proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5-1.1+deb8u2) jessie-proposed-updates; urgency=high

  * Fix CVE-2017-7418: AllowChrootSymlinks off does not check entire 
    DefaultRoot path for symlinks. Fix proftpd#4295. Closes: #859592
  * Fix CVE-2016-3125: TLSDHParamFile directive appears ignored because 
    unexpected DH is chosen.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 05 Apr 2017 16:20:32 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5-1.1+deb8u1) jessie-security; urgency=high

  * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team
  * Fix CVE-2015-3306: unauthenticated copying of files via SITE CPFR/CPTO
    allowed by mod_copy (Closes: #782781)

 -- Sebastien Delafond <>  Tue, 19 May 2015 12:53:10 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non maintainer upload.
  * proftpd-dev: Depend on libtool-bin. Closes: #761795.

 -- Matthias Klose <>  Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:25:36 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release. Patch 4044 merged.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:55:22 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc4-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fixed postinst for invalid usermod call.
  * New patch added to fix upstream bug #4044. This fix now allows using a
    proper reload instead of a restart in the init script.
    (closes: #594449, #675081)
  * The previous change for the start-stop-daemon appears invalid, so changed
    a bit timings to possibly allow proper stops under heavy loads.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:25:22 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc4-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Now using /run instead of /var/run for state directory.
    (closes: #699798)
  * Revised debconf config to explicitly set default.
    (closes: #707689)
  * Revised (again) --retry flag for start-stop-daemon in order to fix long
    delays in stopping the daemon.
    (closes: #675081, #721201)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 06 Feb 2014 16:41:26 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream pre-release, with fix for CVE-2013-4359 aka proftpd#3973.
    (closes: #723179)
  * Included fix by Andreas Beckmann:
    - Cleanup Breaks+Replaces.
    - Add proftpd-mod-geoip.preinst script to delete the old buggy postrm script
      on upgrades from wheezy. Otherwise the buggy postrm script would delete
      some files from the newly unpacked package. 
    (closes: #699647)
  * Refreshed patchset.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:20:53 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc3-2.2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Cleanup Breaks+Replaces.
  * Add proftpd-mod-geoip.preinst script to delete the old buggy postrm script
    on upgrades from wheezy. Otherwise the buggy postrm script would delete
    some files from the newly unpacked package.  (Closes: #699647)

 -- Andreas Beckmann <>  Sun, 26 Jan 2014 04:05:47 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc3-2.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Add CVE-2013-4359.patch patch.
    CVE-2013-4359: Fix invalid pool authentication in mod_sftp/mod_sftp_pam
    during kbdint authentication leading to DoS conditions. (Closes: #723179)
  * Correct Breaks and Replaces on proftpd-mod-geoip package.
    The old proftpd-mod-geoip addon module is now obsoleted by core proftpd.
    Adjusted the Breaks/Replaces to 1.3.5~rc1-1 which introduced the geoip
    module in proftpd core.
    Thanks to Andreas Beckmann <> (Closes: #699647)

 -- Salvatore Bonaccorso <>  Sat, 05 Oct 2013 14:51:36 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added version for dependency on memcached, for completeness.
    (closes: #699514)
  * The old proftpd-mod-geoip addon module is now onbsoleted by core proftpd,
    so required Breaks/Replaces are provided to avoid piuparts breakages.
    (closes: #699647)
  * Modified modules.conf template to suggest the geoip module.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 03 Jul 2013 14:09:32 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream pre-release. 
  * First upload in sid for 1.3.5 series.
  * Policy bumped to 3.9.4, no changes required.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 24 Jun 2013 17:39:40 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream pre-release.
    (closes: #671063)
  * Refreshed all Debian related patches.
  * Do not install ftpasswd.1 anymore.
    (closes: #699800)
  * Added support for inetutils-inetd. Thanks Mats Erik Andersson.
    (closes: #679221)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:23:59 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc1-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Now signal() uses a schedule for --retry in start-stop-daemon instead of a 
    simple fixed delay. This should be safe in every situations when the init
    script is called.
    (closes: #675081)
  * Removed dependency on update-inetd. Now it is under responsability of the
    admin to ensure installing *inetd _before_ reconfiguring proftpd in 
    non standalone mode. Also in that case one could use xinetd which renders
    the update-inetd tool superfluous.
    (closes: #626527)
  * Added Suggests for the new -geoip module.
  * New patch: `contrib_hardening_flags' adds hardening flags to contrib/ modules.
    (Thanks Simon Ruderich for the patch).
    (closes: #668196)
  * Added hardening-includes b-d.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:57:37 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.5~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream pre-release.
    (closes: #697526, #691618, #600596)
  * Refreshed main patchset for 1.3.5 source tree. CVE-2012-6095 provided
    by 3841 dropped.
  * Added mod_geoip module among contributed module and a new binary
    package to depend on GeoIP library.
  * Now all calls of /etc/init.d/proftpd or invoke-rc.d cannot fail anymore.
    (closes: #622126)
  * Now `ftp' user is only removed in postrm purge, without removing 
    its home dir. (closes: #655514)
  * Missing memcache enabling renders mod_tls_memcache unusable even
    if present. That triggered the missing libmemcached-dev b-d and
    requires a new main library dependency.
  * Removed it/ru as standalone locale directories. Reason to have them is
    lost in time and currently wrong. This is also connected with #600596
    for those languages. Sigh.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:42:27 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4a-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [SECURITY] New patch 3841 fixes CVE-2012-6095: a possible race
  condition in the handling of the MKD/XMKD FTP commands, when the UserOwner 
  directive is involved, and the attacker is on the same physical 
  machine as a running proftpd.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 08 Jan 2013 12:08:47 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4a-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mahyuddin Susanto ]
  * Team upload.
  * Fix typo in proftpd.conf templates line 133, thanks John Smith.
    (Closes: #655630)
  * Updated Danish translations, thanks Joe Dalton. (Closes: #659326)
  * debian/copyright:
    - Resync with latest dep5 format.
    - Use stand-alone license paragraph for repeatable license.
    - Use whitespace instead of comma separated for Files fields.
    - wrap-and-sort.
  * debian/control:
    - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3.
  * debian/rules: Enabled hardened flags, patch from Moritz Muehlenhoff.
    (Closes: #657213)
  * debian/changelog: Wrap latest changelog line 3 to 80 line, thanks lintian.
  * debian/proftpd-basic.install: Add missing sftp-sql modules.
    (Closes: 665191)

  [ Francesco Paolo Lovergine ]
  * Added a note about the need of removing rfc/ folder in upstream sources.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 28 Mar 2012 15:24:13 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4a-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Merged patch removed: 3711.
  * Now enabled PCRE instead of glibc POSIX regex and added required
    libpcre3-dev build-dep.
  * Added libpcre3-dev dependency to libproftpd-dev due to header files

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 21 Nov 2011 13:29:13 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc3-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added libacl1-dev and libssl-dev to proftpd-dev dependencies, due to
    header files inclusion.
  * Added patch 3711 to manage CVE-2011-4130 (Response pool use-after-free
    memory corruption error).
    (closes: #648373)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 11 Nov 2011 13:19:37 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream pre-release.
  * Refreshed all patches.
  * Changed patch xferstats.holger-preiss to fix a few warnings and use
    Getopt::Std instead of the old which will be removed soon or
    later in perl5. Thanks lintian.
  * Policy bumped to 3.9.2.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 06 Oct 2011 12:57:29 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc2-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Now debian/rules manages correctly debug. noopt and nostrip options
    in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS against proftpd building script.
    (closes: #624267)
  * Added NoSessionReuseRequired as suggested TLSOptions: it does allow some
    clients to work correctly with data connection.
  * Added a suitable entry in NEWS file to warn about mod_ldap directives
    upstream changes.
    (closes: #628944)
  * Changed ldap.conf template to reflect new basic directives.
  * Changed reference URL for the Timing Attack in proftpd.conf template.
    (closes: #630427)
  * Now proftpd-basic.postrm removes also the logrotate script on purge.
    (closes: #626742)
  * Added another override for lintian about embedding the libtool ltdl.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 02 Sep 2011 11:32:31 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc2-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added new contributed modules building and loading: mod_copy, mod_deflate, 
    mod_ifversion, mod_tls_memcache
  * Removed mod_vroot loading in modules.conf.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 22 Apr 2011 16:58:35 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed mod_vroot patches, because it will be provided by the separate
    proftpd-mod-vroot source package.
  * Updated NEWS file to warn about the now missing vroot module.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 20 Apr 2011 17:44:32 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.4~rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Mahyuddin Susanto <> ]

  * Add DEP-3 header in patches:
    - debian/patches/mod_cap
    - debian/patches/ftpstats
    - debian/patches/series
    - debian/patches/xferstats.holger-preiss
    - debian/patches/CVE-2011-1137
    - debian/patches/odbc
    - debian/patches/silent
    - debian/patches/mod_sql_mysql.c
    - debian/patches/ftpasswd.cracklib.location
    - debian/patches/autotools
    - debian/patches/prxs
    - debian/patches/mod_vroot
    - debian/patches/quotatab_modules
    - debian/patches/mod_wrap_noparanoid
    - debian/patches/change_pam_name
  * debian/copyright: Rewriting as per DEP-5 machine readable.
  * Fix typo in 1.3.3d-4 changelog.
  * debian/ftpasswd.8
    - Remove white space
    - Using hypen instead of minus sign in manual page.
  * debian/patches/use_hypen_in_manpage.patch: Do not use minus sign in manual
  * Use set -e instead of passed -e to the shell on the #! line in the body of
     - proftpd-basic.config
     - proftpd-basic.postrm
     - proftpd-basic.preinst
  * Override lintian to trivial error checking
    - debian/proftpd-basic.lintian-overrides
    - debian/proftpd-dev.lintian-overrides

  [ Francesco Paolo Lovergine ]

  * Annotated CVE IDs in debian/changelog for recent vulnerabilities fixed.
  * New upstream release candidate for 1.3.4 series.
  * Patch removed: 
        debian/patches/prxs (merged upstream)
  * Patch updated:
  * Patch use_hypen_in_manpage.patch: dropped extension.
  * Now debian/control is also a phony target.
  * Now clean target does not remove upstream files to be more nice against gbp.
  * Fixed a typo in debian/ and regenerated the template. 
  * Fixed a typo in proftpd-dev.README.Debian
  * Moved ftp user home to /srv/ftp as used by other ftp servers.
  * Now ftp home and user are removed on purge (old or new one).
  * Removing the whole log directory on purge.
  * Now lastlog logging is enabled at building time to allow UseLastlog on/off 
    use in configuration. Thanks TerminX.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:04:35 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3d-4) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixed previous changelog.
  * Now proftpd.conf includes /etc/proftpd/conf.d contents to allow custom
    configurations being loaded after system ones in separate files.
  * Added README.Debian for proftpd-dev to explain how to build add-on
  * [PATCH] silent remove excessive verbosity at startup about conf.d
    directory parsing.
  * Updated debian/NEWS file with information about new conf.d directory.
  * Now configuration file name can be overridden at run-time.
    (closes: #613527)
  * Now uses Breaks instead of Conflicts against pre-squeeze proftpd package.
  * [SECURITY,PATCH] CVE-2011-1137: mod_sftp behaves badly when receiving
    badly formed SSH messages.
    (closes: #616179)
  * Updated Czech debconf template.
    (closes: #616336)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 04 Mar 2011 00:42:18 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3d-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated danish template.
    (closes: #599862)
  * Now grep uses --silet to avoid warning at /etc/inetd.conf parsing.
    (closes: #605781)
  * Added commented TZ explicit set in proftpd.conf template. 
    Thanks John Wright.
    (closes: #576888)
  * [PATCH] fixed to avoid using the shell to call libtool, which
    prevents prxs working correctly with any shell.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 15 Feb 2011 12:16:48 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3d-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added Vcs-* fields for the new pkg-proftpd alioth project.
  * Now using pkg-proftpd developers list as Maintainer field and
    added me as an Uploader.
  * Updated README.source to reflect changes to maintainance.
  * Changed long description in debian/control* to be more smart and up-to-date.
  * Changed ProFTPd string occurrences in ProFTPD in all templates, as it is the
    official program name since a long time.
  * Fixed proftpd-substvars for current version.
  * Now proftpd-substvars is updated at every build to avoid easy oversights.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 11 Feb 2011 14:02:32 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3d-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream stable release with ABI bumping.
  * Moved to source format 3.0, with quilt.
  * Moved debian patches to quilt.
  * Policy bumped to 3.9.1.
  * Removed all patches merged upstream.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 08 Feb 2011 13:42:03 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-6) unstable; urgency=high

