This file reports disrupting changes, using the SEMVER semantic. If the version is X.Y.Z, a change in X notifies of a needed manual change, a change of Y means a restart of a service, and increase of Y means only minor fix not implying service restart. 42.2.1: * Make all puppet manifest work with puppet-openstack Yoga. 42.2.0: * Make Designate work: warning, restart of all Neutron services. 42.1.3: * Make oci-build-nova-instances-vg do bind mounts for /var/lib/{libvirt,nova,cinder} instead of just /var/lib/nova/instances. This better fits setup with Ceph. * Added DSS 1510 support in oci-block-device-udev-sorting. 42.1.1: * Restarts all services on swiftproxy nodes, fixing path_prefix. 42.1.0: * Restart haproxy on controllers + swiftproxies due to rate fixing.