profphd-utils (1.0.10-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Drop unneeded get-orig-source target * debhelper 11 * Point Vcs fields to * Standards-Version: 4.2.1 -- Andreas Tille Tue, 23 Oct 2018 19:58:25 +0200 profphd-utils (1.0.10-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Moved packaging from SVN to Git * debhelper 10 * Standards-Version: 4.1.1 -- Andreas Tille Thu, 16 Nov 2017 16:12:31 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.10-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * add debian/examples/ to use with testsuite * add profphd-utils.examples * add testsuite for autopkgtest * add files in debian/examples/ to debian/copyright, * run cme fix dpkg-copyright * add debian/docs * add debian/README.test * cme fix dpkg-control * add hardening -- Tatiana Malygina Fri, 08 Jul 2016 17:03:18 +0300 profphd-utils (1.0.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add myself to Uploaders * cme fix dpkg-control * Priority: optional * debhelper 9 * d/copyright converted to DEP5 -- Andreas Tille Fri, 08 Jan 2016 16:16:28 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 14 Aug 2012 09:29:31 +0200 profphd-utils (1.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Changed from cdbs to dh. -- Laszlo Kajan Fri, 01 Jun 2012 12:56:21 +0200 profphd-utils (1.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release in Debian (Closes: #643323) -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 27 Sep 2011 10:08:18 +0200 profphd-utils (1.0.6) unstable; urgency=low * Debian native now -- Laszlo Kajan Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:50:38 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.5) * Introduced AM_FFLAGS; FFLAGS now can be used on the command line/ENV as expected -- Laszlo Kajan Thu, 01 Apr 2010 11:53:35 +0200 profphd-utils (1.0.4) * increased MAXCORE to 16777216 in filter_hssp.f in order to allow a big alignment to fit (DMD_HUMAN.hssp example) * Made sequence names case sensitive for READ_MSF routine - solves bug with 3h4p_A and 3h4p_a chains mistaken for the same thing -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:17:03 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.3) * Removed unnecessary directories; made not to install *.{LINUX,ALPHA,etc} files * lib-sys-linux.f was duplicate of lib-sys-LINUX.f - lib-sys-linux.f removed * Distribute only .LINUX version of lib-sys-*.f -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 05 Jan 2010 23:18:07 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.2) * Fixed uninitialized variables without -flocal-init-zero -- Laszlo Kajan Tue, 05 Jan 2010 23:18:07 +0100 profphd-utils (1.0.1) * Initial version -- Laszlo Kajan Fri, 18 Dec 2009 23:23:21 +0100