Format: Upstream-Name: PySol Fan Club Edition - Additional Cardsets Source: Comment: The following cardsets from the upstream source package (found in the respective cardset-* directories) have been removed due to unclear, probably non-free licensing: patience rangoon-d rangoon-e rangoon-r tksol Files: cardset-1567/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set come from a deck published in France in the mid 16th century by Pierre Marechal. The red Jacks are missing from the only original deck of this type known to exist. The Jack of clubs was flipped left to right and the pip was changed to create the Jack of Diamonds. The Jack of Hearts was created by flipping the Jack of Spades. The pip cards were created by using one pip of each suit from the courts. Files: cardset-1750/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set come from a deck published by English card maker Bamford in the mid 18th century. The pip cards were created by using one pip of each suit from the courts. Files: cardset-1815/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set come from a deck published by Belgium card maker Hunt around 1815. This was a "fake" pack of cards made to avoid the high English taxes. The pip cards were created by using one pip of each suit from the courts. Files: cardset-1880-delarue/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set was produced using the court images from a deck published by De La Rue of London in 1880. Extra pip cards with eleven, twelve and thirteen pips were added to make this a Hex A Deck type card set. The Wizards were taken from a late 19th century lithograph advertising the lounge in a hotel. Files: cardset-1880-tarot/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The images used in this card set were first published in France around 1760 by card maker Nicolas Conver. That deck was produced using wood block molds and stencils. They were widely copied by other card makers. They were republished by the heirs of Mr. Conver in 1880 using lithography. These images are from the 1880 deck. Files: cardset-1890-grimaud/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set is a set of unretouched photographs of a deck of cards published by card maker B. P. Grimaud of Paris in 1890. The indexes were added to the pip cards to make them usable in computer solitaire games. Files: cardset-aisleriot/* Copyright: 1998 Jonathan Blandford 1998 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from gnome-games 0.27 (aisleriot). Files: cardset-amber-mahjongg/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This set of Mahjongg tiles uses a combination of classic pips and Ukiyo E style images. The tiles resemble a variety of Baltic Amber. Files: cardset-ashta-dikapala/* Copyright: 2003 Mt. Hood Playing Card Company License: GPL-2+ Comment: This Moghul Ganjifa card set uses the Ashta Dikapala or Guardians of the Eight Region as themes for the suits. The backs depict Shri Ganesh, the Destroyer of Obstacles. Files: cardset-bavarian-court/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this card set use images that have been traditional in Bavarian countries since the early 19th century and before. Images of this type probably originated in what is now Germany or Austria. These images being double ended date from sometime in the mid to late 19th century. Files: cardset-bavarian-half-court/* cardset-bavarian-half-court-s/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set uses the classic style of court cards that is found in the region around Germany and Austria. The card back is from a very old wood block and stenciled playing card which is from the same region. Files: cardset-bavarian-half-hex/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set uses the classic style of court cards that is found in the region around Germany and Austria. The card back is from a very old wood block and stenciled playing card which is from the same region. The Wizards are from the Tarock deck which originated in the same area. Files: cardset-belgium-export/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published in Belgium around 1890. The cards were nearly exact copies of cards from a publisher in another country (likely France or Russia). Belgium card makers of this period made cards that resembled those of other card makers to get around various taxes in effect at the time. In other words, they were contraband. Files: cardset-bellot/* Copyright: 2006 David Bellot 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from the SVG cards by David Bellot. Files: cardset-briscola/* Copyright: 1998 Niccolo Rigacci 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from the game Briscola by Niccolo Rigacci. Files: cardset-chitrashala-dashavatara/* Copyright: 2003 Mt. Hood Playing Card Company License: GPL-2+ Comment: This Dashavatara Ganjifa card set uses the ten Avatars of Krishna or Vishnu as themes for the suits. The backs depict Shri Ganesh, the Destroyer of Obstacles. Files: cardset-colossus/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: These cards were originally a set of 32x32 pixel icons. They were reduced to 27x32 pixels to give them a more "card like" appearance. Files: cardset-culemann-1850a/* cardset-culemann-1850b/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set use images from a deck published in 1850 in Hannover Germany by card maker Friedrich Georg Hermann Culemann. The cards were produced by stencil coloring lithographic prints. Files: cardset-denizens/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The images used to create the courts for this card