  * [SECURITY] 3536.dpatch fixes insufficient bounds checking in sql_prepare_where() 
    function as found in mod_sql.c. This is CVE-2010-4652.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 28 Jan 2011 09:54:52 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-5) unstable; urgency=high

  * [SECURITY,PATCH] 3521.dpatch fixes Telnet IAC processing stack overflow.
    This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
    vulnerable installations of ProFTPD. Authentication is not required to
    exploit this vulnerability. It applies to >= 1.3.2rc3.
    (closes: #602279, #602288)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 03 Nov 2010 10:51:05 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-4) unstable; urgency=high

  * [SECURITY,PATCH] 3519.dpatch fixes Inappropriate directory traversal allowed by
    mod_site_misc. This vulnerability can be used to:
     - create a directory located outside the writable directory
     - delete a directory located outside the writable directory
     - create a symlink located outside the writable directory
     - change the time of a file located outside the writable directory.
    This fixes CVE-2010-3867.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:59:54 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fixed 3492.dpatch to drop .rej file still around.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 14 Sep 2010 15:25:29 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * A few upstream fixes taken from 1.3.3b bug fixing release. Most fixes
    are NULL dereferences that cause segfaults at run time.
  * New patches:
        3481.dpatch: Problem with SFTP directory listings.
        3483.dpatch: NULL pointer dereference handling SITE command in mod_quotatab
        3487.dpatch: Null pointer dereference with EPRT/EPSV/PASV/PORT command
                     during data transfer.
        3492.dpatch: Null pointer dereference during data transfer due to
        3494.dpatch: Null pointer dereference for IPv6-enabled proftpd when no
                     DefaultServer configured.
        3501.dpatch: <Anonymous> logins with "AuthAliasOnly on" still handled
                     as anonymous logins.
  * Updated pt_BR.po template.
    (closes: #595889)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 13 Sep 2010 15:38:52 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release and finally uploading to unstable.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 05 Jul 2010 10:35:40 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a~20100625-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Fixed ABI version in debian/control.
  * Moved libcap2-dev to libcap-dev.
  * Policy bumped to 3.9.0. Removed type-handling now obsoleted.
    (closes: #587869)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:01:08 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3a~20100625-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot with about 50 fixes of various bugs.
    See upstream NEWS file for a list of fixes.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 13 May 2010 11:24:54 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.3-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release, with some merges and updates of patches.
    (closes: #577093, #560807)
  * New modules have been enabled:
        mod_sftp and its friends
  * Templates changed to add new modules support.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:02:54 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2e-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed inetd_check() in init file. Thanks Mats Erik Andersson.
    (closes: #554029)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 18 Mar 2010 11:16:29 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2e-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed obsolete patches still in debian/patches.
  * Added mod_vroot to useful contributed modules by mod_vroot.dpatch.
  * Added virtuals.conf to templates to better support vhost/vroot configs.
  * Fixed a bit layout in ftpstats.8 contributed manpage.
  * Updated debian/NEWS file.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 16 Mar 2010 12:38:26 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2e-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated from debian/*.in templates, step previously missed.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:09:46 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2e-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release, with merging of {3342,3337}.dpatch.
  * Moved $remote_fs from Should-Start/-Stop to Required-Start/-Stop as
    suggested by lintian.
  * Fixed spelling error in README.Debian. Thanks lintian.
  * Reformatted time entry in NEWS file. Thanks lintian.
  * Removed explicit path for proftpd call in postinst. Thanks lintian. 
  * Previous changelog entry reformatted for 80 cols layout. Thanks lintian.
  * Install proftpd-substvars without exec attribute.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 09 Mar 2010 17:06:24 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2d-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added patch CVE-2009-3736.dpatch to fix embedded liblt 1.5.8 against 
    CVE-2009-3736 as in backport for 1.5 liblt branch: 
    Note that proftpd use a specific directory for loading solibs so also
    the unfixed version does not really affect proftpd per se. 
  * Added 3337.dpatch to fix better a <Limit> corner case.
  * Policy bumped to 3.8.4, without changes.
  * Now requires openssl >= 0.9.8l-1 to have a working 
    AllowClientRenegotiations.  Renegotiations is disabled in >= 0.9.8k-6, 
    but proftpd assumes it works in all versions before 0.9.8l.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 08 Mar 2010 12:33:31 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2d-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    It should also fix a problem with renegotiations missed in 1.3.2c.
    (closes: #558597)
  * Fixed debian/changelog layout at 80 cols.
  * Added 3342.dpatch: FEAT response contains LF without preceding CR.
    (closes: #563711) 
  * Removed the dpkg-divert check to distinguish inetd/xinetd cases.
    (closes: #562087)
  * Init script now check if inetd or xinetd is installed and warn the users
    if they are not and proftpd config is in inetd mode.
    (closes: #554029)
  * Now proftpd-basic does no more depend on inet-superserver. Admins should
    install inetd/xinetd and configure them when needed. Reintroduced 
    update-inetd dependency instead.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 20 Feb 2010 23:26:22 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2c-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release, with fix of CVE-2009-3736 due to update of the
    embedded liblt with a backported fix.
    (closes: #553406, #555862, #559842)
    Merged patches: 3324, 3328.
  * Added a note about AllowClientRenegotiations option for TLS protocols in 
    NEWS and a commented directive in tls.conf subfile.
    (closes: #558597)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 11 Dec 2009 09:42:48 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2b-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Now copy original config.* stuff and restore at cleaning time. This makes
    lintian happy.
  * Added security patch 3324.dpatch to manage SSL/TLS renegotiation. This is 
    related to recently discovered protocol defection which could render it 
    attackable. See also CVE-2009-3555.
  * Added 3328.dpatch patch to manage a possible end-less loop in 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 10 Nov 2009 13:11:42 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2b-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    Merged patches: 3282, 3284 and 3275. Note that 3275 solved CVE-2009-3639.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:48:34 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2a-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added TLSOptions EnableDiags in tls.conf templates, as a useful
    option to be much more verbose.
  * Added a proftpd-substvars snippet in proftpd-dev package. It should
    be used for providing build-time substvars for third-parties packages. 
    The snippet should be added to local substvars and provides 
    ${proftpd:Depends} substvar.
  * Moved to libmysqlclient-dev build-dep for MySQL 5.1 transition and 
    recent ack aba NMU.
    (closes: #542905)
  * Policy bumped to 3.8.3.
  * Removed /var/run/proftpd among proftpd-basic.dirs/install,
    it is anyway created in the init script since long time. 
    This fixes the dir-or-file-in-var-run in lintian.
  * Long due fix to due to proftpd -> proftpd-basic change in 
    binary package name. Fixed lintian warn.
  * Fixed debian-rules-calls-debhelper-in-odd-order lintian warn.
  * Fixed debhelper-but-no-misc-depends lintian warn.
  * Added a long due README.source file, which also fixes
    patch-system-but-no-source-readme lintian warning.
  * Set -e in prerm script. Fixes maintainer-script-ignores-errors lintian warn.
  * Added Old Changelog: token to avoid historical warns by lintian on old
    entries of debian/changelog.
  * Fixed exit codes for status action in init script.
    (closes: #527879)
  * The -dev package no more install libtool .la files.
  * [PATCH] Added 3275.dpatch to fix NULs management in TLS cert validation.
    If reverse DNS resolution is off, OR if client certs are not being verified,
    OR if the DNS name in the client cert is not required, then the bug does not
  * [PATCH] Added 3282.dpatch to uncache first user in mod_sql when 
    SQLNegativeCache is on.  
  * [PATCH] Added 3284.dpatch to fix TCP_NODELAY misuse in inet.c core file.
    It negatively impacts >= 1.3.1 versions.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 07 Sep 2009 11:40:53 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2a-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release with a bounce of fixes.
  * Removed obsolete patches: 3190, 3196.
  * Removed obsolete proftpd-common conflicting.
  * Policy bumped to 3.8.2 (no changes).
  * Now proftpd-basic Provides: proftpd-abi-<version>, which is useful for external
    plugins. All plugins created with external sources has to depend on the 
    specified ABI in order to avoid breakages at upgrade time by mixing 
    mixed versions.
  * File debian/control is templated to depend on upstream version for ABI
    interface automagically at build time.
  * The cron.monthly ftpstats job has been removed and merged with logrotate.
    (closes: #522199)
  * Now postinst disables old monthly cron jobs at upgrade time. Added a note about
    new logrotation scheduling policy in proftpd-basic.NEWS.
  * Fixed proftpd-basic.NEWS file contents.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 17 Jul 2009 13:28:38 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Added proftpd-mod-sqlite and proftpd-mod-odbc to Suggests in debian/control.
  * Removed LIBS prefixed at configuration time in debian/rules and still around 
    after odbc.patch. My oversight...
    (closes: #519029) 
  * [PATCH] Added 3204.dpatch to provide a better prxs to third-parties module.
    It properly manages DESTDIR and module $Libraries$. And also provides --help :)
  * Removed 3188.dpatch because obsoleted by 3204.dpatch.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:28:12 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * [PATCH] Now prxs.dpatch renamed 3188.dpatch to reflect assigned
    bugzilla id.
  * Added mod_sql_odbc, mod_sql_sqlite, mod_unique_id support with their
  * Standard configuration changed to reflect new modules adding. 
  * A couple of new packages added:
    to distribute the two new SQL modules.
  * [PATCH] Added odbc.dpatch to manage automagically unixodbc library
  * Added some explicative notes in the configuration files about SQL
    modules loading to make happy users.
    (closes: #517363)
  * Some changes in the provided README.Debian file.
  * [PATCH] Added 3190.dpatch to fix <Limit> handling with MLSD/MLST 

  * Default cron.monthly changed to avoid annoying mails when no data
    are present. 
    (closes: #517794)
  * Added doc-base support for HTML docs in proftpd-doc. 
    (closes: #317362)
  * Added TJ copyright to debian/copyright as suggested by ftpmasters.
    Also revised that file to be more complete.
  * [PATCH] Added 3196.dpatch to fix secondary group list handling
    in mod_quotatab.c
  * Removed usr/share/doc/proftpd in debian/proftpd-basic.dirs stll around
    since proftpd-basic introduction in 1.3.1 series.
    (closes: #517974)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 03 Mar 2009 11:19:16 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    (closes: #500731, #444027)
  * Debhelper compatibility moved to 7: revised dh_clean usage and *-stamp
  * Moved to libcap2.
    (closes: #492771)
  * Specifies better module purposes.
    (closes: #507644)
  * Depends on openbsd-inetd | inet-superserver in debian/control, instead of
    (closes: #507311)
  * Patchset revised by removing all patches merged upstream.
  * Removed fake proftpd binary, used for etch -> lenny upgrades.
  * Added proftpd-dev binary package to support external DSO modules build.
  * Now debian/rules uses dh_installcron, dh_installpam, dh_installman instead
    of installing by hand.
  * Log rotation is done via logrotate.
    (closes: #503342)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun, 15 Feb 2009 11:13:51 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-17) unstable; urgency=high

  * Security: added 3173.dpatch patch to manage a critical encoding-dependent SQL
    injection with SQL-based authentication.
    See This is fixed in 1.3.2.
    Thanks TJ for backported patch. 
  * Now debian/rules removes at cleaning time a couple of .la files
    under contrib/ still around after building. This fixes a recently discovered 
    FTBS error due to those files.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 06 Feb 2009 12:52:04 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-16) unstable; urgency=low

  * Enabled nls support to allow alternative encodings to work.
    (closes: #503274)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:02:51 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-15) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixed debian/changelog for wrongly close #496622 instead of #497622.
  * [PATCH,SECURITY] New 3115.dpatch.
    Fixes a cross-site forgery based on long command use, CVE-2008-4242.
    (closes: #502674)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun, 21 Sep 2008 23:32:46 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-14) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed a bit debian/changelog layout and typos.
  * DisplayFirstChdir -> DisplayChdir in standard proftpd.conf comments.
    (closes: #496517, #496160)
  * Added a versioned replaces/conflicts against pre -12 versions.
    That would manage nicer by-hand installations of proftpd-basic when
    starting from old single-binary versions. This is not required for
    (dist)upgrades but it does not hurt anyway.
  * [PATCH] New 3094.dpatch.
    Implements unidirectional shutdown of TLS/SSL sessions which is mandatory
    to support recent filezilla and possibly other clients. This will avoid
    many headaches for Filezilla >=3.1 users reporting failures in connecting
    proftpd servers.
    (closes: #498136)
  * Fixed long description of proftpd to use 'transitional package' instead of
    'pseudo package' expression.
    (closes: #497622)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:27:46 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-13) unstable; urgency=low

