====================================== Getting started with Munin on Debian ====================================== Documentation ------------- To have local documentation, install the «munin-doc» package, and open file:///usr/share/doc/munin-doc/html/index.html in a web browser. Documentation is also available online at http://guide.munin-monitoring.org/en/latest/index.html Set up the munin master ----------------------- Pick one server to use as the munin master. Install the «munin» package on that server. Munin has a web interface, so you need to have a web server installed as well. Munin is pre-configured for apache2.4, but any web server capable of serving static files will do. If you are going to monitor many servers, using CGI or FastCGI will help. The default configuration adds a /munin/ location to all the virtualhosts on the web server. If the hostname is master.example.com, munin will be available at http://master.example.com/munin/ Configuration examples for other web servers is available in the documentation. Adding munin nodes ------------------ On all servers you want to monitor, install the «munin-node» package. This can, and should, include your munin master. On each node, add an ACL entry to allow the munin master to connect: /etc/munin/munin-node.conf:: # master.example.com has address cidr_allow Add node definitions to the munin master. They look like the following example:: [node1.example.com] address You can add them to files in /etc/munin/munin-conf.d/*.conf (recommended), or to /etc/munin/munin.conf After changing munin-node configuration, you need to restart the munin node:: # service munin-node restart -- Stig Sandbeck Mathisen , Thu, 31 Dec 2015 01:49:06 +0100