owasp-java-html-sanitizer (20191001.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* New upstream release
* Removed the -doc package
* Updated the URL of the project
* Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
* Added the watch file
* Standards-Version updated to 4.5.0
* Switch to debhelper level 12
* Use salsa.debian.org Vcs-* URLs
* Fixed the license name in debian/copyright
-- Emmanuel Bourg Fri, 22 May 2020 22:55:05 +0200
owasp-java-html-sanitizer (0.1+r88-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* Remove obsolete DM-uploads-allowed field.
* Do not build-depend on libjsr305-java-doc anymore because it is gone.
(Closes: #923654)
-- Markus Koschany Tue, 12 Mar 2019 01:25:43 +0100
owasp-java-html-sanitizer (0.1+r88-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Debian release (Closes: #664055)
[tony mancill]
* Set DMUA flag.
-- James Page Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:18:18 +0000
owasp-java-html-sanitizer (0.1+r88-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
* Initial release (LP: #954960).
-- James Page Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:53:59 +0000