php-http-webdav-server (1.0.0RC6-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Drop override_dh_link in d/rules, that file was removed by pkg-php-tools (Closes: #738416) * Bump debhelper compat to level 9 * Bump Standard-Version to 3.9.5 * Change maintainer name to "Debian PHP PEAR Maintainers" * Use ${phppear:summary} and ${phppear:description} * Use ${phppear:Debian-Depends/Recommends/Breaks} * Update copyright file to version 1.0 format * Update debian/watch, Thanks to Bart Martens * Add myself as uploader * Drop d/patches/Removes-LICENSE-and-COPYING-from-packaging * Remove references of role="data" in package.xml * Change Vcs-* to canonical URI -- Prach Pongpanich Mon, 10 Feb 2014 02:32:16 +0700 php-http-webdav-server (1.0.0RC6-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Added a debian/gbp.conf. * Switching to source format 3.0 (quilt). * Switching to pkg-php-tools and dh 8 sequencer. * Switching debian/copyright to DEP5. Note that upstream relicensed using a BSD license. * Standards-Version: is now 3.9.2 (no changes) * Fixed Vcs fields (Closes: #638520). * Now using PKG-PHP-PEAR team maintenance. * Patches package.xml to remove LICENSE and COPYING files from packaging. * Fixes perm of usr/share/php/tests/HTTP_WebDAV_Server/tests/ -- Thomas Goirand Sun, 29 Jan 2012 01:05:58 +0800 php-http-webdav-server (1.0.0RC4-2) unstable; urgency=low * Updated debian/copyright as advised by ftp-masters. -- Thomas Goirand Thu, 08 Jul 2010 22:49:22 +0800 php-http-webdav-server (1.0.0RC4-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #561907) -- Thomas Goirand Mon, 05 Jul 2010 16:45:25 +0800