set were taken from a set of "trade cards" published in the United States of America in the late 19th century. Cards of this type were given away as premiums with the purchase of various products. The originals were actually part of a "fortune telling" deck. The full set consisted of 36 different cards. Files: cardset-dondorf-kinder/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published by B. Dondorf of Frankfort Germany in 1870. They are representative of a type of deck published by card makers in many countries that use portraits of children for the Jacks, Queens and Kings. Files: cardset-dondorf-whist-a/* cardset-dondorf-whist-b/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set uses the court and Ace images from a deck published by Dondorf and Co. of Frankfurt in 1896. The cards are double ended and have different images on each end. Two card sets were produced. Files: cardset-eight-legions/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This Mughal Ganjifa card set uses one set of pip indicators commonly used on this type of deck. The backs have a portrait of Babur, considered by some as the patron saint of Ganjifa cards. Files: cardset-emperial-dondorf/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published by card maker B. Dondorf of Germany some time around the middle of the nineteenth century. These are not the same images that were used in the deck that Dondorf published in 1894 under the name "Empire". Files: cardset-fantasy/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts in this card set were originally published in France in the early part of the 17th century. The pip cards were created by taking one pip or each suit from one of the court cards. Files: cardset-fine-art-tarot/* Copyright: 2004 Mark Polo License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was created by mpolo. The images qualify as public domain under U.S. law (Corel decision on copies of two-dimensional artwork) and would likely be considered Fair Use in other jurisdictions (due to extremely reduced resolution). Files: cardset-flowers/* cardset-flowers-small/* cardset-genjuro/* cardset-hanafuda/* cardset-hanafuda-tiny/* cardset-hanafuda-visions/* cardset-hwato/* cardset-ivory-mahjongg/* cardset-ivory-mahjongg-small/* cardset-mini-hanafuda/* cardset-oonsoo/* cardset-oonsoo-small/* cardset-sn-dietsche-small/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Files: cardset-french-1816/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this set were taken from a pack published in France in 1816. One of several publishers may have produced the cards. All French card makers were required to print playing cards in patterns defined by law at the time. Files: cardset-fromman-1890/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this card set were published in 1890 by card maker Fromman of Schaffhausen, Germany. Files: cardset-gdkcard-bonded/* Copyright: 1994 Heiko Eissfeldt 1994 Michael Bischoff 1998 Felix Bellaby 1998 Ryu Changwoo 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from gnome-games 1.0.2 (gdk-card-image). Files: cardset-get-a-round/* cardset-hungarian-tarokk/* cardset-kintengu-small/* cardset-maritimes/* cardset-ovale-salon/* cardset-prince-charles/* cardset-spin-dist/* cardset-transformation/* cardset-traugott-1800/* cardset-traugott-1834/* cardset-vienna-2k-small/* cardset-vienna-tarok/* cardset-wilhelmtell/* Copyright: 1999, 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was created by T. Kirk. Files: cardset-gnome-mahjongg-2/* cardset-gnome-mahjongg-3/* Copyright: Jonathan Buzzard and Max Watson 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This is an adapted version of a set of Mahjongg tiles found in Gnome Mahjongg. Files: cardset-gortz-1841/* cardset-gortz-1842/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court images in this card set were originally publish in a deck produced by card maker Heinrich Traugott Friedrich Gortz in Hannover Germany around 1841. They were printed using copper plates and hand colored. Files: cardset-gpl/* Copyright: 1998 Oliver Xymoron 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from cards-2.0.tar.gz. Files: cardset-greywyvern/* Copyright: 2004-2011 GreyWyvern 2008 Deluge License: GreyWyvern-BSD Comment: Playing Cards Image set by GreyWyvern. Homepage: . Assembled for PySol by Deluge 2008. See Files: cardset-half-tarokk-s/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: These are traditional Tarock card faces that have been "cut in half" to produce two card sets. One set uses the top end of the cards, the other set uses the bottoms. Files: cardset-hamburg-a/* cardset-hamburg-b/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and aces in this card set were published in Frankfurt Germany around 1864 by card maker C. L. Wust. The Kings depict influential citizens of Hamburg Germany of the time. The Queens and Jacks are dressed in period costumes. The Aces show important buildings in Hamburg. Card set Hamburg A and Hamburg B use the same set of images. The between the two difference is that the court cards are reversed. Files: cardset-hanafuda-200-small/* cardset-hanafuda-200-tiny/* cardset-hanafuda-200-years/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: These cards are a reconstruction of a Hanafuda deck produced by the Japanese multi-plate wood block technique some time in the 19th century. Files: cardset-hannover-court/* cardset-hannover-hex/* cardset-hegewald-1770/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court images in this card set were published in Hannover Germany around 1770 by card maker Johann