open-build-service (2.9.4-9) unstable; urgency=medium * Use PrivateMounts=true to clean up proc/sys/dev mounts on restart. If interrupted at a wrong time, obs-worker leaves proc/sys/dev mounted in a chroot, and later, when restarted, attempts to delete them and fails. PrivateMounts=true ensures each worker has its own private namespace, and when it’s stopped, all mounts go away automatically and no cleanup is needed. -- Andrej Shadura Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:09:20 +0100 open-build-service (2.9.4-8) unstable; urgency=medium * Create in autopkgtest if it’s missing. * Remove outdated NEWS. -- Andrej Shadura Wed, 22 Mar 2023 11:22:02 +0100 open-build-service (2.9.4-7) unstable; urgency=medium * Make autopkgtests runnable in a container. -- Andrej Shadura Wed, 22 Mar 2023 07:00:05 +0100 open-build-service (2.9.4-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Apply multi-arch hints. + obs-productconverter: Add Multi-Arch: foreign. [ Andrej Shadura ] * Rewrite the obsworker service unit to actually work (Closes: #1033280) * Restart the worker on failure automatically. * Only fix scripts in OBS package directories. * Add autopkgtest. -- Andrej Shadura Tue, 21 Mar 2023 17:50:16 +0100 open-build-service (2.9.4-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Stop removing data and users on purge (Closes: #924233). -- Andrej Shadura Sun, 16 Oct 2022 10:07:52 +0100 open-build-service (2.9.4-4) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Use secure copyright file specification URI. * debian/copyright: use spaces rather than tabs to start continuation lines. * Wrap long lines in changelog entries: 2.9.4-3. * Bump debhelper from old 9 to 12. * Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends. * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository, Repository-Browse. * Drop unnecessary dh arguments: --parallel * Update standards version to 4.4.1, no changes needed. [ Mike Gabriel ] * debian/watch: Update watch URL for tracking upstream releases. * debian/control: Python2 is EOL, update in B-D: python -> python3. [ Andrej Shadura ] * Drop everything Ruby. * Drop Ruby-related patches. -- Andrej Shadura Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:04:07 +0200 open-build-service (2.9.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * Add patch to publish Debian upstream tarball signatures to the repositories * Add patch to publish Ubuntu ddeb files to the repositories * Move DoD projects example configs to obs-api package, instead of obs-server * Add some autopkgtests test cases * Fix obsapidelayed.service. Split the obsapidelayed systemd unit file into others unit files * Add patch to fix the database migration. Limit the size of a VARCHAR to not extrapolate the number of bytes allocated. [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * Move permission adjustment from into obs-api.postinst script and fix permissions for upgrade. (Closes: #926198) [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * debian/NEWS: add new entry to notify users to check the default Passenger user when upgrading. * debian/ update migration task to restart all OBS related services. * debian/README.Debian: add instructions on how to upgrade an exitent instance * debian/ stop all running processes from the old installation * debian/obs-api.postrm: stop obsapi systemd services * debian/osb-api.prerm: stop the new obsapi systemd unit files [ Utkarsh Gupta ] * Add salsa-ci.yml [ Pirate Praveen ] * Switch dependency: ruby-parser -> ruby-ruby-parser (Closes: #956504) * Relax dependecy on responders in src/api/Gemfile (Closes: #956505) -- Lucas Kanashiro Mon, 13 Apr 2020 15:30:23 -0300 open-build-service (2.9.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Make obs-api runtime depends on ruby-coffee-rails -- Lucas Kanashiro Mon, 18 Mar 2019 16:47:17 -0300 open-build-service (2.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Dan Nicholson ] * debian/control: Add Vcs-* links. [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * New upstream release version 2.9.4. Closes: #918402, #903797, #903796. Fixes: CVE-2018-12467, CVE-2018-7689, CVE-2018-7688. * Refreshed use-ruby2.5.patch. * Refresh gemfile-tweaks.patch. Dropped embedded gem. * Drop drop-test-and-development-depends.patch. * Drop drop-ruby-hoptoad-notifier.patch. * Drop rails-4-gem-assets.patch. * Refreshed FHS-path.patch. * Refreshed and rename to do-not-install-fillups-and-initscripts.patch. * Drop Rakefile-fix.patch. * Drop fix-privacy-breach-piwik.patch. * Refreshed jquery-ui.patch. * Refreshed Do-not-ship-database.yml.patch. * Drop localgem.patch. * Drop CVE-2017-5188.patch. * Drop fix-kiwitree-symlink.patch. * Drop handle-links-properly.patch. * Drop dist-Use-2.7-packages-for-testing.patch. * debian/control: build-deps on rails (>= 5.1.1). * Drop airbrake, airbrake-ruby and it's related code. * Drop peek-dalli and peek-mysql2. * Adjust new build-deps. * Refresh gemfile-tweaks.patch. * Added do-not-run-rake-at-build-time.patch. * Added obsdeltastore.service file. * Install missing files. [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * debian/copyright: remove symlink from listed files * Drop debian/missing-sources * Remove the debian/localgem directory * Do not depend or recommend obsolete packages * Build depends on python instead of python-dev * Improve the obs-api package description * Use dh_missing to list missing files * Update config files copied to /etc * Call dh_install even overriding it * Add jquery.js missing source * Add patch to not allow one to load external JS in runtime * Runtime depends on libjs-html5shiv * Do not use recursive chown * Fix the script's perl interpreter path * Make obs-api runtime depends on adduser * Add some basic autopkgtests * debian/obs-api.postinst: enable obs apache2 site config * Use deb-systemd-invoke instead of invoke-rc.d * d/obs-server.postrm: check if group exists before remove it * Do not move database.yml.example to /etc [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * No signd support by default in Debian OBS. * Adjust permissions for obs 2.9 rails app. [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * Add another basic autopkgtest * Add my self to Uploaders * Add patch fixing CVE-2018-12479. Closes: #911797 * Do not enable obsworker service when it is installed * Do not install empty directory in obs-server package * Do not install empty directory in obs-api package * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0 * Add Vcs-{Git,Browser} fields [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * Update debian/changelog * debian/changelog: add missing entries [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * Refine changlog to have Dan Nicholson's change on top [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * Remove duplicated VCS links * d/ do not chown non existent file * d/patch/CVE-2018-12479.patch: use APIException * d/ run ts:index task using production env [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * d/ touch the file if it's not exist yet for chown command. * Refreshed obsapidelayed init script changes from upstream. * Fix minor code style mistake in obsapidelayed init script. * Clean up mistake in refreshed obsapidelayed init script. * debian/control: obs-worker depends on tar. (Closes:#917427) * Added systemd obsapidelayed.service file. * Added systemd obsworker@.service file. (Closes:#853161) * debian/README.Debian: added how to run worker with systemd. * Added versioned depends on tar to avoid lintien error. * debian/obs-api.postinst: add a fallback hostname to make it installs in autopkgtest. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 07 Feb 2019 16:51:58 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.4-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Héctor Orón Martínez ] * Embed sanitize 4.0.0 ruby gem to fix breakeage. - add obs-api runtime depends on ruby-nokogumbo and ruby-crass. * worker: document enable switch * worker: use /var/lib/obsworker as OBS_RUN_DIR [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * debian/gbp.conf: adjust gbp configuration file. * obs-worker: depends on fdisk | util-linux (<< 2.29.2-3~). (Closes: #872093) * CVE-2017-5188.patch: Apply upstream fixes for CVE-2017-5188.(Closes:#900133) * fix-kiwitree-symlink.patch: cherry-pick bad code fix from upstream. * Handle links properly when doing backend build operations. * Make passenger rubyapp runs as obsapi user. * Update correct group permission for rb_sysopen. [ Lucas Kanashiro ] * Remove patches related to ruby2.3. * Add patch to use ruby provided by the system instead of ruby2.3. (Closes:#894778) [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * Drop superseded dh-systemd with debhelper (>= 9.20160709). * Add missing fix-sphinx.patch into series file. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:00:41 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.4-2) unstable; urgency=medium * debian/obs-server.postinst: make sure directory created before creating symlink manually. (Closes:#870841) -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Sun, 06 Aug 2017 08:03:37 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Merging upstream version 2.7.4. * debian/control: Drop memcached depends from obs-server. * debian/control: make obs-server recommends: on gnupg2. (Closes:#859711) * debian/control: make obs-server recommends: on dpkg-dev. (Closes:#855828) * Refreshed gemfile-tweaks.patch. (Closes:#869051) * Refreshed drop-ruby-hoptoad-notifier.patch. * obs-utils: ship obs_mirror_project. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Fri, 04 Aug 2017 03:40:11 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-10) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix logrotate, refine postrm, prerm script to ensure config and log files removed after purged. (Closes:#851356) * Fixed obs-worker failed to start issue. (Closes: #851761) -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 26 Jan 2017 01:17:48 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-9) unstable; urgency=medium * obs-worker: drop slptool from depends as it's scheduled for removal from Debian. (Closes: #848855) * disable-slp.patch: do not use SLP in obs-serverconf as Debian drop slptool from archive. (Closes: #848855) * Added debian/NEWS. * drop ruby-interpreter from depends as it's not exist. * Set Architecture: all. * Drop breaks on obs-webui. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 22 Dec 2016 14:35:54 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium * jquery-ui.patch: migrate jquery-ui-rails from 5.0.5 to 6.0.1. (Closes: #848510) * debian/control: build-deps on the metapackage default-mysql-*. (Closes: #848460) * Refine postinst script to avoid modifies files it has shipped. And also not fails during installation without setup database via dbconfig-common. (Closes: #847687) * Added README.Debian. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Mon, 19 Dec 2016 15:19:40 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium [ Antonio Terceiro ] * remove myself from Uploaders: [ Andrew Lee (李健秋) ] * Run commands when purge instead of remove. (Closes: #847688) -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 15 Dec 2016 18:05:03 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-6) experimental; urgency=medium * Move log, tmp and config files out of /usr and creates links instead. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 08 Dec 2016 19:13:53 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-5) experimental; urgency=medium * Adjust postrm and prerm scripts to remove users, group and data when user purged these packages. * debian/control: drop versioned depends. * debian/control: drop ruby-jquery-datatables-rails from depends. * Embedded ruby-jquery-datatables-rails 1.12.2 as local gem. * Drop jquery.ui.widget.patch. Update new path in jquery-ui.patch. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 17 Nov 2016 03:58:15 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-4) experimental; urgency=medium * debian/control: move sphinxsearch deps from obs-server to obs-api as it's needed search function for the webui instead of backend server. * Fixed database.yml generatation while reinstall. * Move overview.html.TEMPLATE file from obs-server to obs-api. * debian/control: obs-server shouldn't depends on obs-api. It should be able to install independently. * Do not ship database.yml as it should generates from template. * debian/control: depends on default-mysql-client and recommends on default-mysql-server as the old package name has been obsoleted. * debian/control: added depends on lsb-base for init.d scripts calls lsb functions. * debian/obs-api.postrm: clean up api folder while purge. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:55:03 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-3) experimental; urgency=medium * jquery.ui.widget.patch: added missing jquery.ui.widget. (Closes: #839143, #839144) * missing-codemirror-js.patch: added missing codemirror/addons/mode/simple.js. (Closes: #839133) -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Thu, 20 Oct 2016 05:12:47 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium * Generate clockworkd.clock.output log file. (Closes:#839211) * debian/obs-api.postinst: set config/database.yml own by www-data. (Closes: #839163) * debian/obs-api.obsapidelayed.init: calls rake instead of rake.ruby2.3. (Closes: #839166) * debian/obs-api.postinst: set correct permission in tmp dir for delayed_job start up correctly. (Closes: #839174) * debian/obs-api.obsapidelayed.init: specific directory to API_ROOT for clockworkd to run. (Closes: #839219) * Apply fix-sphinx.patch: fix brackets in Makefile that prepare for sphinx to run. * debian/obs-worker.obsworker.default: update OBS_RUN_DIR. * debian/obs-worker.obsworker.init: set correct permission for obsworker to run. * debian/obs-api.postinst: drop duplicate pathfind function. * debian/obs-api.postinst: drop path in command. -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Fri, 30 Sep 2016 18:02:41 +0800 open-build-service (2.7.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. (Closes: #838022) -- Andrew Lee (李健秋) Sat, 17 Sep 2016 06:54:06 +0800