r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-8-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Standards-Version: 4.5.0 (routine-update) * debhelper-compat 13 (routine-update) * Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-r (routine-update) * autopkgtest: s/ADTTMP/AUTOPKGTEST_TMP/g (routine-update) * Add salsa-ci file (routine-update) * Rules-Requires-Root: no (routine-update) * Set upstream metadata fields: Archive, Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository, Repository-Browse. * Test suite switched from runit to testthat -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Wed, 23 Sep 2020 13:00:31 +0200 r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-8-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix autopkgtest Closes: #898440 * Maintainer: Debian R Packages Maintainers <r-pkg-team@alioth- lists.debian.net> * Point Vcs fields to salsa.debian.org * dh-update-R to update Build-Depends * Standards-Version: 4.1.4 -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Fri, 11 May 2018 19:33:55 +0200 r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version * Standards-Version: 4.1.3 * debhelper 11 -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Fri, 16 Mar 2018 13:23:39 +0100 r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-7-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Moved packaging from SVN to Git * Standards-Version: 4.1.1 * Secure URI in watch file -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:35:35 +0100 r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-7-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Fix license Closes: #815687 * Canonical homepage for CRAN * cme fix dpkg-control * Convert to dh-r * debhelper 10 * d/watch: version=4 -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Mon, 12 Dec 2016 11:16:51 +0100 r-cran-truncnorm (1.0-7-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (closes: #752164) -- Andreas Tille <tille@debian.org> Fri, 20 Jun 2014 11:47:43 +0200