  * Modified proftpd.conf template to fix AuthOrder syntax.
  * Removed supefluous comments in model templates.
  * [PATCH] New patch pam_auth.dpatch, previuously overlooked :-(
    PAM authoritative configuration not honored fixed.
    (closes: #493265)
  * [PATCH] New patch mod_ldap.c.dpatch
    Fixes two major problems which render mod_ldap unusable on
    64bit archs and causes serious breakage when URLs are used
    for LDAPServer configuration. See #3097 and #3046 on proftpd bugzilla.
    (closes: #491719)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 08 Aug 2008 16:23:41 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-12) unstable; urgency=low

  * Binary packages are now splitted:
  	- proftpd-mod-mysql
        - proftpd-mod-pgsql
        - proftpd-mod-ldap
        - proftpd-basic
        - proftpd (pseudo)
    to reduce dependencies for basic proftpd installations without exotic
    auth layers. The proftpd binary is now a pseudo-package used for
    migrating from etch to the new structure.
    (closes: #364331)
  * Removed perl dependency in proftpd-basic.
  * Updated debconf templates
     - Japanese. Closes: #463172                                                                                             
     - Brazilian Portuguese. Closes: #486259                                                                                 
     - Turkish. Closes: #486560                                                                                              
     - Swedish. Closes: #487371
  * Updated README.Debian file.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:19:19 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-11) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [PATCH] mod_dynmasq.dpatch
        Added contributed module mod_dynmasq and modified a bit templates for
        supporting it.
    (closes: #354059)
  * Removing currently superfluous static and libtool files in usr/lib/proftpd.
  * Fixed typo in dh_shlibdeps call in debian/rules.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 16 Jun 2008 23:56:54 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Commented better tls.conf templates in order to simplify SSL/TTL certs
    generation for users. Changed /etc/ssl/{private/certs} paths used for
  * Added a /usr/sbin/proftpd-gencert utility to generate or re-create a self-signed
    SSL/TLS certificate. This is inspired to the exim4 sample script and
    useful for lazy people.
  * Added openssl as suggested package. It is required in order to run
  * Now set IdentLookups off in default proftpd.conf.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 20 May 2008 10:12:46 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed bashisms in debian/rules and revised file names removed.
    (closes: #478617)
  * [PATCH] mod_cap.dpatch. Removed obsolete embedded sys/capability.h header
    inclusion in mod_cap.c modules. Also it avoids building of the obsolete 
    embedded libpcap.
    (closes: #479893)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 07 May 2008 11:01:46 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Long due fix to cron.weekly to explicitly specifing the log path.
    This is not strictly requested because ftpstats has been fixed for
    default, but anyway useful as reminder for admin in case he changed
    the log path.
  * Now debconf warning message about pre-1.3.0 migration has been dropped. 
    (closes: #452285)
  * Added a check-config stanza to proftpd.init file to check proftpd.conf. 
  * Postinst file fixed, it now should gracefully exit on configuration
    errors for true. 
    (closes: #379503)
  * Revised changelog to wrap within 80 columns and making lintian happy. 
  * Updated it.po to remove fuzziness.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:28:24 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * [PATCH] check_order.dpatch
  	Make sure that the handling of any <Limit LOGIN> sections happens after
        the class of the session has been determined.  Otherwise, any
        AllowClass/DenyClass directives within the <Limit>
        section will not be handled properly.
  * [PATCH] mod_delay.dpatch
  	Fixing possible segfault due to DelayTable loading failure.
  * [PATCH] ftpstats.dpatch
  	Fixes default xferlog pathname in ftpstats.
        (closes: #378826)
  * [PATCH] mod_quotatab_sql.dpatch
  	Fixes segfault when n mod_quotatab_sql if the SQL query returns 
        NULL bytes/files values
  * Reintroduced conflicting/replacing against proftpd-common, 
    just for corner cases. 
    (closes: #460420)
  * Introduced new sample templates to be included by provided proftpd.conf 
    for exotic implementations. They are only optionally included.
  * Revised class_rules_fix.dpatch to fix netacl.c changes. 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:46:56 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Template revision in 1.3.1-4 altered shared/proftpd/inetd_or_standalone
    choices. Now proftpd.postinst has been revised for that.
    (closes: #461913)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:06:48 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Long due typo fix in welcome.msg template.
    (closes: #435320)
  * Now reload daemon after rotation, due to SIGUP fixing in 1.3.1.
    (closes: #428828, #435524)
  * [PATCH] ip_acl_fix.dpatch
        IPv4 ACLs (not glob/wildcard rules) were not being compared properly
        against IPv4-mapped IPv6 connections. Thanks TJ.
  * [PATCH] class_rules_fix.dpatch
        Class rules do not honor '!' negation character. Thanks TJ.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:46:43 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added LSB init section to debian/proftpd.init for run-time init.d
  * Removed LSB-like functions in proftpd.init because lsb-base is required
    since etch.
  * Added new configuration sub-files: ldap.conf, sql.conf and tls.conf with
    advanced configurations.
    All files are included by the main one.
  * debian/templates/basic.conf renamed proftpd.conf to simplify debian/rules
  * Added a 'status' stanza to proftpd init script (in daemon mode only).
    (closes: #370199)
  * debian/changelog wrapped better to 80 columns.
  * Template normalization and translation party, thanks Christian Perrier
    and others for the global patch here merged.
  	+ Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-
    	english team as part of the Smith review project. Closes: #455778
  	+ [Debconf translation updates]
  	+ Slovak. Closes: #455887
  	+ Finnish. Closes: #455970
  	+ Galician. Closes: #455985
  	+ Norwegian Bokmål. Closes: #456410
  	+ Portuguese. Closes: #456539
  	+ Spanish; Castilian. Closes: #456674
  	+ Basque. Closes: #457036
  	+ German. Closes: #457091
  	+ Vietnamese. Closes: #457380
  	+ Dutch. Closes: #457807
  	+ Russian. Closes: #457875
  	+ French. Closes: #458520
  	+ Finnish. Closes: #455970
  	+ Czech. Closes: #458791
  	+ Indonesian. Closes: #458828
  * [PATCH] sql_timer_cb.dpatch
  	TIMED connections don't reconnect to the SQL database.
  * Added a specific Homepage field in debian/control for proftpd-doc.
  * Policy bumped to 3.7.3 (no relevant changes).
  * Removed wu-ftpd among conflicting packages (superfluous).

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:41:53 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Disabled language support: currently only en_US is supported, so it is
    not that useful.  It was wrongly compiled in as a DSO module, anyway. 
    A configuration option --enable-nls should be used instead. 
    Fixed modules.conf.
    (closes: #451747, #451090, #457178)
  * Commented out stacktrace support at configuration time.
  * Properly moved to debhelper compatibility 5.
  * Fixed clean rules to remove auto-generated files.
  * [Lintian] Fixed FSF address in debian/copyright file. 
              This is a GPL2 or later program.
  * [Lintian] Spelling error adviced->advised fixed in README.Debian.
  * Added missing --oknodo at daemon startup in proftpd.init.
    (closes: #455562)
  * [debian/templates/basic.conf] Added an AuthOrder commented directive in 
    default proftpd.conf template.
  * [debian/rules] Minor changes in script style.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 20 Dec 2007 11:58:45 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Set off all module directives for safety in default template and also
    changed a bit basic.conf and modules.conf templates.
  * New modules building and loading added:
  * Added patch:
             Do not fails if OpenSSL header does not match library version, 
             just warns.
	     (closes: #447534)
  * Removed obsolete patches.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:06:46 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

    New upstream release, with merged fixes for old bugs and a good deal of
    new bugs of course :) (closes: #384039)
  * Upstream merged patches:
   * Existing patchset updated for current sources.
   * In debian/templates/basic.conf: 'DisplayFirstChdir path' changed in 
     'DisplayChdir path true' due to changes in directive. 
     Version 1.3.0 default config will issue a warning.
   * Added patches:
        - mode_t.dpatch:
                FTBS due to conflicting types for 'mode_t'.
        - authoritative_pam.dpatch:
                Authoritative PAM is not honored.
        - mod_wrap2_file.dpatch:
                Fixed mod_wrap2_file misbehavior.
        - auth-id-cache.dpatch:
                mod_auth_file uid2name() does not cache results causing slow 
                LIST response. See

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 15 Oct 2007 23:18:54 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-26) UNRELEASED; urgency=low

  * Added a modules_order patch to manage modules that use their own build script.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 05 Oct 2007 23:25:28 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-25) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed typo in configuration template.
    (closes: #424602)
  * FYI: patch auth_cache fixes CVE-2007-2165.
  * Removed obsolete pre-etch postgresql-dev build-dep.
    (closes: #429980)
  * Anonymous restrictions apply after a failed anonymous login followed by a 
    successful normal user login. Added a patch anon.dpatch to manage. 
  * Added debconf template: sk.po
    (closes: #440724)
  * Added versioned dependency for sed.
    (closes: #431399)
  * Added Homepage field in debian/control.
  * In proftpd.postinst pre-check before adding a ftp service line via
    update-inetd. Currently hostname/addresses list prefix to services are not
    managed at all. This partially fix #430849 for what concerns proftpd.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 29 Sep 2007 11:22:52 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-24) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added ipv6only.dpatch to avoid syslog pollution on ipv6-only boxes.
    (closes: #422448)
  * One more fix due to typo into auth_cache patch. 
    See again

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:38:20 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-23) unstable; urgency=low

  * Transitional packages proftpd-mysql, proftpd-pgsql and proftpd-ldap removed.
    (closes: #422717)
  * Cleaned post-etch build-deps and dependencies.
  * auth_cache patch fixed to manage correctly PAM auth.
    See again
    (closes: #421818)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 19 May 2007 15:05:38 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-22) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added update-inetd dependency.
  * Security: added a auth_cache patch to manage stacked auth scheme which 
    can manage to introduce unexpected behaviors in some corner cases.
    (closes: #419255)
  * Added a auth_loop patch to avoid endless loop in auth modules.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:48:43 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-21) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed default template to document the SQLBackend directive.
    README.Debian also changed as consequence. Also added a few more useful
    commented directives in debian/templates/basic.conf.
  * Updated debconf templates
    (closes: #408618, #412222)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun,  4 Mar 2007 11:19:16 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-20) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New patch: auth_fix (fixes taken from 1.3.1rc1)
    mod_auth_unix returns ERROR instead of DECLINE and causes denial of service
    when used as first auth module in a AuthOrder directive with others.
  * Added libattr1-dev build-dep for backporters.
    (closes: #400738, #405981)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:25:22 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-19) unstable; urgency=high

  * Updated NEWS and README.Debian in order to document SQL backend engine 
    configuration. (closes: #369813, #405184)
  * Uses correct encoding declaration in pt debconf template.
    (closes: #403486)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  2 Jan 2007 10:47:24 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-18) unstable; urgency=high

  * Rebuilt for cleaning spurious changes introduced by uncomplete building.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 14 Dec 2006 16:10:26 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-17) unstable; urgency=high

  * SECURITY: ProFTPD Controls Buffer Overflow, locally exploitable. 
    This is fixed in 1.3.1. New patch CORE-2006-1127 added.
    and for reference.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:21:56 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-16) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added a new security patch for Secunia SA23141 advisory (mod_tls abuse)
    See SA23141 patch for details.
    See for advisory
    See for details.
    (closes: #400793)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 29 Nov 2006 11:27:34 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-15) unstable; urgency=high

  * Sigh, a new patch fixes for sure security bug Secunia SA22803 advisory 
    (sreplace() abuse). See SA22803 patch added to the previous one which 
    was anyway correct on the basis of CVE-2006-5815.
    See for details.
    See for advisory.
    (closes: #399070)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 28 Nov 2006 13:29:58 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-14) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New patch: ipv6_onoff: adds long due ipv6 run-time enabling/disabling, 
    based on CVS patch. 
    It adds UseIPv6 on|off directive and --ipv4/--ipv6 command line options.
  * Now changed default proftpd.conf to enable explicitly as previous default.
    Admin can turn it off if he likes so. That is an alternative to provide an 
    ipv6 address/name map.
  * Documenting new option in README.Debian.
  * Updated japanese debconf template.
    (closes: #400152)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:58:58 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-13) unstable; urgency=high

  * Security fix for CVE-2006-5815, DoS with low impact.
    Patch cve_2006_5815 added, taken from main.c(1.292->1.294). Other
    vendors' patch (1.292->1.293) is wrong and causes segfault.
    Debian rocks as always instead ;-)
    (closes: #399070)
  * Updated german po file for debconf.
    (closes: #399252)
  * Updated italian po file for debconf.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:03:08 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-12) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixing properly update-rc.d call in postrm. Eventually the init script
    should be changed to work with dh_installinit, which would be more clean.
    (closes: #397918)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:03:30 +0100

