qmpdclient (1.2.2+git20151118-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Orphan the package
  * Package the latest upstream Git snapshot (2015-11-18)
  * Link with system libmpd, add libmpd-dev and libglib2.0-dev to B-D
  * Use the upstream icon for 64x64, as it is correct now
  * Bump Standards-Version: to 3.9.8 (no change needed)
  * Drop fix-fr-translation.patch, applied upstream
  * Fix URLs in Vcs-* fields
  * Fix license exception naming in d/copyright

 -- Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@debian.org>  Mon, 23 May 2016 12:08:35 +0500

qmpdclient (1.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fix fr_FR translation, patch by Cédric Boutillier (Closes: #640505)
  * Fix "Files: *" paragraph in debian/copyright
  * Switch to debhelper level 9
  * Enable all hardening options
  * Fix the 64x64 icon dimensions
  * Add a manpage
  * Bump Standards-Version: to 3.9.3 (no change needed)
  * Update the copyright format URL
  * Update copyright years

 -- Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@wrar.name>  Fri, 15 Jun 2012 22:00:35 +0600

qmpdclient (1.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #510260)

 -- Andrey Rahmatullin <wrar@wrar.name>  Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:44:57 +0600