python-hkdf (0.0.3-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Adopt orphaned package (Closes: #833945) * Create packaging repository on salsa.d.o * Change debhelper compatibility from 9 to 13 * d/control: Declare compliance with policy v4.5.1. No change required. * d/watch: Refresh from + Now in uscan version 4 syntax + Added upstream's OpenPGP key for validation -- Guinness Sun, 06 Dec 2020 15:58:19 +0100 python-hkdf (0.0.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium * QA upload. * Drop python2 package. (Closes: #937811) -- Dimitri John Ledkov Wed, 18 Dec 2019 00:32:31 +0000 python-hkdf (0.0.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium * QA upload. * Fix the python3-hkdf dependencies. (Closes: #867433) -- Adrian Bunk Thu, 06 Jul 2017 19:16:59 +0300 python-hkdf (0.0.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add missing URL to package descriptions. closes: #864149. * Set maintainer to Debian QA Group. -- Clint Adams Sun, 04 Jun 2017 10:59:31 -0400 python-hkdf (0.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Clint Adams Sat, 04 Jun 2016 14:02:07 -0700