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-11) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Sigh, reverted a change in proftpd.install due to an initial package 
    splitting no more completed. The result was missing SQL and LDAP modules.
    (closes: #394233)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 20 Oct 2006 14:32:04 +0200

proftpd-dfsg (1.3.0-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed RFCs in the original tarball. 
    (closes: #393408)
  * Added a watch file for uscan.
  * Templates updated.
    (closes: #375102,#381949,#383077)
  * Removes proftpd user on purge in postrm.
    (closes: #387982)
  * Merged by 1.3.0-9.1 NMU (thanks Arjan Oosting):
  	+ Call update-inetd during remove and disappear and not during purge.
         (closes: #388647)
        + Make dependency on libcap-dev conditional to fix FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD
         (closes: #375017)
        + Deregister /etc/init.d script on purge

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 16 Oct 2006 15:16:21 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Missing examples added to proftpd-doc: moved proftpd.examples to 
  * Added patch: sighup_fault
    	Daemon fails when receive SIGHUP and mod_ctrls is enabled.
  * Policy bumped to 3.7.2, no changes.
  * proftpd.init: added /var/run/proftpd creation at run-time (ubuntu patch).
  * Typo in README.Debian corrected
    (closes: #369745)
  * Russian debconf template revised
    (closes: #367164)
  * Added a note in README.Debian about AuthOrder and other issues.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu,  1 Jun 2006 14:29:18 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New patch for (remove_rpath) to remove rpath adding
    at libtool installation time. 
    (closes: #368301)
  * Updated patch ipv6_cidr_warn.dpatch to the latest version in CVS.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 22 May 2006 12:22:51 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added a note about IPv6 CIDR in README.Debian
    Added patch ipv6_cidr_warn.dpatch to warn about 32bit CIDR use in IPv6 
    context.(closes: #365464)
  * Added patch mod_wrap_noparanoid to avoid builtin paranoid checking in 
    libwrap. (closes: #366397)
  * Added a commented directive in basic.conf to specify PassivePorts.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  9 May 2006 09:51:52 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed bashism in proftpd.init.
    (closes: #366089)
  * Changed proftpd.init to run start-stop-daemon only if the pid file is 
  * Added a commented "UseSendFile off" directive in standard config as 
    suggestion to see ftp upload progress.
    (closes: #280105)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri,  5 May 2006 11:30:32 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * New fr.po debconf templates.
    (closes: #364400)
  * Now proftpd.init does not fail when proftpd is already stopped.
    (closes: #364074, #363657)
  * Revised the mothly cron script.
    (closes: #364580)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed,  3 May 2006 22:55:39 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added /var/log/proftpd directory to proftpd.dirs
    (closes: #363921)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:19:10 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Sigh, now postinst moves a pre-existent old configuration 
    for 1.2 series in the new location before applying ucf.
  * Now postinst adds automagically the inclusion of modules.conf to old
    config. Also revised sed calls to use in-place editing.
  * Typos in proftpd.init for logging functions corrected.
  * Template corrected to use /usr/lib/proftpd as module path.
    (closes: #363650)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 20 Apr 2006 15:00:54 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Adding a 'proftpd' user to own the daemon in proftpd.postinst.
  * Removing upstream basic.conf installated in /etc/proftpd, which
    prevented a correct template use in postinst phase.
  * Removed mod_readme in modules.conf which is already statically loaded.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 19 Apr 2006 11:24:48 +0200

proftpd (1.3.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  The "Here we go" release.

  * New upstream release (final). Just closing fixed-in-experimental issues.
    (closes: #353175, #349827, #207136, #274414, #356221)
  * First upload to unstable.
  * Moved to LSB logging in proftpd.init and changed a bit script inners.
  * Revised mysql_config use in rules file.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:42:04 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-4) experimental; urgency=low

  * Revised maintainer scripts to correctly manage upgrades of modules.conf and
    proftpd.conf from 1.2.9 series.
  * English debconf template revised. 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:04:00 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * Added README.Debian with a few details about the new package and release.
  * Removed obsolete build-deps: bzip2, shar-utils and patch
  * Now debian/rules uses mysql_config for includes path
  * Long and brief descriptions revised
  * Added support by ucf for /etc/proftpd/modules.conf which is now used for
    default configuration.
  * All templates file now moved to /usr/share/proftpd/templates
  * Now removing /etc/proftpd and /var/run/proftpd on purge in postrm.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 27 Mar 2006 19:51:22 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Removed bogus libmysqlclient*-dev dependency in proftpd binary package. 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:48:53 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-1) experimental; urgency=low

  The 'Here we go' release for 1.3.

  * New almost final upstream release. Definitive release would come in 
    a couple of weeks or so. (closes: #353175, #349827)
  * Merging with my own experimental branch for 1.3.0 with DSO support.
    Packaging has been completely revised and simplified (no more multi-binary).
  * Moved from dbs to dpatch patching system.
  * Moved to DSO support for add-on modules. 
  * Moved configuration in a /etc/proftpd directory due to the new 
    style of multi-files config.
    (closes: #207136)
  * Migrated the patch-set and removed obsolete patches.
  * Debconf template revised. Sorry all translations need revisions.
    (closes: #274414,#356221)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 22 Mar 2006 10:11:45 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-27) unstable; urgency=low

  * Transition libmysqlclient12 -> libmysqlclient15, retaining
    back-compatibility for backporters, just in case.
    (closes: #343799)
  * Updated invalid de.po.
    (closes: #326799)
  * Now latest mod_ldap is backported to 1.2.10 API correctly. 
    Thanks Stephan Jaeger.
    (closes: #321937)
  * Depends changed in Recommends in proftpd-common in respect with 
    other proftpd-* packages.
    This will not remove proftpd-common when ever proftpd is removed, which is
    not a good thing IMHO. The whole issue will be obsoleted in the new 1.3.0 
    packaging anyway, because it will remove the both proftpd-common and 
    proftpd-* in upgrading. 
    Note that proftpd-common installs a few common scripts.
    (closes: #341008)
  * Added 33.documentation.diff patch for a couple of minor doc issues:
    (closes: #309251,#306339)
  * Removed Paul Martin as proftpd uploader, he is not active since 
    years about that.
  * Moved to level 4 compatibility for debhelper (no changes).

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 11 Jan 2006 13:54:17 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-26) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed /dev/tty into /dev/null to manage crappy update-inetd in 
    batch processing. That's definitively not required by policy, 
    but useful...
    (closes: #340262)
  * Updated download location into copyright file.
    (closes: #340240)
  * Updated danish template
    (closes: #340130)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:37:51 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-25) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added patch 32.mod_tls.c.diff to manage a change in openssl (0.9.8a),
    this is superfluous in incoming 1.3.0, needed in 1.2.10.
    (closes: #334979)
  * Added debconf2.0 alternative to dependencies.
    (closes: #332076)
  * Updated templates
    (closes: #335357,#328054,#334370)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 16 Nov 2005 11:36:42 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-24) unstable; urgency=low

  * Sigh. Reintroduced /dev/tty redirection for update-inetd in
    maintainer scripts. See #236595. It seems current netbase does not
    solve the problem when there is a non controlling terminal indeed. Try
    to do an upgrade/install via dsh for test.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:08:59 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-23) unstable; urgency=low

  * Managing nicely bad configs now, and other minor changes to init script now done.
    (closes: #41089, #326943)
  * Updated de.po template.
    (closes: #326799)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun, 11 Sep 2005 11:13:39 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-22) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated patch 29.misc-sql.diff to manage a signal 11 error.
    See patch for report Thanks Greg.
  * Typo in rules files introduced prevented config.guess update.
    Thanks Ryo Kato.
  * Missed diskuse contrib tool added. 
    Thanks Ryo Kato.
  * Added diskuse.8 man page.
  * Little change to ftpquota.8 man page contents.
  * proftpd.init corrected to use || instead of -o in xinetd tests. 
    Thanks Christoph Bussenius.
 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri,  2 Sep 2005 20:36:41 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-21) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added ftpquota.8 man page
  * Typo corrected in template file
    (closes: #317620)
  * Added vietnamese template
    (closes: #317608)
  * Little modification to template statement
    (closes: #274414)
  * Removed automatic creation of proftpd.conf.5 file which is broken.
    A brief version of the page is now provided manually to refer the HTML page.
    Sorry guys, upstream is not so keen on man pages...
    (closes: #313146)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun, 28 Aug 2005 13:10:47 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-20) unstable; urgency=high

  * SECURITY: Managing SQLShowInfo format string vulnerability.
    See for information.
    Related patch is 31.mod_sql.c.diff.
  * Policy bumped to 3.6.2, no changes.
  * New modification to mod_delay to avoid other problem with that module
    which could cause memory corruption/leakage. The never end saga continues.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 30 Jun 2005 10:18:13 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-19) unstable; urgency=high

  * SECURITY: Managing ftpshut format string vulnerability.
    See for information.
    Related patch is 30.response.c.diff.
  * A couple of finds had wrong position in args lists, due to recent changes.
    So missed a few documents.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 29 Jun 2005 11:54:32 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-18) unstable; urgency=high

  * Sigh! I left around development settings in rules file to test 
    the damn signal 11 thingy. That disabled capabilities.
    (closes: #315687)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 25 Jun 2005 09:31:37 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-17) unstable; urgency=low

  Last (?) upload for 1.2.10 series awaiting for the first amazing 1.3.0

  * Added a libpq-dev build-dep to be both compatible with incoming postgresql 
    8 and maintain sarge compatibility. Now using pg_config in rules file to 
    work with both pgsql 7 and 8. Removed patch 04.mod_sql_postgres.c.diff.
    (closes: #313481)
  * mod_delay locks and unlocks the table now, this should prevent 
    random signal 11
    See for information.
    Updated again 22.mod_delay.c.diff for that. 
    Probable follow up for #308313 and #301275.
  * Reordered find options to avoid warning in current version.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 22 Jun 2005 10:22:38 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-16) unstable; urgency=low

  "The very first Etch Era version" release.

  * New patch: 29.misc-sql.diff:
    Adds "sql_exit" internal mod_sql command, and removes 'core.exit' handlers 
    from backend modules
    (closes: #294077)
  * Added a note in README.News about new mod_ldap directives which obsolete 
    old ones. That change should also be considered possibly for a sarge 
    doc-only update. 
    (closes: #287357)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon,  6 Jun 2005 15:50:09 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-15) unstable; urgency=high

  * Sigh, castaglia changed the patch for mod_delay again: one of the 
    boundary did not have sense indeed.
    See and #308313 again.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu,  2 Jun 2005 11:18:08 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-14) unstable; urgency=high

  * Finally solved the random segfault in mod_delay.
    (closes: #308313)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed,  1 Jun 2005 10:49:19 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-13) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added a -DUSE_LDAP_TLS to CFLAGS in rules for mod_ldap, else it does 
    not work with TLS. This is now (2.8.15) required along with the yet 
    present SSL flag.
    (closes: #308861)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 18 May 2005 13:30:30 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-12) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added a patch 28.mod_ls.c to manage incorrect symlink following in
    recursive listing. That breaks old versions behavior and create problem
    to mirroring software.
    See for information
    (closes: #308578)
  * Revised again 22.mod_delay.c.diff patch to manage long delays:

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 13 May 2005 09:51:43 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-11) unstable; urgency=high

  The "Welcome back to my digital life, just after freezing" release.

  * Added copy of the missed ftpquota command in debian/rules.
    And yes, its man page is missing yet, it needs to be written from 
    scratch :-/
  * Updated patch 22.mod_delay.c.diff to manage an important mod_delay problem
    which causes a segfault and DOS.
    See for related upstream 
  * Another important issue, off BTS.
    sendfile() fails with large files on some archs (x86_64 for instance) again.
    See for upstream thread.
    Previous patch needs revision. Incidentally this solves also the automake
    cache inclusion.
    (closes: #307136)
  * Updated mod_ldap to 1.3.0rc1 version (2.8.15).
    (closes: #306763)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed,  4 May 2005 14:34:52 +0200

proftpd (1.2.10-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * mod_quotatab_sql.c needed revision to remove another lvalue casting.
    New patch 27.mod_quotatab_sql.c.diff for that.
    (closes: #287966)
  * Revised proftpd-doc to add missing new documentation, howtos and examples.
    (thanks TJ who pointed me to that).
  * New FLOSS License Exception for MySQL Server and client libraries now 
    includes OpenSSL. See manual (appendix I) or
    So, now linking with libmysqlclient12 is allowed, debian/control changed.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri, 11 Feb 2005 14:13:39 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-9) unstable; urgency=high

  * Syncing quotatab files from CVS to be coherent with new mod_ldap.c
    module. That's a new patch for that: 25.mod_quotatab.c.diff See
    This justify urgency.
  * Changed a bit 01.contrib.mod_ldap.c.diff to not declare version variable 
    after instructions. See also CVS committment as shown in*checkout*/proftp/proftpd/contrib/mod_ldap.c?rev=1.37
    (closes: #288327)
  * New patch 26.mod_radius.c.diff to solve compiling problems on recent 
    GCC and AMD64
    (closes: #287966)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun,  2 Jan 2005 21:21:22 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-8) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Updated patch 22.mod_delay.c.diff to not check for DelayTable if DelayEngine 
    is off. See for information.
    (closes: #283811)
  * Typo in rules, now removing README.cygwin, not README.cgywin :-/

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 29 Dec 2004 22:51:30 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-7) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New mod_ldap from cvs (2.8.14 instead of 2.8.12). It adds the new 
    LDAPProtocolVersion directive and other fixes. 
    01.contrib.mod_ldap.c.diff changed to reflect this.
    Therefore, mod_ldap now works with protocols 2 or 3 and defaults to 3.
    This partially fixes #279530.
  * Patch 03.mod_ldap.c.diff removed (integrated upstream)
  * Added libpam-rutime versioned dependency in proftpd-common due to 
    /etc/pam.d/common-* use which is not a woody feature. This does facilitate 
    use in mixed environment, if not proper upgrades. 
    Thanks Marc Moeller who pointed a problem due to that.
  * Added a patch to correcly merge all directives when mod_ifsession is used.
    See for details.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 18 Dec 2004 09:32:15 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Updated mod_delay again from CVS.
  * Added new patch for TimeoutLogin connection problem: 23.timeout.diff.
    See for details.
    (closes: #282214)
  * Now uses common modules for PAM.
    (closes: #283131)
  * Updated german template
    (closes: #282497)
  * Removed README files for other platforms.
  * Removed superfluous perl-base dependency. 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 29 Nov 2004 14:46:28 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Sigh, now includes a more recent mod_delay/0.4 instead of mod_delay/0.3
    (closes: #282045)
  * Changed xinetd section in rules file to manage better cases with/without a 
    possible empty /etc/xinetd.d directory.
    Corrected typo in init script.
    Corrected xinetd documentation xref in postinst.
    (closes: #282064)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 20 Nov 2004 09:09:21 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * First upload into unstable. Here we go!
    (closes: #278309)
  * Fixes problems probably due to a backported patch from 1.2.10 into 1.2.9-19
    (closes: #281528)
  * Fixed a bit default proftpd.conf.
    (closes: #279580)
  * Added mod_delay contributed module to manage the so-called "Timing attack".

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 17 Nov 2004 23:12:30 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * Revised patch 21.sendfile_with_large_files due to type mismatch in a function call :-(

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri,  5 Nov 2004 13:38:11 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Merging changes from 1.2.9-19:
       - new debconf templates: cs.po, da.po, de.po
       - built with --enable-sendfile which should reduce average CPU load.
       - added patch for >2GB files with sendfile(): 21.sendfile_with_large_files.
         See See for original patch.
         Hint: run autoconf2.50 after applying cvs patch to the original tree.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri,  5 Nov 2004 11:04:43 +0100

proftpd (1.2.10-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    Removed all patches integrated upstream:
  * Changed 01.mod_ldap.diff patch: removed Ivo's old patch which was also not
    documented anywhere. See NEWS.Debian for information. Thanks TJ.
  * Changed NEWS.Debian file to document the above thing.
  * Added 20.core.create-home.diff patch from CVS to support script exec on
    home creation.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 11 Oct 2004 23:19:46 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-16) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added /etc/xinetd.conf to the file checked in init script to verify
    if proftpd call is configured in xinetd.
    (closes: #271163)
  * Added a versioned dependency from libmysqlclient10, compatible with that
    distributed in sarge.
    (closes: #269454)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 11 Sep 2004 20:45:04 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-15) unstable; urgency=high

  * Just a better warning message into proftpd.init.
  * Revised this changelog for typos.
  * Updated pt_BR translation.
    (closes: #264252)
  * Severity set to high to enter sarge within time slot for freeze.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:20:57 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-14) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added a better management of inetd/xinetd in proftpd.init script. Now
    inet/standalone/none servertype are considered. It tries to startup
    in daemon mode only if inetd/xinetd support is truly missing.
    This is not optimal, but works in the most cases. The greatest problem 
    is the same pointed below: configuration status could not reflect the 
    effective daemon status.
    (closes: #263247)
  * Renamed 16.dirtree,c.diff into 16.dirtree.c.diff: typo in patch name.
  * Added ipv6 related patch, again related to weird IPv6 message into
    #263247: 19.main.c.ipv6.diff. It is present in 1.2.10rc1.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  3 Aug 2004 22:38:08 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-13) unstable; urgency=low

  * New patch: 18.mod_auth_file.c.diff
    If one uses the AuthUserFile or AuthGroupFile directive within a <Global>
    context, that directive overrides any AuthUserFile or AuthGroupFile
    directives within the "main server" or <VirtualHost> contexts. This patch
    solves that bug.
    (closes: #262697)
  * Revised proftpd.conf comments.
    (closes: #256520)
  * Added a -DHAVE_OPENSSL to CFLAGS in rules file. Apparently mysql configure
    check for SSL support but does not #define properly for mod_sql.c, which
    is anyway in contrib section. Maybe mod_sql.c needs patching.
    This hack solves the issue for what concerns Debian anyway.
    (closes: #233031)
  * Now double check for inetd/standalone mode. Daemon starts if ServerType is
    standalone or is absent _and_ ftp service is absent (or commented out) in
    inetd.conf. That's not so great, because inetd.conf could not reflect
    the current inetd status, but it's better than nothing.
    (closes: #256525)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon,  2 Aug 2004 16:01:14 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-12) unstable; urgency=high

  * Removed all autoconf-related rules within, so patch 07.autoconf.diff
    has changed. Previous patch tried to force the use of a recent autoconf
    instead. This freezes configure in the form issued by upstream.
    (closes: #248612)
  * Autotools file config.(guess|sub) moved into the build-tree.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 12 May 2004 15:00:07 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-11) unstable; urgency=low

  * Removed a duplicated build-dep (libwrap0-dev)
  * Using autotools-dev build-dep instead of autoconf

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 10 May 2004 21:12:30 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-10) unstable; urgency=low

  * Deletion of /etc/proftpd.conf on purge has been moved into
    proftpd-common.postrm. The same for all other no-return actions. 
    Ratio: proftpd-common is the only package which is purged after
    removing of all bin-dep packages, not just on transitions from a bin
    package to another. Therefore that's the right place to purge things.
    (closes: #247860)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Fri,  7 May 2004 23:28:47 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added mod_ifsession compilation (rules), as asked by users.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 17 Apr 2004 20:17:30 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-8) unstable; urgency=high

  * netbase versioning uniformed to 4.13 for each package.
  * The no-end saga of ucf, again. Version -7 missed modifications done in -6 for
    #239528, due to cvs repository outdated status.
    (closes: #244020)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:51:47 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-7) unstable; urgency=high

  * Removed a double check for inetd update (proftpd.postinst)
    (closes: #242013)
  * Added an '|| true' into install_ftp (proftpd.postinst)
  * Integrating a patch to avoid an infinite loop.
    See for patch.
    Fixed by 17.netio.c.diff
    (closes: #243071,#243277)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 12 Apr 2004 09:41:52 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-6) unstable; urgency=high

  * Umpf. Previuous upload did not solve the issue. It seems definitively a
    problem with ucf (Thanks Paul Slootman): --debconf-ok should be used
    only before a db_stop. Also reverted again with redirection for
    For some reason the whole problem was not so easily evident.
    (closes: #239528)
  * Previous upload missed patch 16.dirtree.c.diff due to outdated cvs
    repository on alioth.
  * Cosmetic changes into basic anon section (DirFake*).
    Other issues are secondary/outdated.
    (closes: #240209)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:31:52 +0200

proftpd (1.2.9-5) unstable; urgency=high
  * Reverted redirection of stdin and stdout for update-inetd. Also reverted
    netbase versioning dependency. Apparently workaround in current
    update-inetd does not work as it should.
    (closes: #239528)
 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Wed, 24 Mar 2004 20:14:55 +0100
proftpd (1.2.9-4) unstable; urgency=high

  * Typo introduced in postrm (closes: #236963)
  * Removed redirection workaround for update-inetd (already builtin in 
    netbase >=4.13).
    Changed version dependency for netbase as consequence.
    (closes: #236595)
  * Security problem (although conf dependent) fixed in patch 16.dirtree.c.diff. 
    (Thanks iSteve) See for hint and patch.
  * Typo in ftpstats.8 corrected (Thanks iSteve)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  9 Mar 2004 11:50:36 +0100

proftpd (1.2.9-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New patch 15.mod_quotatab_sql.c.diff. (Thanks Jerome Walters)
    Bug found by Christian Schulte <>: delta values are signed,
    and can be negative.
  * Now use --debconf-ok for ucf, but needs versioning depends on ucf >= 0.30

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 26 Feb 2004 00:11:09 +0100

proftpd (1.2.9-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Using basic.conf from 1.2.8 series, instead of the old one with prefixed
    anonymous section.
  * Added libncurses5-dev build-dep for ftptop.
  * Policy bumped to 3.6.1 (no changes).

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 17 Nov 2003 13:59:24 +0100

proftpd (1.2.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * The first post-Halloween release now moving to sid. 
    Now using upstream tarball.
  * CVS repository enabled: tagging appropriately.
  * Removed patch 14.manpages.diff: manpages are integrated in upstream
    tarballs, even if not present in CVS.
  * New patch: 14.mod_quotatab.diff: mod_quotatab 1.2.11 contributed module
    now replaces the old 1.2.7.
  * Removed 13.manpages.diff patch which is not due in off-cvs releases.
  * Tries to manage upgrades from pre-1.2.9 series in a soft way:
        - The scoreboard file format changed, so all inetd sessions need
        to be killed and file moved before restarting the service. The
        file needs to be moved for a standalone configuration, anyway.
        - SocketOptions directive replaces and deprecates the following
          directives: tcpReceiveWindow, and tcpSendWindow.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon,  3 Nov 2003 14:14:00 +0100

proftpd (1.2.8+cvs20031020-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * A new CVS snapshot (post 1.2.9rc3).
  * Merged stuff from unstable branch
  	- New russian template.
  	- Added a versioned dependency from debianutils to proftpd-common
   	- Removed RFCs
        - Changed order in module loading for dependencies

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon, 20 Oct 2003 23:36:58 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8+cvs20030927-1) experimental; urgency=high

  * A new CVS snapshot (post 2003-9-24 exploit).
  * Merged stuff from unstable branch (>= -9):
         - Now using case insensitive egrep in init files
         - Patches renumbered sequentially
         - Removing anonymous access enabling/disabling. A well
         commented basic configuration, to be modified by hand is much
         more effective and secure. Also that code is completely failing
         if admin changed configuration on his own, as generally done by
         everyone. So, debconf configuration is much less intrusive, and
         it's performed anyway. User 'ftp' is also added by default if
         not present, being a considered a 'system' one.

