pd-zexy for Debian ------------------- these are general instructions to load the zexy library, not specific to Debian. Usage: zexy consists of both a (binary) library and a set of abstractions. Therefore, if you want to access all of the zexy objects, you need to tell Pd to both - load the library (either by adding "zexy" to the list of startup libraries in Pd's preferences, or by using the "-lib zexy" commandline argument to Pd) and to - add the search-path for the abstractions (either by adding "/usr/lib/pd/extra/zexy" to the paths in Pd's preferences of by using the "-path /usr/lib/pd/extra/zexy" commandlind argument to Pd) step-by-step: METHOD 1: start Pd - navigate to "File->Path..." and add "/usr/lib/pd/extra/zexy" to the list of search-paths - click OK - navigate to "File->Startup..." and add "zexy" to the list of binaries to be loaded - click "Apply" and "Save all settings" METHOD 2: issue the command (without the '%' sign) % pd -path /usr/lib/pd/extra/zexy -lib zexy -- IOhannes m zmölnig , Wed, 17 Aug 2010 12:35:00 +0200