pagure for Debian ================= Configuring pagure ------------------ ## Introduction After you've installed the package, you will need to perform some manual operations in order to get everything working. You can find a quick guide of what needs to be configured below. If you need more help or information, you can refer to the official documentation (available in the 'pagure-doc' package). This document was based on the "pagure-README.Fedora" file, available at: 1) Install and set up a database Pagure comes configured to use SQLite by default, which should be OK for testing purposes, but is probably not the best choice for production servers. If you would like to set up a MariaDB or a PostgreSQL database with pagure, you will need to install the necessary packages ('mariadb-server' or 'postgresql', depending on your choice) and create the database. Note that you just need to install the database server if you intend to run it on the same machine as pagure. If you already have a database server running at another location, you can use it. 1.1) Using MariaDB Execute the following commands as MariaDB admin: mysql> CREATE DATABASE pagure; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pagure.* TO _pagure IDENTIFIED BY ''; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> EXIT; The system pagure user is called "_pagure", so it is a good practice to use the same name as the database user. Don't forget to replace by the password you would like to use. 1.2) Using PostgreSQL Switch to the 'postgres' user and execute: $ createuser --pwprompt _pagure $ createdb -O _pagure pagure The first command (createuser) will ask for a password to be used for the database user. You can test if everything worked by doing (as root, for example): # psql -d pagure -h localhost -U _pagure 1.3) Using SQLite If you want to use SQLite, you just need to install the package (it is called 'sqlite3'). 2) Install Redis Pagure needs Redis to work. You can install it locally using the 'redis-server' package, or you can configure pagure to talk to a Redis server running in another machine (see the /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg configuration file). 3) Inform pagure about your database options If you chose to use a database different than SQLite, you must edit the file /etc/pagure/alembic.ini, and change the line: sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:////var/tmp/pagure_dev.sqlite to: sqlalchemy.url = mysql+pymysql://_pagure:@localhost/pagure if you chose to use MariaDB with 'python3-pymysql', or to: sqlalchemy.url = postgres+pg8000://_pagure:@localhost/pagure if you chose to use PostgreSQL with 'python3-pg8000'. You also need to edit the file /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg, comment out the 'DB_URL' parameter (which is set to use SQLite by default), and uncomment the correct 'DB_URL' option (depending on the database you chose to use). 5) Edit the configuration files You will need to edit the file /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg and fill it with information about your instance. The Debian pagure package uses /var/lib/pagure/ as the directory which will contain everything about the instance (like the git repositories), except for the "releases" folder, which is located at /var/www/releases. You will also want to take a good look at this configuration file, and change many things on it. For example, changing the email address, domain name, git configuration, and many other settings might be a good idea, especially if you intend to make your instance public. The file is reasonably well commented, but you might also want to look at the official documentation, either by installing the 'pagure-doc' package or by going directly to: 6) Enable the "pagure" git authentication backend As of Pagure 5.8.1, the "gitolite3" git authentication backend does not work with recent gitolite3 packages (see ). Debian carries a recent gitolite3. For this reason, Debian's pagure package comes pre-configured to use the "pagure" git authentication backend, which works just as well. You have two options to enable the "pagure" git authentication backend. The first option, which comes pre-configured, is to use the new 'pagure-authorized-keys-worker' service, which is responsible for writing the 'authorized_keys' file that will be used for authentication. This option does not require you to modify any system files, but is slower, impossible to scale to multiple Pagure frontend instances on top of a shared git repository without causing races, and is not recommended for bigger instances. The second option is to directly modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and instruct the SSH server to ask Pagure to validate a SSH user key. This has the advantage of performance, but involves modifying sshd's configuration file, which may not be feasible for everybody. 6.1) Using the 'pagure-authorized-keys-worker' worker Pagure on Debian comes pre-configured to use the new 'pagure-authorized-keys-worker' worker. All you have to do is enable and start it: # systemctl enable --now pagure-authorized-keys-worker.service 6.2) Modifying the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file Unfortunately, you will need to make a small modification to your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file in order to make things work. You will have to add the following two lines to it: AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/share/pagure/ "%u" "%h" "%t" "%f" AuthorizedKeysCommandUser _pagure Make sure to reload your sshd after editing the file: # systemctl reload sshd.service You will also have to edit /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg and modify: GIT_AUTH_BACKEND = "pagure" 7) Set up the database After you've edited the configuration files, you can run: $ python3 /usr/share/pagure/ -c /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg -i /etc/pagure/alembic.ini This will set up the database. If you are upgrading pagure and already have an existing database, you can omit the "-i ..." part of the command: $ python3 /usr/share/pagure/ -c /etc/pagure/pagure.cfg 8) Edit the Apache2 configuration file (or create one, if you're not using Apache2) If you're using Apache2, you must edit the configuration file that is shipped with pagure. The file can be found at /etc/apache2/conf-available/pagure.conf. It comes with several settings pre-configured; you will "just" have to edit things like the hostname, VirtualHost, SSL/TLS support. 9) Open ports in the firewall, if needed If you use a firewall, don't forget to open the necessary ports if needed. You will likely need to open: - Port 80 (HTTP) or 443 (HTTPS), depending on your configuration - Port 22 (SSH) You may have to open other ports depending on your setup. 10) Finally, start pagure and its timers! # systemctl enable --now pagure-worker \ pagure-api-key-expire-mail.timer \ pagure-mirror-project-in.timer If you are using TLS, you will need to enable the "ssl" and the "headers" Apache modules: # a2enmod ssl headers Enable the Apache configuration file, and restart Apache: # a2enconf pagure # systemctl restart apache2.service If the configuration files are OK, the service should start without problems. 11) Install and enable other pagure services (optional) Debian ships quite a number of pagure packages which extend the regular functionality of pagure. A simple: # apt search pagure- should be able to list the extra packages available for installation. Please, keep in mind that these packages come with systemd service files that are not enabled/started by default, so you will have to do that yourself. -- Sergio Durigan Junior Fri, 19 Jul 2019 14:24:52 -0400