phpPgAdmin for Debian ===================== Usage ----- The application is available at http://localhost/phppgadmin/ after installation. Edit /etc/apache2/conf-available/phppgadmin.conf if you want to change the default access policy or other Apache settings. Edit /etc/phppgadmin/ to connect to databases on other hosts and ports, and to change other configuration settings of phpPgAdmin. Access Control -------------- By default phpPgAdmin connects to localhost port 5432. PostgreSQL installations on Debian authenticate this access with passwords by default, so you should give your database users passwords. You can do this by executing in a shell while being root: # su - postgres $ psql (and inside the psql shell) =# \password someuser =# \q In particular, you need to give the postgres user itself a password this way if you want to use phpPgAdmin for administration tasks using this superuser account. Additionally, you need to set extra_login_security to false in /etc/phppgadmin/ For further information about PostgreSQL users and passwords refer to the documentation available in the postgresql-doc package. Alternative Approach -------------------- In case you want to avoid password authentication for all users (for instance this might break some local applications which are designed to work with ident authentication) the following approach is suggested: Create a special phppgadmin user: su - postgres createuser --adduser --createdb --encrypted --pwprompt phppgadmin Insert the following line in your /etc/postgresql/x.y/zzz/pg_hba.conf file: local all phppgadmin md5 (make sure that it is above "local all all ident sameuser") Then, reload the PostgreSQL server with /etc/init.d/postgresql-x.y reload. You should be able to login with phppgadmin and the password chosen above into the phpPgAdmin interface. Reports Database ---------------- The "reports" functionality needs a database created. (The web interface will tell you to look for instructions in a file "INSTALL".) The necessary SQL file is located in /usr/share/phppgadmin/sql/reports-pgsql.sql. The default permissions are pretty broad, you might want to set up stricter permissions instead.