Gottlob Hegewald. They were produced with stencil colored wood block prints. Files: cardset-hard-a-port/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This transformation card set uses images from a set of trade cards produced in the late 19th century in the United States of America. Cards of this type were given away as premiums with the purchase of various products. Each of the cards has a different image. Files: cardset-houbigant/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts in this card set were first published in France by card maker Houbigant around 1818. An interesting feature of the original deck is that it included an early form of indexing. There is a small suit sign in the lower right corner of each of the courts along with a letter abbreviation of the rank. This feature was not reproducible at the reduction required to make the cards usable with PySol. Files: cardset-india-pantheon/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards and Aces in this set were hand painted in India by an unknown card maker some time in the late nineteenth century. Some of the elements are similar to those found in Ganjifa cards and it seems likely that the painter(s) were familiar with that type of cards. Two interesting features of this deck are that the Hearts are inverted and that the courts and Aces have numbers rather than the more familiar letters. Files: cardset-jacoby/* Copyright: 1993-1996 John Heidemann 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: Dontspace Comment: This cardset was adapted from dontspace 1.2. Files: cardset-joan-darc/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set has images from a deck of cards usually referred to as the Joan d'Arc pack. The original deck was published in the early 19th century and has been widely copied. Reproduction decks appear regularly. Files: cardset-kabale/* Copyright: 1998 Rene Seindal 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from Kabale. Files: cardset-kmahjongg-3d/* Copyright: 1998 Mathias Mueller 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from KMahjongg. Files: cardset-kmahjongg/* cardset-kmahjongg-small/* Copyright: 1998 Mathias Mueller 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from kdegames 1.0 (KMahjongg). Files: cardset-konqi-modern/* Copyright: Laura Layland Agnieszka Czajkowska Stefan Spatz License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from kpat 2.0. Modern Konqi - play the family carddeck Design: Laura Layland Katie by Agnieszka Czajkowska Konqi by Stefan Spatz Files: cardset-lhombre/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards and Aces in this card set were published by B. Dondorf of Frankfurt Germany in 1890. The proper name for the deck is l'Hombre but it is also known as the Sphinx deck. The deck was published with the blue and rust colored backs. The third back in this reproduction is actually one of the boxes the pack was sold in. Files: cardset-liege/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts in this card set were first published in France by card maker Liege around 1811. An interesting feature of the original deck is that it included an early form of indexing. There is an inverted suit sign in the lower right corner of each of the courts. These signs have not been modified from the original images other than the reduction required to make them usable with PySol. Files: cardset-little-sorcerer/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set has court images taken from a deck used in a fortune telling game called the Little Sorcerer. Files: cardset-logomachy/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: These cards are from a game published in 1889 by McLoughlin Brothers. They are from the game of Logomachy or War of Words. Files: cardset-melange/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set was produced using court and ace images from several different decks of playing cards. All of the decks were originally published during the early to late 19th century. Files: cardset-migeon-costume/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set are taken from a deck printed by card maker Migeon of Paris in 1860. The pack was one of the earlier ones to use rounded corners. The convention of using one dot to designate Jacks, two for Queens and three for Kings was one of the earliest types of indexing. Files: cardset-mini/* License: GPL-2+ Comment: Upstream only states license, but not copyright information. Asked at for more information, but no reply yet. Files: cardset-muller-schaffhausen/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published by J. Muller of Schaffhausen Germany in 1860. Files: cardset-national-patriotic/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The original of this deck was published in 1897 by card maker David Kimberley and Sons of Birmingham England. The court cards have portraits of royalty and leaders of England, France, Germany and the United States of the period. The Aces have the flags and other emblems of the respective nations. The back used in this reproduction is taken from the original box the cards came in. Files: cardset-nickel-ante/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this set were taken from a set of "trade cards" produced in the United States of America in the late 19th century. Trade cards were popular during this period as premiums given away with the purchase of various products. This set of cards was a transformation deck with images on the pip cards as well as the courts. Not all the cards were available so only the twelve courts have images. Files: cardset-naylor/* Copyright: 1996 Mike Naylor 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from Files: cardset-nicu-ornamental/* cardset-nicu-small/* Copyright: 2005 Nicu Buculei 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from Nicu's Playing Cards. See for Nicu Buculei's other works. Files: cardset-oxymoron-small/* Copyright: 1998 Oliver Xymoron 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from cards-2.0.tar.gz. Files: cardset-paris/* Copyright: Richard Hoelscher 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from the SVG cards by Richard Hoelscher. Files: cardset-penguins/* Copyright: 1998 DJ Delorie 1998 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from the Ace of Penguins 1.0. Files: cardset-revolution-1/* cardset-revolution-2/* cardset-revolution-3/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set was created using images from a deck published in France during the revolutionary period in the late 18th century. During this period it was dangerous to produce or even to own anything too closely related to or representative of royalty. Actually, you could end up at the wrong end of the guiotine. Since card playing was one of the favorite pass times alternatives to the standard courts had to be found. This is one such set of alternative court card images. Files: cardset-rivers-banks/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set uses images from a pack of Chinese Domino cards. The domino dots were duplicated at both the top and bottom of the cards. The characters on the cards are from "The Story of the River's Banks". Files: cardset-russian-bezique/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards and Aces were published in Czarist Russia in 1880. Files: cardset-russian-court/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The four court cards in each suit of this Hex A Deck card set were published in Czarist Russia sometime around the middle of the nineteenth century. They may have been part of a deck used to play a game similar to Tarok, in which case the Trumps are missing. Or they may represent a complete deck that was used to play an entirely different game. Files: cardset-russian-mini/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The images used to produce this card set are from a miniature deck produced in Czarist Russia around 1880. The Ace of Clubs is imprinted with the mark and seal of Imperial Russia. Files: cardset-schweitzertrachtenkarte/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published in Wust, Germany in 1860 in a pack named Schweitzertrachtenkarte. Files: cardset-seminole-war/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this card set were originally published in 1819 by card maker J.Y. Humphreys of Philadelphia. This is the earliest known U. S. made "No Revoke" deck which means that each of the suits has a different color. In the original deck the Native American chiefs were the Jacks. But they were here first weren't they? The original back for this pack was unavailable. The back chosen is a late 19th century photograph of Chief White Buffalo. Files: cardset-shakespeare/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this card set were published in London in 1895 in a pack called the Shakespeare Playing Cards. Files: cardset-slack-gnome-mahjongg/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This is an adapted version of a set of Mahjongg tiles found in Gnome Mahjongg in the Slackware 7 distribution. Files: cardset-sn-dietsche/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces of this card set were first published by Nederlandsche Speelkaartenfabriek in 1909. Files: cardset-spaced/* Copyright: 1999 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The backs for these cards came from the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The original images can be found at: along with a lot more just like 'em. . The penguins are by "The PAPA" and can be found at: and there's a lot more of those too. Files: cardset-spider/* Copyright: 1989 Donald R. Woods and Sun Microsystems, Inc. 1999 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: Spider Comment: This cardset was adapted from spider 1.1. . The license qualifies as free according to Files: cardset-standard-small/* cardset-standard-tiny/* Copyright: 1997 John Fitzgibbon 1997 Jochen Tuchbreiter 1998 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from kdegames 1.0 (KPoker). Files: cardset-stone-mahjongg/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This Mahjongg tile set might have been carved on pieces of stone. Files: cardset-stralsund-1890/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The courts and Aces in this card set were published in 1890 by a card maker named Stralsund. Files: cardset-ten-avatars/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This Dashavatara Ganjifa card set uses one set of pip indicators commonly used on this type of deck. The backs have a portrait of Babur, considered by some as the patron saint of Ganjifa cards. Files: cardset-tensho/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set is a late 18th century deck produced in Japan and is derived from the Hombre deck introduced by the Portuguese. The Hombre deck has pip cards from Ace through nine plus three courts. The female court is the lowest ranked of the three. Files: cardset-tuscany-court/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court card images in this card set are the classic style used to play the Italian game of Brisk or Briscola. These cards use the French National Suit Symbols which is the custom in the Tuscany