This package was debianised by Thorsten Glaser on Sat, 19 May 2018 16:17:36 +0200. It was downloaded from: The repackaged origtgz was created by removing the whole templates/ directory and all example*.php files from the top-level of the tree. The Debian packaging is © 2018 mirabilos and published under the same terms as the upstream code, as shown below: * Realized by Federico Ulfo & maintained by the Rain Team * Distributed under GNU/LGPL 3 License Until is resolved, we assume this to mean that this package is covered by the GNU LGPL version 3, no later version. There are mentions of the MIT licence in composer.json, and the antecessor Rain.TPL version 2 was indeed MIT-licenced, from the same author, but the repositories do not share any commits, so we can reasonably assume the author relicenced this later version of their code. On Debian systems, the complete text of this licence can be found at: /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3