in /usr/share/doc/msmtp/examples are provided as is. It means that they did not (and will not) receive the same attention than the rest. They are probably in a very good shape but we suggest you to test them to make your proper opinion. Vim syntax for msmtp configuration files: ========================================= This feature is shipped with the msmtp package and available through the Vim addons manager. To enable it as a user setting: # vim-addons install msmtp To enable it as a system setting (as root): # vim-addons -w install msmtp (you will need to install the package: vim-addon-manager) Once the msmtp addon is enabled, you can use it with Vim thanks to the following command: :set filetype=msmtp or :set ft=msmtp It you want this feature to be always enabled in Vim, you should add the following rules in your ~/.vimrc: autocmd BufRead ~/.msmtprc set filetype=msmtp autocmd BufRead /etc/msmtprc set filetype=msmtp msmtp as a Mail Transport Agent =============================== It is possible to use msmtp as a MTA (like postfix, exim, etc.) by installing the package msmtp-mta. It will provide the basic features required to be a MTA (/usr/{sbin,lib}/sendmail, newaliases, etc.). Even if msmtp-mta can be used as a very basic MTA, it's not (and will never be) a full featured one.