myghty (1.1-6) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. [ SVN-Git Migration ] * git-dpm config. * Update Vcs fields for git migration. [ Mattia Rizzolo ] * Remove useless debian/*dirs files. * Modernize packaging: short dh format, dh compat 9. * Build using dh-python instead of python-support. Closes: #786265 * Bump Standards-Version: no changes needed. -- Mattia Rizzolo <> Sun, 13 Dec 2015 19:12:02 +0000 myghty (1.1-5) unstable; urgency=low [ Jakub Wilk ] * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt) * Remove *.pyc, *.pyo and *.egg-info in the clean target. * Fix FTBFS with Python 2.6 (closes: #571498): - apply patch adding support for 5th argument of __import__(); - bump XS-Python-Version to >= 2.5. * Fix copyright notices in debian/copyright. * Install the upstream changelog. * Fix shebangs in example Python programs not to contain /usr/local paths. * Register Myghty Documentation using doc-base. -- Debian Python Modules Team <> Fri, 05 Mar 2010 20:56:41 +0100 myghty (1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low [ Piotr Ożarowski ] * Rename XS-Vcs-* fields to Vcs-* (dpkg supports them now) [ Carlos Galisteo ] * debian/control - Added Homepage field. [ Sandro Tosi ] * debian/control - switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn [ Oleksandr Moskalenko ] * debian/control: - Changed maintainer to dpmt and put myself in uploaders. - Changed section to python. - Updated copyright notice. - Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.4. - Moved python depends to Build-Depends-Indep. - Updated Build-Depends-Indep. * debian/rules: - Updated build system. * debian/dirs: - Added the file to create doc and pysupport dirs. -- Oleksandr Moskalenko <> Thu, 18 Feb 2010 13:14:40 -0600 myghty (1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low * Piotr Ożarowski <>: + New python-support handles egg's directory name correctly. - bump python-support required version. - remove mv part from debian/rules. -- Oleksandr Moskalenko <> Mon, 14 May 2007 09:41:32 -0600 myghty (1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: - Added Debian Python Modules Team <> to Uploaders. - Added XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser control fields. -- Oleksandr Moskalenko <> Mon, 29 Jan 2007 16:44:02 -0700 myghty (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #317303). -- Oleksandr Moskalenko <> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:20:48 -0600