Upstream-Name: oFono
Upstream-Contact: oFono Mailing-list <>

Files: *
Copyright: 2008-2017, Intel Corporation.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/cdmamodem/cdmamodem.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./ell/checksum.c
Copyright: 2011-2019, Intel Corporation.
License: LGPL-2.1+

Files: ./drivers/infineonmodem/infineon_constants.h
Copyright: 2013-2016, Canonical Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/call-volume.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2012-2014, Canonical Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/atmodem/gnss.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010-2011, ST-Ericsson AB.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/hfpmodem/devinfo.c
Copyright: 2008-2012, Intel Corporation.
  2011-2012, BMW Car IT GmbH.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/isimodem/sms.c
Copyright: 2009-2011, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
  2011, ST-Ericsson AB.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./gdbus/client.c
Copyright: 2004-2011, Marcel Holtmann <>
License: GPL-2.0+

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/sms.c
Copyright: 2008-2015, Intel Corporation.
  2012-2014, Canonical Ltd.
  2013, Jolla Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/atmodem/atutil.c
Copyright: 2008-2011,2017, Intel Corporation.
  2018, Gemalto M2M
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/cdmamodem/devinfo.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010-2011, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./gatchat/gatmux.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2009, Trolltech ASA.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/call-settings.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2013-2014, Canonical Ltd
  2013, Jolla Ltd
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/ubloxmodem/lte.c
Copyright: 2016, Endocode AG.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/gemaltomodem/gemaltomodem.c
Copyright: 2017, Vincent Cesson.
  2018, Gemalto M2M
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/stemodem/caif_rtnl.c
Copyright: 2010-2011, ST-Ericsson AB.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/dunmodem/gprs.c
Copyright: 2011-2012, BMW Car IT GmbH.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/gprs.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010, ST-Ericsson AB.
  2012-2013, Canonical Ltd.
  2013, Jolla Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/ubloxmodem/gprs-context.c
Copyright: 2016, EndoCode AG.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./include/lte.h
Copyright: 2016, Endocode AG.
  2018, Gemalto M2M
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/hfpmodem/network-registration.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2009-2010, ProFUSION embedded systems.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/qmimodem/nas.c
Copyright: 2017, Jonas Bonn.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/qmimodem/wda.h
Copyright: 2017, Kerlink SA.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/quectel.c
Copyright: 2014, Philip Paeps.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./btio/btio.c
Copyright: 2009-2010, Marcel Holtmann <>
  2009-2010, Nokia Corporation
License: GPL-2.0+

Files: ./ell/gpio.c
Copyright: 2019, Geanix.
License: LGPL-2.1+

Files: ./drivers/stemodem/caif_socket.h
Copyright: ST-Ericsson AB 2010
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/hfp_hf_bluez4.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010, ProFUSION embedded systems
  2011, BMW Car IT GmbH.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/call-barring.c
Copyright: 2014, Canonical Ltd
  2014, Jolla Ltd
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/call-forwarding.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2013, Jolla Ltd
  2014, Canonical Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/rilmodem.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2012, Canonical, Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/rilmodem/sim.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2013, Canonical, Ltd.
  2015, Ratchanan Srirattanamet.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/g1.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2009, Collabora Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/sim7100.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2009, Collabora Ltd.
  2018, Purism SPC
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/qmimodem/lte.c
Copyright: 2018, Data Respons ASA.
  2018, Jonas Bonn.
  2018, Norrbonn AB.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/bluez4.h
Copyright: 2010, Gustavo F. Padovan <>
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/bluez4.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010, Gustavo F. Padovan <>
  2010, ProFUSION embedded systems
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./dundee/bluez5.c
Copyright: 2013, Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./src/location-reporting.c
Copyright: 2010, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
  2011, Intel Corporation.
  2011, ProFUSION embedded systems.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/ubloxmodem/network-registration.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010, ST-Ericsson AB.
  2019, Norrbonn AB
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./plugins/sap.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2010-2011, ProFUSION embedded systems
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/qmimodem/ussd.c
Copyright: 2011-2012, Intel Corporation.
  2017, sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./include/storage.h
Copyright: 2017, Jolla Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./linux/gpio.h
Copyright: 2016, Linus Walleij
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./include/location-reporting.h
Copyright: 2010, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
  2010, ProFUSION embedded systems.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/telitmodem/gprs-context-ncm.c
Copyright: 2017, Piotr Haber.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/gemaltomodem/location-reporting.c
Copyright: 2017, Vincent Cesson.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./drivers/qmimodem/voice.h
Copyright: 2017, sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <>
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./src/util.c
Copyright: 2008-2011, Intel Corporation.
  2009-2010, Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
  2000, Unicode, Inc.
License: GPL-2.0 and Unicode-strict

Files: ./gril/parcel.c
Copyright: 2011, Joel Armstrong <>
  2012, Canonical Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0+

Files: ./gril/parcel.h
Copyright: 2011, Joel Armstrong <>
License: GPL-2.0+

Files: ./doc/ofonod.8
Copyright: 2009, Collabora Ltd.
License: GPL-2.0

Files: ./debian/*
Copyright: 2009, Andres Salomon <>
License: GPL-2.0

License: GPL-2.0
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
 Software Foundation
 This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program. If not, see <>
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
 Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".

License: GPL-2.0+
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program. If not, see <>
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
 Public License version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".

License: LGPL-2.1+
 This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Lesser General Public License for more details.
 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this program. If not, see <>.
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU Lesser General
 Public License can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2".

License: Unicode-strict
 This file is provided as-is by Unicode, Inc. (The Unicode Consortium).
 No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose.  No
 warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.  The recipient
 agrees to determine applicability of information provided.  If this
 file has been provided on optical media by Unicode, Inc., the sole
 remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media within 90
 days of receipt.
 Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information
 supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the
 Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form for
 internal or external distribution as long as this notice remains