           Added a NEWS.Debian file to explain the new policy.
           Changed templates as consequence.
         - International templates revised.
         - Added strict version source dependency for proftpd-common.
         - Use instead of .net in control file descriptions.
         - Added NEWS.Debian as kept in unstable branch.
         - Removed 05.ftpstats.diff (unuseful).
         - Postinst revised to manage welcome.msg nicely.
  * Bugs fixed at this time (see below):
    (closes: #192590,#204157,#192590,#203230,#186074,#212416)
    (closes: #145669 see

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sun, 28 Sep 2003 17:52:31 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8+cvs20030818-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * A new CVS snapshot. IPV6 is now integrated.
  * Removed previous patches 01.ipv6_rollback.diff and 00.ipv6.diff all IPv6
  * Changed patch 20.contrib.mod_ldap.c.diff to reflect modifications in

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 19 Aug 2003 09:19:19 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8+cvs20030805-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * A new CVS snapshot. See NEWS file for a list of bugs solved.
    All Debian patches applies but some hacks on the first one.
  * Policy updated to 3.6.0
  * Bugs closed at this time: #204157,#192590,#203230
  * Added IPV6 support.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  5 Aug 2003 20:57:31 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8+cvs20030620-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * This is based on cvs tree at the date. It's not prime time ready.
  * Removed duplicated tarball: fixes #192590
  * Removed patches already in CVS:
  * Added patches:
       91.autoconf.diff - move to to force use
       of autoconf2.50 B2.mod_sql_mysql.c.diff - use <mysql/mysql.h>
       instead of <mysql.h> B3.manpages.diff - add man pages that are
       missing in the cvs tree
  * Added autoconf build-dep.
  * Policy updated to 3.5.10.
  * Minor changes in rules file in order to build correctly.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:31:36 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8-8) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added a set +e before testing proftpd configuration.
    Proftpd could crash in some cases when testing.
    (closes: #197585)
  * Added AB.fixes_handling_of_contexts_to_use_proper_pool.diff: fixes
    handling of contexts to use properpool, by patching src/dirtree.c and
    src/sets.c. This is from current CVS tree.
    (closes: #197586)
  * Security: added B2.mod_sql_postgres.c.diff:
    See for information. This
    has been created using diff among mod_sql_postgres.c-1.16 and 
    This is from current CVS tree.
    (closes: #197984)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 19 Jun 2003 13:50:29 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8-7) unstable; urgency=high

  * Added an input (</dev/tty) redirection for ucf in maint scripts.
    (closes: #194359). This is a workaround for #193694 which is a
    debconf/ucf interaction problem.
  * Japanese podebconf template
    (closes: #194646)
  * Updated french podebconf template
    (closes: #192406)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 27 May 2003 12:49:50 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added missing HTML documentation to proftpd-doc. This also clarify
    misbehaving for mod_tls.
    (closes: #150694)
  * Added mod_rewrite, mod_radius, mod_wrap to all packages. So added
    libwrap0-dev among build-deps.
    (closes: #158305)
  * Added more README files and removed a couple of obsoleted ones.
  * debconf template and it.po revised as suggested.
    (closes: #190821)
  * New fr.po integrated.
    (closes: #191227)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue,  6 May 2003 20:56:06 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8-5) unstable; urgency=high

  * Explicitly depends on libmysqlclient10-dev, which is the last LGPL
    licensed. Also, current sql module is not tested with mysql4, so the
    conservative approach is the safest one.
  * Introduced Replaces in control/proftpd-common against old packages.
    (closes: #188114)
  * Policy updated.
  * Maintainer script totally revised. Wow! Some more hints in basic.conf
    added too. Also a new warning note is displayed when upgrading.
    (closes: #168305, #145662, #187695, #186646, #187695)
    Debconf IS NOT a configuration tool. Now I use it only for minimal
    config interactions. We absolutely needed a more powerful config editor
    for proftpd.conf, but I seriously doubt it can be really written.
  * Introduced -q for savelog instead of stdout/stderr redirect, in
    (closes: #188722)
  * Now truly install ftpasswd.8 among proftpd-common man pages :-/

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 24 Apr 2003 12:31:26 +0200

proftpd (1.2.8-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Init file revised to use current default pidfile or PidFile directive.
    Scoreboard file name no more has the daemon pid bundled.
    (closes: #186312)
  * Now postinst changes obsolete LsDefaultOptions in ListOptions directive.
    That's needed in moving from 1.2.6 basic.conf. Added a list_options()
    function for this.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Thu, 27 Mar 2003 11:09:00 +0100

proftpd (1.2.8-3) unstable; urgency=high

  * Removed dh_undocumented which is no more used.
  * Added a new patch:
  	10.mod_cap.c.diff - solves a double free in mod_cap which caused #185030.
  * Re-added mod_cap thanks to previous patch. So readded libcap-dev.
  * Patch 20.contrib.mod_ldap.c.diff revised.
    (closes: #185125, #175581,#185567)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Sat, 22 Mar 2003 11:56:53 +0100

proftpd (1.2.8-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Removed mod_cap. It needs more investigation.

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 18 Mar 2003 13:27:24 +0100

proftpd (1.2.8-1) unstable; urgency=high

  * New upstream release, merging with my experimental 1.2.7 pkg...
    (closes: #185084)
    This also solve a potential seriuous license bug as stated in
  * IPv6 removed. It will be available in 1.2.9 anyway. It was also
    disabled in all releases before 1.2.6-5, so I guess it's not a
    high-requested feature :)
  * configure updated to 2.57.
  * added config.(sub|guess) cleaning.
  * Paul asked to become co-maintainer.
  * Removed patches:
  * Added patches:
  * Changed fr.po: now truly closes: #182889.
  * Policy update.
  * Added dep/build-dep from libcap2(-dev). It does not work with stable libcap.
    (closes: #185030, hopefully #185125)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Tue, 18 Mar 2003 12:34:58 +0100
proftpd (1.2.6-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Only restart the daemon if runlevels allow, in accordance with
    policy section (Closes: #166907)
  * Revised contents of ftpstats.8 (frankie)
  * Added ftpasswd.8 (frankie)
  * Removed obsolete proftpd libcap building. Now uses standard one. (frankie)
    (Closes: #168953)
  * fr.po updated (frankie) (Closes: #182889)
  * pt_BR.po updated (frankie) (Closes: #177226)

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>  Mon,  3 Mar 2003 10:39:59 +0100

proftpd (1.2.6-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: put proftpd-doc in section "doc".
  * Now uses po-debconf templates (frankie).
  * Added Italian template (frankie).
  * debian/control: added as co-maintainer.
  * debian/control: added build-depend on sharutils, as we now need
    uudecode because of...
  * debian/patches: two of the patches contain RCS Id tags in their
    context, which got mangled by CVS, so they're now uuencoded, which
    required changes to...
  * debian/scripts/file2cat: now uudecodes files with .uue extension
  * debian/scripts/ ignore CVS directories when applying
  * debian/rules: use $$m instead of $m for loop variable.
    (Closes: #166205)
  * debian/patches/AC.mod_unixpw.c.ldap.fix.diff: if getpwnam/getpwuid
    return NULL, revert to original method of getting pw entries.
    (Closes: #165188)
  * debian/rules: remove incorrect logic for detecting kernel version
    which was causing linuxprivs never to be compiled in. Thanks to 
    frankie for tracing this one. (Closes: #166215)

 -- Paul Martin <>  Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:24:28 +0000

proftpd (1.2.6-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/proftpd.config: unfortunately Ivo's patch had a bug in it.
    Fixed this and another problematic conditional pointed out by Andrew
    Suffield. (Closes: #164556,#164556)
  * debian/proftpd.config: more compare-versions fixes. (Closes: #165677)

 -- Paul Martin <>  Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:27:08 +0100

proftpd (1.2.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * New maintainer. (Closes: #163632)
  * debian/proftpd.config: fix version test (Closes: #164556)
  * debian/patches/B0.mod_ls.c.fsmatch.diff: Fixes the "virtual
    filesystem" abstraction. Only contrib/mod_test.c would be
    affected, if we built it.
  * debian/rules: added undocumented.7 link to ftpasswd.8.
    (Bug: #150101) Bug left open until proper manpage is written.
  * debian/patches/B1.ftpasswd.cracklib.location.diff: Change the
    default location of the cracklib dictionaries to match their
    Debian location. (Closes: #159365)

 -- Paul Martin <>  Fri, 18 Oct 2002 18:12:59 +0100

proftpd (1.2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * debian/patches/20.contrib.mod_ldap.c.diff: Updated.
  * debian/patches/AF.ipv6.diff: Updated.
  * debian/patches/AG.mod_ratio.c.3.3.diff: Removed.
  * debian/patches/AH.mod_ldap.c.HEAD.diff: Removed.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sat,  7 Sep 2002 14:49:52 +0200

proftpd (1.2.5+1.2.6rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * debian/control: Change section from non-US to net.
  * debian/copyright: Change licenses for mod_ldap.c and mod_ratio.c.
  * Take advantage of the required new source upload to create an
    .orig.tar.gz and a .diff.gz.
  * debian/proftpd.postinst: Call db_stop before replace_file.
  * debian/patches/33.mod_quota.c.exemption.fix.diff: Removed (upstream
    has removed mod_quota.c).
  * debian/rules: Don't include mod_quota.c in compilation.
  * debian/patches/50proftpd-1.2.5-tls.2002.05.30.patch: Replaced by
  * debian/patches/ Removed (upstream
    has included LFS).
  * debian/patches/AF.ipv6.diff: Updated.
  * debian/patches/AG.mod_ratio.c.3.3.diff: Update mod_ratio.c to version
  * debian/patches/AH.mod_ldap.c.HEAD.diff: Update mod_ldap.c to CVS HEAD.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun,  1 Sep 2002 17:06:41 +0200

proftpd (1.2.5-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/proftpd.init:
      - Remove bashism;
      - signal(): remove superfluous "proftpd" in the find statement;
        (Closes: #156878)
      - Added new option "force-stop", which will try to kill proftpd even
        though the config file says it is started from inetd (like
        force-start). (Closes: #153922)
  * debian/proftpd.config: Stop any running proftpd when the old setting
    was to be run standalone, and the new setting to run from inetd.
    (Closes: #144882, #151362)
  * debian/proftpd.postrm: Remove debconf calls.
    (Closes: #148727, #156464)
  * debian/copyright:
      - Include the license exception the ProFTPd team has given (long
        ago) to allow binaries linked against OpenSSL to be distributed.
      - Include licenses for contributed modules.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun, 18 Aug 2002 20:25:11 +0200

proftpd (1.2.5-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/proftpd.init: Let the init script get the location of the
    scoreboard from the config. (Closes: #150162)
  * debian/patches/ Don't try to
    check certificate files on startup. (Closes: #153992, #154238)
  * debian/patches/20.contrib.mod_ldap.diff: Fix segfault in uid-lookup in
    proftpd-ldap. (Closes: #150525)
  * debian/control: Changed sections from non-US/main to non-US.
  * debian/patches/AF.ipv6.diff: IPv6 patch from Jan Rekorajski, Amand
    TIHON and others.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Tue, 13 Aug 2002 23:23:54 +0200

proftpd (1.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version. (Closes: #146839)
  * Updated TLS patch.
  * Upstream now includes ftpasswd, deleted it from 99.misc.diff.
  * Deleted the patch to delete doc/rfc/draft-murray-auth-ftp-ssl-08.txt,
    which has been deleted upstream.
  * Updated
  * Removed one "ShowSymlinks on" from basic.conf. (Closes: #148358)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Thu, 13 Jun 2002 17:16:10 +0200

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-6) unstable; urgency=high

  * One more try...
  * /etc/proftpd.conf is no longer marked as a conffile.  Instead, we
    verify its existence every time postinst is ran, possibly copying it
    over from our default version in
    /usr/share/doc/<package>/examples/proftpd.conf.  If we need to change
    it, ucf is called to let the user merge in any changes he
    made. (Closes: #143351)
  * Rephrased the shared/proftpd/replace_file_install debconf question.
    (Closes: #144715)
  * Removed mention of obsolete proftpd-sql in package description.
    (Closes: #144365)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun, 28 Apr 2002 10:22:42 +0200

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-5) unstable; urgency=high

  * Reworked postinst to handle configuration files better; allow the user
    to review the changes before committing them.  Thanks to Roland Mas
    for the help. (Closes: #143351)
  * Stop proftpd from prerm. (Closes: #143376)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:50:50 +0200

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-4) unstable; urgency=high

  * Configuring proftpd-ldap, proftpd-*sql with debconf was broken, now
    uses shared debconf templates.  This fixes a release critical bug
    nobody reported.
  * Properly mention that support for mysql or postgresql is included in
    proftpd-{my,pg}sql package descriptions.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:07:20 +0200

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Use CFLAGS when running configure.
  * Large file support (partially by Petr Cech, thank you).
    (Closes: #139325)
  * Fix typo in postinst. (Closes: #140498)
  * Correct == to = in init script. (Closes: #140896)
  * Apply fix for proftpd-ldap by Steve Langasek, which makes mod_unixpw
    use getpwnam if pwdfname isn't /etc/passwd. (Closes: #141275)
  * Fix crash of proftpd-*sql when user shell field is NULL.
    (Closes: #140141)
  * Updated debconf template for Brazilian Portugese. (Closes: #141690)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:25:53 +0200

