opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign for Debian ------------------------------------ The instructions below are based on the README file included in the OpenBSD opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign port [0]. These instructions assume that the openssl package is installed. The opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign package has already created the _dkimsign user and group for your convenience. Debian users should note the following changes from OpenBSD: * The instructions assume that dkim keys will be stored in /etc/mail/dkim, but you may use a different directory. If you would like to use /etc/mail/dkim, you will need to create it. It should be owned by _dkimsign:_dkimsign and have mode 770: sudo install -d -m 770 -o _dkimsign -g _dkimsign /etc/mail/dkim [0] -- Ryan Kavanagh Thu, 10 Jun 2021 09:43:35 -0400 $OpenBSD: README,v 1.2 2021/06/10 10:58:51 martijn Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- To use filter-dkimsign, you must first generate a private key: sudo -u _dkimsign openssl genrsa -out /etc/mail/dkim/private.rsa.key 2048 To generate the public key ready for dns: openssl rsa -in /etc/mail/dkim/private.rsa.key -pubout | \ sed '1s/.*/v=DKIM1;p=/;:nl;${s/-----.*//;q;};N;s/\n//g;b nl;' This value needs to be placed in a DNS txt record with the following syntax: ._domainkey. Edit the /etc/smtpd.conf file to declare the filter: filter dkimsign_rsa proc-exec "filter-dkimsign -d -s -k /etc/mail/dkim/private.rsa.key" user _dkimsign group _dkimsign Then add the filter to each listener that should be signed: listen on all filter dkimsign_rsa To use Ed25519 similar steps must be taken. Make sure the ed25519 flavor of opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign is installed. To generate the private key: sudo -u _dkimsign openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -outform PEM -out /etc/mail/dkim/private.ed25519.key To generate the public key ready for dns: printf "v=DKIM1;k=ed25519;p=%s" "$(openssl pkey -outform DER -pubout -in /etc/mail/dkim/private.ed25519.key | tail -c +13 | openssl base64)" Edit the /etc/smtpd.conf file to declare the filter: filter dkimsign_ed25519 proc-exec "filter-dkimsign -a ed25519-sha256 -d -s -k /etc/mail/dkim/private.ed25519.key" user _dkimsign group _dkimsign To add both filters to each listener that should be signed: filter dkimsign chain { dkimsign_rsa, dkimsign_ed25519 } listen on all filter dkimsign For a full list of options see filter-dkimsign(8).