neomutt for Debian ------------------ Upgrade Issues ============== Upstream has removed the config samples in d67c876 and the first release incorporating that change was 20230407 which didn't make into Debian. We had two debian releases incorporating that commit. 20231103+dfsg1-1 did not have gpg.rc and smime.rc, but didn't remove the files from /etc/neomuttrc.d on upgrade and 20240425+dfsg-1 which removed those files on upgrade via conffiles' remove-on-upgrade (reported in #1059383). Effectively, gpg.rc and smime.rc aren't available anymore in neomutt. One can choose to remove "unset crypt_use_gpgme" from the personal config file and use libgpgme or keep a copy of those two files in a personal directory and source them in neomuttrc. For more information, please check chapter 2 section 10 of neomutt's manual available at /usr/share/doc/neomutt. -- Carlos Henrique Lima Melara <>