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changelog entry for 1.2.4-2 got lost, readded.
  * Changed build dependency for postgresql-dev to 7.2 or higher.
  * Added build dependency on bzip2.
  * Patch, probably from Ignacy Gawedzki, to prevent server crash when
    using REST+GET on unaccessible source. (Closes: #136696)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Mon,  4 Mar 2002 19:37:21 +0100

proftpd (1.2.4+1.2.5rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version. (Closes: #125829)
  * Switch to dbs.
  * Updated TLS patch. (Closes: #118804)
  * Fix ftpstats (see bugreport for details). (Closes: #133647)
  * Updated init.d script, use /etc/defaults.  Thanks to Marc Haber for
    the patch. (Closes: #120324, #128805)
  * Fixed a typo in postinst which might have caused problems when
  * Renamed the English debconf template, added French translation.
    (Closes: #136104)
  * Redirect stderr to /dev/null in cron.monthly. (Closes: #136309)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun,  3 Mar 2002 18:37:41 +0100

proftpd (1.2.4-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fix segfault on ls /////////// (Closes: 125829)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun, 23 Dec 2001 23:00:43 +0100

proftpd (1.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Added Russian debconf templates.
    (Closes: #114953, #114954, #114955, #114957)
  * Fixed small error in build script that prevented the German debconf
    templates from being installed.
  * Updated standards version.
  * Make proftpd suggest proftpd-doc instead of recommend.
    (Closes: #113673)
  * Allow two extra digits for total number of bytes sent in the xferstat
    script. (Closes: #107387)
  * Link in mod_wrap. (Closes: #111454)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Mon, 22 Oct 2001 01:45:19 +0200

proftpd (1.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=high

  * New upstream release (Closes: #109070):
     - Doesn't use ifdef's inside a printf call.
       (Closes: #104402, #104948)
  * Don't log `No certificates found' message for each connection, only
    print it on startup. (Closes: #103318)
  * Change documentation for HideGroup. (Closes: #106548)
  * Add new directives for proftpd-ldap: LDAPCheckAllow, LDAPCheckDeny,

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sat, 18 Aug 2001 17:29:31 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1+1.2.2rc3-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Depend on adduser. (Closes: #102944)
  * Updated the Spanish debconf template. (Closes: #102135)
  * Include and ftpasswd in the proftpd-common package.
    (Closes: #102489)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Tue,  3 Jul 2001 01:01:44 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1+1.2.2rc3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added -r to rm -f /var/run/proftpd in postrm.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Mon,  2 Jul 2001 00:48:16 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1+1.2.2rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Applied the TLS patch by Peter Runestig.
  * Included new config.sub and config.guess. (Closes: #99862)
  * Fixed regexp in proftpd.init. (Closes: #98078)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Thu, 28 Jun 2001 11:57:49 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-9) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed sections now that postgresql is in non-US. (Closes: #97124)
  * Kill any references to /usr/doc and /usr/man from debian/rules.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Fri, 11 May 2001 11:16:51 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed the logic that determines how to handle
    /etc/proftpd.conf. (Closes: #96593)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Wed,  9 May 2001 10:57:32 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Check that /etc/proftpd.conf exists before calculating the md5sum

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sun,  6 May 2001 14:06:32 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Make proftpd-doc suggest proftpd-common. (Closes: #95724)
  * Added tests to see if /etc/proftpd.conf exists. (Closes: #95650)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Wed,  2 May 2001 15:09:40 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Include German debconf templates. (Closes: #93770, #93989)
  * Redirect update-inetd stdout and stdin to /dev/tty.
    (Closes: #93152)
  * Include ftpusers(5) manual page, originally from the ftpd package.
    (Closes: #94348)
  * Automatically generate a proftpd.conf(5) manual page from the file
    doc/Configuration.html; add perl-base to build dependencies.
    (Closes: #65354)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Thu, 19 Apr 2001 03:13:02 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Make proftpd-common and -doc replace proftpd. (Closes: #93230)
  * Don't edit /etc/init.d/proftpd from postinst, as this is already
    handled correctly with a grep. (Closes: #93331)
  * Split proftpd-sql into proftpd-mysql and proftpd-pgsql.  This is ugly,
    but necessary. (Closes: #72347, #93150)
  * proftpd-ldap no longer conflicts with itself.
  * All the configure scripts use the same config.cache file.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Mon,  9 Apr 2001 02:34:26 +0200

proftpd (1.2.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * `Let's split up' -- Created a separate package for SQL authentication,
    drop mod_sql from the standard package.
  * Created a separate package with mod_ldap for LDAP authentication
    (untested!). (Closes: #60458)
  * Check md5sum of /etc/proftpd.conf or ask user before asking questions
    that mean we have to edit the file. (Closes: #90673)
  * Needs debhelper 3.0 or later.
  * Include Brazilian, Dutch and Spanish debconf templates.
    (Closes: #92143, #92318)
  * Move all debconf related stuff out of postinst into config.  This
    makes update-inetd work correctly if it needs to ask something.
    (Closes: #91931, #91987; addresses #90676)
  * Also edit the ServerType directive in /etc/proftpd.conf when switching
    to/from inetd mode. (Closes: #91931, #91987)
  * Use /etc/pam.d/proftpd (fix typo). (Closes: #91745)
  * Drop manual.uue from the source, delete sharutils from build depends.
  * Remove the contents from /var/run/proftpd in postrm and postinst.
    (Closes: #90675, #91262)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sat, 24 Mar 2001 23:32:58 +0100

proftpd (1.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added postgresql-dev and sharutils to the build dependencies.
    (Closes: #90650)
  * Run proftpd as root from inetd.  proftpd switches to the user/group
    that is given in the configuration file after startup anyway.
    (Closes: #90643, #90645)
  * Set priority to optional.
  * In cron.monthly, test for ftpstats in the right directory
    (/usr/sbin). (Closes: #90669)

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Thu, 22 Mar 2001 18:21:46 +0100

proftpd (1.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.  (Closes: #49742, #60188, #62589, #64926,
    Closes: #66784, #66785, #68848, #74153, #74545, #74758, #77701,
    Closes: #76453, #78922, #80220, #81757, #82921, #83822, #85561,
    Closes: #86175, #86855)
  * New maintainer. (Closes: #66783, #67343, #68356, #72841, #75487,
    Closes: #76258, #85259, #85589, #85710, #85724, #85940, #86011,
    Closes: #86519, #87194, #90299)
  * Send savelog output from cron.monthly to /dev/null.
    (Closes: #72894, #88150)
  * Applied a patch submitted by me that fixes segfaults due to using
    a nonexistant postgres connection. (Closes: #76710)
  * Fixed a small error. (Closes: #77701)
  * Check for the presence of any SQL* directives in proftpd.conf on
    upgrade, refer to README.mod_sql. (Closes: #77701)
  * Added /etc/ftpusers file. (Closes: #79062, #87568)
  * Changed modules/mod_pam.c to use /etc/pam.d/proftpd by default.
  * Replace pam_unix_password by pam_unix and remove the shadow option
    from /etc/pam.d/proftpd. (Closes: #81753)
  * Ask whether proftpd should start from inetd or standalone.
    (Closes: #67720)
  * Test if ftpstats exists on the system before executing it in
    cron.monthly. (Closes: #86773)
  * postinst: Call cp in a separate shell to prevent ~ftp caching trouble.
    (Closes: #44530)
  * Made changes to contrib/mod_sql*.c to allow both mysql and postgres
    modules to be linked in.
  * Fixed small but obvious mistake in mod_sqlpw.c. (Closes: #76723)
  * Apply fix from (by Dmitry
    Alyabyev) for QuotaExempt.
  * Added a line with PersistentPasswd to basic.conf, to please NIS and
    LDAP users bugging about proftpd not finding their dynamic
    users. (Closes: #62197)
  * Set DenyFilter in basic.conf to prevent a DoS posted to bugtraq
    (proftpd bug id 1066). (Closes: #89871)
  * Move Umask to the <Directory> blocks.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Wed,  7 Mar 2001 02:52:26 +0100

proftpd (1.2.0pre10-2.1) unstable; urgency=high

  * Non-Maintainer upload.
  * Applied patch against string format buffer attack.
  * Removed extra User/Group pair from basic.conf, server now runs as
    user/group nobody by default.
  * Added build dependencies on libmysqlclient-dev (instead of
    mysql-dev), zlib1g-dev, debhelper and libpam-dev.
  * In contrib/libcap/libcap.h: moved the capability.h include to just
    below sys/types.h to fix horrible build errors.

 -- Ivo Timmermans <>  Sat, 24 Feb 2001 02:32:02 +0100

proftpd (1.2.0pre10-2) frozen unstable; urgency=high

  * Use setproctitle(%s,foo) in main.c, lamagra@DIGIBEL.ORG advisory.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed,  5 Jul 2000 18:50:07 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre10-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (CVS), closes: #59851, #58043, #58149, #41090.
  * Included lines in default config which make files overwritable,
    closes: #58258.
  * Added patch from Gerhard Poul to create xferreport in cron.daily,
    closes: #57935.
  * Added patch from Christian Hammers so the init.d script reliably kills
    the daemon even in inetd mode, and without using killall, closes:
    #48487, #45853.
  * Added directory umask to default config, closes: #42279.
  * Included more documentation and READMEs.
  * Disabled mod_pgsql and statically linked to library for mod_mysql,
    closes: #51120, #50342.
  * Enabled new module mod_quota.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  7 Mar 2000 14:54:10 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (CVS), fixes TYPE L, closes: #58043.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 16 Feb 2000 16:17:00 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Uploaded for the correct dist (unstable).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 20 Dec 1999 05:19:47 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Included ftpstats manpage by Darren Benham (gecko), closes: #51867,
  * Changed xferstats to ftpstats in example crontab, closes: #50027.
  * Slink version updated as of 2.1r4, closes: #33193, #36829, #34564.
  * No longer asks debconf questions in the postinst, closes: #48353,
  * Included compile fixes from slink version, closes: #49170.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 17 Dec 1999 21:01:02 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-4) stable; urgency=low

  * Included compile fixes from slink version.
  * Changed xferstats to ftpstats in example crontab, closes: #50027.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon,  8 Nov 1999 22:12:13 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-3) stable; urgency=high

  * Really really important security upload for slink.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon,  8 Nov 1999 19:35:58 -0600

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version, closes: #49170 (have_sendfile on m68k).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 30 Oct 1999 20:51:00 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version, closes: #43842, #38203, #48274, #46407, #40085, #33206.
  * Included patch from Madarasz Gergely so it works on 2.0 kernels again
    (adopted upstream), closes: #47138.
  * Database client libraries are linked dynamically, closes: #47147.
  * Split of netbase ends inetd.conf problems, closes: #17514.
  * Starting in standalone mode removes ftp from inetd.conf, closes: #29734.
  * Changed PAM service class to 'ftp'.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 30 Oct 1999 20:44:31 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre7-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (pre8 beta).
  * Added detection of slink (ancient non-FHS) system during build.
  * Changed awkward name xferstats.proftpd to ftpstats.
  * Debconfified install question.
  * Updated SQL support.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon,  4 Oct 1999 13:32:59 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre7-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Turned off debugging feature, closes: #46309.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 30 Sep 1999 09:49:00 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre7-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Fixed pam configuration error, closes: #45775, #45769
  * Split mod_sql out of mod_mysql; added mod_pgsql.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 27 Sep 1999 00:51:11 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre6-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated mod_mysql module, updated CVS, added docs.
  * Closing old bugs:
    * Authentication (PAM) works, closes: #38229, #22894, #10360.
    * Kills on upgrade, closes: #44531.  
    * Restarts on upgrade, closes: #38560, #33540, #33205.
    * But only if ServerType standalone, closes: #32950.
    * No killall to fail, closes: #38260.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 18 Sep 1999 01:48:47 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre6-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * New upstream security update.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:14:32 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Separate PAM configuration file; PersistentPasswd defaults to off to
    allow NIS and PAM auth to work.
  * Reactivated linuxprivs module, fixed upstream.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 13 Sep 1999 02:50:19 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * ARM support (1.1.7r3-4 NMU, #29805), mod_mysql, and all debian patches
    are now included upstream.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 10 Sep 1999 03:58:40 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre4-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated to Standards-Version (FHS).
  * Purging proftpd will stop the daemon, closes: #44531.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun,  5 Sep 1999 09:50:48 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre4-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * More security fixes.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun,  5 Sep 1999 09:38:01 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre4-1) unstable; urgency=high

  * New upstream version, fixing remote root exploit.
  * Prepared with the PAM of glibc 2.1, closes: #36742, #38562.
  * Note: the README.Solaris2.5x is included as humor, illustrating how
    bad non-free OSes can be, closes: #36540.
  * Fixed segfault possibility in mysql module.
  * Updated to Standards-Version
  * Conflicts with and provides ftp-server, closes: #42407.
  * Added dependency on libpam-modules.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 30 Aug 1999 11:52:18 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added useful undocumented features to mod_ratio and mod_mysql.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon,  3 May 1999 12:23:18 -0400

