gld for Debian ============== gld stands for GreyList Daemon. gld is a standalone policy delegation server for postfix that implements the greylist algorithm as defined at It's written in C and uses MySQL for the database stuff. Requirements: ------------ postfix >= 2.1 mysql-server It is possible to have postfix, mysql-server and this daemon all running on different machines, so this package does not have a Depends on postfix or mysql-server (only a Suggests). For simplicity, this document assumes they are all on the same machine. Configuration: ------------- * Make sure mysql-server starts on boot. Otherwise gld will not start, and postfix will not receive any mail. In doubt: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 * Make sure mysql-server has a priority of 18 or lower in the boot scripts. The default is 20, which is the same as postfix. gld has 19, so you will have to lower the priority of mysql-server to 18 at least: update-rc.d -f mysql remove update-rc.d mysql defaults 18 Note: The priority-based boot process in wheezy should make this step not required at all. * Choose a user, a password and a database name and put them in the /etc/gld.conf file at the very end. * Create the database with the chosen name, then create a user to access the database and give it the password in the previous step. Assuming that you only changed the password in /etc/gld.conf, you can easily do this from a mysql shell by doing this: CREATE DATABASE gld; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gld.* TO gld@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'passwordforgld'; USE gld; source /usr/share/gld/tables.mysql source /usr/share/gld/table-whitelist.sql * Edit /etc/default/gld so that it reads: ENABLED=1 Then gld will start automatically on boot. * When using systemd, do this instead: systemctl enable gld * Start gld and see if there are errors: invoke-rc.d gld start * When using systemd, do this instead: systemctl start gld * You should see something like this in the log: Starting GreyListing Daemon: gld. * If everything was ok until this point, postfix will be ready to use gld. Edit /etc/postfix/ and add a line like this: check_policy_service inet: to the smtpd_recipient_restrictions variable, or any other variable which is appropriate for this. By default, the Debian postfix package does not define any variable which is suitable for this, so it is possible that you will have to add the definition yourself (not just "add" the check_policy_service line). In such case, you may copy the following example verbatim: smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unauth_destination, check_policy_service inet: It is very important that you have reject_unauth_destination first. In doubt, install the postfix-doc package and read the Postfix manual, for which this README.Debian is not meant to be a replacement. * After changing /etc/postfix/, reload postfix: postfix reload Database cleanup: ---------------- You might want to perform some cleanup of old entries automatically using a cron job (so that the database do not become polluted by spammers). Options -c and -k may help here. For example: #!/bin/sh set -e ( gld -c 90 gld -k 7 ) | egrep -v 'Cleaned [[:digit:]]+ entries older than [[:digit:]]+ days' That would clean all database entries not updated in three months and entries with only one hit not updated in a week. Bugs: ---- start-stop-daemon is unable to start or kill gld appropriately. For this reason /etc/init.d/gld does not use start-stop-daemon. Help will be appreciated to debug this. Features: -------- Some people have reported that postfix sometimes has timeout problems when talking with the gld daemon, the logs from postfix/smtpd are like this: warning: timeout on while reading input attribute name warning: problem talking to server Connection timed out This may be fixed by increasing the value of smtpd_policy_service_timeout in /etc/postfix/ The default value is 100s, so you might want to try something like this: smtpd_policy_service_timeout = 240s Security warnings: ----------------- * Make sure you have secured your MySQL installation. I usually do this just after installing mysql-server: use mysql; delete from user where user=''; delete from user where host != 'localhost'; update user set password=PASSWORD('somepassword') where user='root'; flush privileges; then create a file named $HOME/.my.cnf with mode 600 containing this: [mysql] user = root password = somepassword * By default, /etc/gld.conf is mode 644, which means every local user will have access to the gld database. If you don't like this, change the password and do chmod 640 /etc/gld.conf. * The default /etc/gld.conf says LOOPBACKONLY=1, which means gld will only accept connections from localhost. Use LOOPBACKONLY=0 only if you really need it, i.e. if your greylisting daemon is going to be used by a Postfix installed in another machine. Make sure the greylisting daemon may only be accessed by the machine running Postfix. IPv6 ---- In previous releases, the default size for ip field in /usr/share/gld/tables.mysql was 16 bytes, which is not enough for IPv6 addresses. This would be a possible way to convert the database: invoke-rc.d gld stop gld-dump > gld.sql gld-restore < gld.sql invoke-rc.d gld start where gld-dump is a script like this: #!/bin/sh set -e eval `grep ^SQL /etc/gld.conf` mysqldump="mysqldump --add-drop-table --skip-extended-insert --skip-comments" $mysqldump -h ${SQLHOST} -p ${SQLDB} -u ${SQLUSER} --password=${SQLPASSWD} |\ sed -e 's/`ip` char(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT/`ip` char(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT/' and gld-restore is a script like this: #!/bin/sh set -e eval `grep ^SQL /etc/gld.conf` mysql="mysql" $mysql -h ${SQLHOST} -p ${SQLDB} -u ${SQLUSER} --password=${SQLPASSWD}