region of Italy. Files: cardset-ukiyoe-fuji/* cardset-ukiyoe-fuji-tarock/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This card set uses Japanese Ukiyo E wood block prints as the trumps and courts. Prints of this type were produced until around the middle of the 19th century. The trumps are views of Mount Fuji by various artists. The courts were also created by various artists. Files: cardset-ukiyoe-sharaku/* Copyright: 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards in this card set are some of the Ukiyo E wood block prints produced by the Noh actor Toshusai Sharaku. Sharaku produced somewhere between 140 and 300 prints in approximately a year in 1794-1795. Some artistic license has been taken in adapting these prints into a deck of cards. Most notably, the dark background common to many of the portraits has been replaced with a lighter straw color similar to that found on some of them. Files: cardset-warwick/* Copyright: Warwick Allison 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from kpat 2.0. Files: cardset-wilhelmtell-l/* Copyright: 2001 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: The court cards and Aces in this card set were published by C. L. Wust of Frankfurt Germany in 1850. The Aces depict scenes from the play Wilhelm Tell by Joachim Schiller. The courts depict the actors and actresses in the play. Files: cardset-xmahjongg-dorothys/* Copyright: 2000 Dorothy Robinson 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from XMAHJONGG 3.7. Files: cardset-xmahjongg-small/* Copyright: 2000 Berrie Bloem ( 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from XMAHJONGG 3.7. Files: cardset-xmahjongg-thick/* Copyright: 2000 Eddie Kohler 2007 Skomoroh License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from XMAHJONGG 3.7. Files: cardset-xpat2/* cardset-xpat2-nox-large/* cardset-xpat2-nox-medium/* cardset-xpat2-nox-small/* cardset-xpat2-nox-tiny/* Copyright: 1994 Heiko Eissfeldt 1994 Michael Bischoff 1998 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from xpat2 1.04. Files: cardset-xskat-french/* cardset-xskat-french-large/* cardset-xskat-german/* Copyright: 1999 Gunter Gerhardt 2000 T. Kirk License: GPL-2+ Comment: This cardset was adapted from the game XSkat 3.2 Files: debian/* Copyright: 2010 Bernhard Reiter License: GPL-3+ License: GPL-3+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 3 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3'. License: GPL-2+ This card set is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 2 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. License: Dontspace # Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by John Heidemann # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of John Heidemann may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JOHN HEIDEMANN ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JOHN HEIDEMANN BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. License: GreyWyvern-BSD These cards are released by me into the public domain. . For circumstances where a public domain domain licence cannot be used I also licence these cards using the following BSD licence: . . Copyright (c) 2004-2011, GreyWyvern All rights reserved. . Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: . Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. . Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. . Neither the name of nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. . THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. License: Spider /* % Copyright (c) 1989, Donald R. Woods and Sun Microsystems, Inc. % % Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its % documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that % the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright % notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and % that the names of Donald Woods and Sun Microsystems not be used in % advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without % specific, written prior permission. Donald Woods and Sun Microsystems make % no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. % It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. % % THE ABOVE-NAMED DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, % INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT % SHALL DONALD WOODS OR SUN MICROSYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR % CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, % DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER % TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE % OF THIS SOFTWARE. % % History: Spider is a solitaire card game that can be found in various books % of same; the rules are presumed to be in the public domain. The author's % first computer implementation was on the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab % system (SAIL). It was later ported to the Xerox Development Environment. % The card images are loosely based on scanned-in images but were largely % redrawn by the author with help from Larry Rosenberg. % % This program is written entirely in NeWS and runs on OPEN WINDOWS 1.0. % It could be made to run much faster if parts of it were written in C, using % NeWS mainly for its display and input capabilities, but that is left as an % exercise for the reader. Spider may also run with little or no modification % on subsequent releases of OPEN WINDOWS, but no guarantee is made on this % point (nor any other; see above!). To run Spider, feed this file to 'psh'. % % Author: Don Woods % % % Sun Microsystems, Inc. % 2550 Garcia Avenue % Mountain View, CA 94043 */