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Activated PAM support, closes: #24115, #24524.
  * Also closes: #35292, fixed in 1.20pre2-4.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:04:57 -0400

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed default (undocumented) TimeoutStalled from 0 to 300.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 10 Apr 1999 17:53:29 -0400

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Conflicts with wu-ftpd-academ, closes: #35036.
  * The postrm no longer dies if proftpd is not currently running, closes:
  * Updated mod_ratio to 2.0beta, added experimental and utterly
    undocumented mod_mysql 0.1.
  * Updated to Standards-Version

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  8 Apr 1999 12:01:42 -0400

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-3) unstable; urgency=low (high for glibc 2.1)

  * New upstream version (1.2.0pre2)
      * Fixes root priv problem with glibc 2.1 (mod_linuxprivs disabled),
        closes: #34604.
      * Fixes ls -lR again, closes: #34521, #33671, #33494
      * Returns 550 instead of 553 when retrieving dir, closes: #29498.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 19 Mar 1999 10:29:43 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-2) frozen unstable; urgency=medium

  * Uploaded for frozen.  Fixes ls -alR looping bug discovered by Jim
    Pick, closes: #33494.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  4 Mar 1999 08:11:14 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre2-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version, closes: #33494 (ls -alR looping bug discovered
    by Jim Pick).
  * Debugging turned off by default, closes: #33396.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 17 Feb 1999 12:46:15 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre1-2) stable frozen unstable; urgency=high

  * Uploaded for stable by request of Wichert Akkerman.  This fixes the
    Palmetto bug discovered by  Upgrade.  Now.
  * Bug also fixed in slink and potato on Feb 4, closes: #32686, #33173.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 10 Feb 1999 09:26:18 -0500

proftpd (1.2.0pre1-1) frozen unstable; urgency=medium

  * Include path exploit fix (closes: #32686, important).
  * Rehashing (-HUP) now properly discards old LogFormat logs, and
    recreates from the conf file, closes: #28641.
  * Fixed division by 0 in xferstats.proftp, closes: #26946.
  * No longer complains to stderr when capababilities (a 2.2.x feature)
    aren't supported by the kernel, closes: #27861.
  * Includes ARM support (1.1.7r3-4 NMU), closes: #29805.
  * Module mod_ls fixed so ncftp -R works, closes: #29520.
  * Removing package kills proftpd, closes: #30157, #32331, #32607.
  * No longer slow (846.68 kB/s over ethernet), closes: #29396.
  * Tweaked regex in /etc/init.d/proftpd.
  * Daemon is not pointlessly stopped during upgrade: #28900.
  * Updated documentation from upstream website.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  4 Feb 1999 13:37:17 -0500

proftpd (1.1.7r3-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Only queries about installing anonymous ftp once (#27873 and #25432).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 12 Oct 1998 18:24:59 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7r3-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Merged fix from Alpha release by Paul Slootman (#27823).
  * Bugs fixed prior to this release, or non-bugs: #20130, #24675, #25158,

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 12 Oct 1998 17:16:53 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7r3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (CVS).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:53:14 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7r3-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * non-maintainer (binary-only) upload for Alpha
  * invoke "make install" with some modified parameters, else it tries to
    create directories outside the source directory.

 -- Paul Slootman <>  Mon, 12 Oct 1998 21:07:12 +0200

proftpd (1.1.7r3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (pristine).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 10 Oct 1998 13:11:38 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7r2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (CVS).
  * Module linuxprivs is now compiled in for better security, on
    architectures with kernel source newer than 2.1.103.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed,  7 Oct 1998 10:55:38 -0400

Old Changelog:

proftpd (1.1.7r2-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=26839

  * New upstream version (pristine).
  * Removal will not run init.d script if script doesn't exist (#26839).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  6 Oct 1998 14:17:08 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7r1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version 1.1.7pl1 (CVS).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 23 Sep 1998 11:29:21 -0400

proftpd (1.1.7pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=25168 16502 20868 26638 23485 25272

  * New upstream version (CVS) includes ability to diable wtmp logging
    (#16502) and a correct implementation of %L (#20868).
  * Fixed xferstats conflict with hylafax-server (#26638).
  * Removing proftpd now stops the running daemon (#25272).
  * Bugs fixed prior to this release, by other packages, or non-bugs:
    #25168, #23485.
  * Updated to Standards-Version

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 12 Sep 1998 17:16:53 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6r2-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Ratio support is accepted by upstream author as a "contrib" module,
    and now fully documented.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  8 Sep 1998 22:30:45 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6r2-2) unstable; urgency=low, closes=26089 25133

  * New upstream version (CVS), fixing symlink Bug (#26089) and general
    slowness when used with 2.1.x kernels (#25133).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  8 Sep 1998 14:54:59 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6r2-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=26167 26305 23156 17488

  * New upstream version (CVS).
  * Modified for new debhelper behavior (#26167, #26305).
  * Closes #17488, as ls -lat is now supported.
  * Added xferstats manpage and program wu-ftpd-academ, as modified by
    Holger Preiss (TU Dresden) (#23156).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  8 Sep 1998 12:29:25 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6r-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * non-maintainer upload for Alpha
  * don't use wildcards in debian/examples, as that fails with debhelper_1.1.9

 -- Paul Slootman &lt;;  Wed, 26 Aug 1998 22:37:29 +0200

proftpd (1.1.6r-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (CVS).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 20 Aug 1998 10:51:04 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6pre4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  4 Aug 1998 12:25:14 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6pre2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (fixes ident timeouts).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 31 Jul 1998 11:51:32 -0400

proftpd (1.1.6pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 30 Jul 1998 14:29:27 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5r-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version (1.1.5pl3).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 20 Jul 1998 23:04:08 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5r-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Tweaked syslog logging: CWD command, initial connect, etc.
  * Added HostRatio directive.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 14 Jul 1998 12:09:35 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5r-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Removed extraneous debugging output from mod_ratio.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 14 Jul 1998 11:00:58 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5pre3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added custom-written ratio module.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 14 Jul 1998 01:23:00 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5pre3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun, 12 Jul 1998 22:11:05 -0400

proftpd (1.1.5pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=23568 17765 18589

  * New upstream version.
  * Source code uses correct FSF address (#23568).
  * Recursive directory listings (ls -lR) now supported (#17765).
  * No longer possible to crash/spin server with huge dirs (#18589).
  * Probably fixes 10360, 16502, 18855, 20130, 22894, 23485, and 23875,
    but more testing is needed.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun,  5 Jul 1998 18:24:45 -0400

proftpd (1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=22207 22437 14447 21808

  * New upstream version.
  * ProFTPD now uses port 20 for outgoing data instead of "wierd ports"
  * Pre-install script will not fail if init.d script is missing (#22207).
  * Closes Bug #22437 against ncftp, incorrect handling of multiline
    responses, actually due to proftpd's incorrect multiline response.
  * Includes example configurations (#21808).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri, 22 May 1998 17:17:20 -0400

proftpd (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 21 May 1998 15:21:06 -0400

proftpd (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New (somewhat unreleased) upstrem version, fixing potential segfault

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 19 May 1998 13:48:26 -0400

proftpd (1.0.0unoff1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Real-time ratio levels are now logged for each user, at the higher
    debugging levels (>= 3).
  * Ratios are calculated at session start in addition to during chdir

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun, 19 Apr 1998 20:06:01 -0400

proftpd (1.0.0unoff1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Now includes current directories in status output.
  * The ftpwho command now shows the entire command being executed.
  * Remoted commands logged separate from malloc debugging: most at level
    3, STOR, RETR and CWD at level 2.
  * Now logs the rough bandwidth of each transfer to syslog.
  * Disabled NEED_PERSISTENT_PASSWORD so NIS works (#18144, #14916).
  * Converted from debmake to debhelper packaging technology.
  * Undocumented support for upload/download ratios added.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 18 Apr 1998 23:24:15 -0400

proftpd (1.0.0-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Priority is now extra.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 18 Mar 1998 17:01:21 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Corrected spelling of proftpd in init.d message output.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat, 14 Mar 1998 19:47:23 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-6) unstable; urgency=low

  * Included force-reload target in help text returned by init.d script,
    and switched to the unofficial official downcase style.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Fri,  6 Feb 1998 23:43:19 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Corrected year and URL info in copyright file.
  * Added reload and force-reload targets to init.d script.
  * Updated to Standards-Version

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  3 Feb 1998 15:05:51 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-4) unstable; urgency=low, closes=17489

  * Applied proftpd-1.0.0-chmod.patch, fixing behavior of the SITE CHMOD
    command when octal numbers do not begin with 0.
  * Default config now shows symlinks as symlinks (#17489).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  3 Feb 1998 13:14:10 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Built with new version of debmake to correct md5sum error.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 21 Jan 1998 13:33:39 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low, closes=14234

  * Setting up anonymous FTP now sets up an example welcome.msg (#14234).
 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  1 Jan 1998 14:02:50 -0500

proftpd (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=12753

  * New upstream version, fixes MDTM and NOOP commands.
  * Closed #12753, as install now asks to set up anonymous FTP.
  * Init script modified for better compliance with policy section

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 31 Dec 1997 23:43:20 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl11-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed bug in preinst discovered on powerpc architecture -- the preinst
    script could fail with some versions of bash.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  9 Dec 1997 20:11:07 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl11-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 11 Nov 1997 13:53:58 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl10-1) unstable; urgency=low, closes=14725

  * New upstream version, supporting md5 passwords (#14725).
  * Fixed bug where proftpd would not start automatically after upgrade if
    anonymous FTP was enabled.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue, 11 Nov 1997 12:36:52 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl9-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixed errors in default proftpd.conf pointed out by Scott K. Ellis.
  * Configuration script no longer asks if anonymous FTP should be
    enabled, if anonymous FTP is enabled.
  * Closed #10360, as proftpd now works correctly on both shadow and
    non-shadow systems.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 29 Oct 1997 14:54:31 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl9-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Features support for the SIZE command (#13963).
 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 29 Oct 1997 14:05:12 -0500

proftpd (0.99.0pl8-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Includes support for the MDTM command used by the ftp method of dpkg
  * Added code from Christoph Lameter to set up anonymous ftp (#13334).
  * Removed patch to fix non-shadow support, as this feature has been
    added to the configuration script.
  * Added SHELL=/bin/bash to debian rules.
  * Updated to Standards-Version and debmake 3.4.2..

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 20 Oct 1997 16:11:05 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl7-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version.
  * Fixes wtmp corruption program (#12013, #12483).
  * Added patch to fix non-shadow support.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 24 Sep 1997 14:10:51 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl6-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Tweaked packaging for better multi-architecture support.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sun, 31 Aug 1997 00:38:31 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl6-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated to Standards-Version and debmake 3.3.11.
  * Removed "Evil" code to auto-fetch HTML manual during package build
    reported by James Troup (#11598).
  * Switched to pristine upstream tar archive.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat,  9 Aug 1997 14:59:24 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl6-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Linked against libc6 again on Intel architecture.
  * Fixed errors in default proftpd.conf pointed out by Rob Browning.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Mon, 28 Jul 1997 04:26:05 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated HTML manual, modifed build script to mirror automatically.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu, 10 Jul 1997 11:14:33 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * Added complete HTML manual and FAQ to package.
  * Updated to Standards-Version and debmake 3.3.4.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  8 Jul 1997 23:46:06 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.
  * No longer unnecessarily edits /etc/inetd.conf during upgrades,
    and /etc/init.d/proftpd script now automatically detects when proftpd
    is being run out of inetd instead (Bug #10462).
  * Closed Bug #10373.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Wed, 11 Jun 1997 02:46:55 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl4-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Built with libc5 (on i386 systems) in another attempt to fix Bug
    #10373 (corruption of utmp and wtmp).
  * Some tweaks to debian "clean" target.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Sat,  7 Jun 1997 11:47:45 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl4-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added TODO file and upstream changelog to package.
  * Temporarily disabled wtmp logging since this corrupts the log on
    libc5/libc6 systems (Bug #10373).

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  5 Jun 1997 20:14:17 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream version.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Thu,  5 Jun 1997 13:28:13 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl3-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added patch from author to fix premature termination of the control
    connection during MPUT commands.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  3 Jun 1997 15:59:42 -0400

proftpd (0.99.0pl3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.
  * Contains two additional patches from the author to fix compilation on
    libc6, and to log the full pathname in the xferlog.

 -- Johnie Ingram <>  Tue,  3 Jun 1997 09:41:41 -0400