redeclipse (1.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Martin Erik Werner ] * Update source url & exclude files, keep .gitignore * Use as source in copyright file mirroring the watch file. * Assuming that src/support/ will only contain embedded library source code (currently sqlite3), remove it completely in repacking. * Keep .gitignore, since probably more convenient to have than not. * Use one glob pattern per line for clarity. * Install sql configuration for master server. The master server uses the sql configuration in order to build its database, so include it in the redeclipse-server package. [ Markus Koschany ] * New upstream version 1.6.0. * Switch to compat level 11. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0. -- Markus Koschany Sun, 23 Dec 2018 22:55:55 +0100 redeclipse (1.5.8-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Add patch to address build failure with glibc 2.26 (Closes: #887744) * Standards-Version 4.1.3 - Use https for copyright format url - Remove debian menu entry * Move appdata location from /usr/share/appdata/ to /usr/share/metainfo/ -- Martin Erik Werner Fri, 09 Feb 2018 21:11:38 +0100 redeclipse (1.5.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version 1.5.8. -- Markus Koschany Sat, 21 Jan 2017 20:20:10 +0100 redeclipse (1.5.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * redeclipse-server: Depend on redeclipse-data because otherwise the server won't start. -- Markus Koschany Sat, 08 Oct 2016 19:58:16 +0200 redeclipse (1.5.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream version 1.5.6. * Switch to compat level 10. * debian/watch: Use version=4. -- Markus Koschany Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:44:37 +0200 redeclipse (1.5.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * redeclipse-common: Add Breaks and Replaces to fix dpkg failure on upgrade. Thanks to Axel Beckert for the report. (Closes: #835872) -- Markus Koschany Mon, 29 Aug 2016 15:21:11 +0200 redeclipse (1.5.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Martin Erik Werner ] * Use uscan to repack tarball via Files-Excluded in debian/copyright * Drop backported patches which are now in new release - Delete appdata-Fill-in-remove-FIXMEs.patch - Delete appdata-Update-description-screenshots.patch - Delete appdata-Upgrade-via-appstream-util.patch - Delete appdate-Use-template-set-at-install-name.patch - Delete system-install-Add-common-install-target-for-common-.patch - Delete system-install-Add-doc-link-for-client-finding-guide.patch - Delete system-install-Install-appdata.patch * Use prepared tarball instead of github tags. [ Markus Koschany ] * New upstream release. * Build-Depend on libsqlite3-dev and add use-system-sqlite.patch. Remove embedded sqlite3 copy and use Debian's system library instead. * Remove override for dh_builddeb because xz is the default compression. * Switch from SDL1 to SDL2. * Drop -dbg packages and use the automatic -dbgsym packages instead. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8. * Vcs-Git: Use https. -- Markus Koschany Sun, 28 Aug 2016 17:11:52 +0200 redeclipse (1.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Upload to unstable. * Vcs-Browser: Switch to cgit and https. -- Markus Koschany Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:34:35 +0100 redeclipse (1.5.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release 1.5 "Aurora Edition" Patch 1 - See release announcement at for upstream changelog - Keep "Red Eclipse" untranslated as a proper name (Closes: #734407) * Update description to read "cross-platform multiplayer" instead of listing supported OS (Closes: #763651) * Drop upstreamed patches - Delete don-t-check-for-keymap-when-using-standalone.patch - Delete gnu-link-rt.patch * Bump standards-version to 3.9.6, no changes * Add redeclipse-common package for client/server shared files - