# ode Current version 0.16.6 It is build with autotools. Probably it will be better to build it with CMake. The options used are: --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --with-libccd=system \ --enable-libccd \ --enable-shared \ --enable-static \ --with-box-cylinder=default We use libccd that it is packaged in the archive. In ode 0.16.5 there was a change: Autotools build scripts, when configured with "--enable-libccd", will now assign all the relevant colliders to the libccd. Before, it used to keep default collider for Box-Cylinder pair and that was inconsistent with other configuration methods (CMake and premake4.exe). To obtain the old behavior configure as "--enable-libccd --with-box-cylinder=default". and that is why it is enable in 0.16.6. If not, it can make a crash in the application. lpa 20250207