Notes for the Debian OpenCV packages -------------------------------------- The opencv package of Debian is divided every function. This is because a user does not install an unnecessary unction. For example, the libopencv_video library is not necessary when Video function is not necessary. - libopencv-core* - libopencv-imgproc* - libopencv-flann* - libopencv-features2d* - libopencv-calib3d* - libopencv-objdetect* - libopencv-legacy* - libopencv-video* - libopencv-ml* - libopencv-gpu* - libopencv-superres* - libopencv-imgproc* - libopencv-highgui* - libopencv-contrib* - python-opencv - and transition packages. Please install the package including a necessary library when you want to make a package using opencv. And, opencv provides pkg-config file and cmake config file. It is necessary you build it, and to Build-Depneds on libopencv-dev package if the package which you want to use pkg-config or cmake config file. When you build it and do not Build-Depends, please be careful because it becomes the build error. We ask an up stream to divide opencv.pc into every function.[0] [0]: -- Nobuhiro Iwamatsu Thu, 02 Feb 2012 04:18:49 +0900