Puppet in Debian ================ 1. Differences from upstream Puppet ----------------------------------- - To comply with the Debian Policy Manual, the Puppet agent's default paths are different from those shipped by upstream (Puppetlabs). Rather than paths under /opt/puppetlabs, Puppet in Debian uses the following: * confdir: /etc/puppet * codedir: /etc/puppet/code * logdir: /var/log/puppet * moduledir: /usr/share/puppet/modules * vardir: /var/cache/puppet * ssldir: /var/lib/puppet/ssl The paths used by the puppet agent when running ad a non-root user also differ from upstream, storing files under ~/.puppet rather than ~/.puppetlabs - The default value for the "reports" setting in puppet.conf is "none" 2. System service ----------------- The puppet-agent service is disabled by default on new installations. To enable it installation, run `systemctl enable puppet-agent.service' If you rely on other means for running puppet agent (e.g. cron), you should leave the service disabled.