=== IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT POSTGRESQL VERSION SUPPORT === PostBooks versions 4.0.x and 4.1.x are NOT supported with PostgreSQL v9.3 and later. Users trying to connect to a recent version of PostgreSQL will typically see an error like this: ERROR: column "procpid" does not exist The Debian package maintainers have tested with the PostgreSQL 9.1 server from Debian 7 (wheezy). http://bugs.debian.org/724305 xTuple maintain a compatibility matrix on their web site: http://www.xtuple.org/compatibility-matrix === IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT DATABASE UPGRADES === PostBooks is a client/server solution, however, there is no actual PostBooks server. PostgreSQL is used as the server. The PostBooks client code (Debian package "postbooks") can be used to connect to a PostgreSQL instance on the same machine or on a network. Consequently, - The postgresql package and the database schema are not automatically installed with the GUI package - Upgrading the client GUI package does not upgrade the database. It is the administrator's responsibility to manage the database upgrade. There is another package, "postbooks-updater", that allows the administrator to manage the database schema and apply updates from any PC with access to the database. The database schema includes information about the schema version. The client GUI checks the database version when you connect and will warn if there is a mismatch. Using a mismatched client with a different database version is strongly discouraged and risks data corruption. On the host where you want to run the PostgreSQL server, please try installing one of the postbooks-schema packages, for example: # apt-get install postbooks-schema-quickstart \ postgresql postgresql-contrib to automatically install PostgreSQL itself, the required modules, database and schema creation. When you want to upgrade the database (for example, when upgrading from the 4.1 client to the 4.2 client), install the postbooks-updater package and look in /usr/share/doc/postbooks-updater/ for details. === QUICKSTART === Use one of the postbooks-schema-* packages or download from the PostBooks web site, there are three to choose from: postbooks-schema-empty - empty database, no chart of accounts, just tables postbooks-schema-quickstart - quickstart database, basic chart of accounts postbooks-schema-demo - demo database, has some customers in it On the machine where you want to run the PostgreSQL server: # apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib Now use the following script code at the shell on your PostgreSQL server machine: cat > /tmp/init.sql << EOF CREATE GROUP xtrole; CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'crm' CREATEDB CREATEUSER IN GROUP xtrole; EOF su - postgres psql -U postgres -f /tmp/init.sql postgres createdb -U admin -W -h localhost pb_demo wget -O quickstart.backup http:// pg_restore -U admin -W -h localhost -d pb_demo quickstart.backup -v where "quickstart.backup" should be replaced with the filename of the schema you want, for example, the packaged schema may be in a location like this: /usr/share/postbooks-schema/postbooks_empty-4.0.2.backup If your GUI is not on the same host as the PostgreSQL server, you may have to edit /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf to add your host or IP range to the ACL, eg. add something like this: host pb_demo all md5 and then service postgresql reload Finally, start the GUI with the command "postbooks" and login using your database credentials. === PRODUCT NAME: xTuple OR PostBooks? === Upstream seems to use the names "xTuple" and "PostBooks" interchangeably to refer to their product. The tarball is named xtuple and the git repository is xtuple/qt-client The name xTuple appears to be used in this way with several products from the same upstream, some of them distributed as commercially licensed non-free software. The PostBooks name has been designated by upstream for the free version of the product. Consequently, the Debian packaging refers to the source package and the binary using the name "postbooks".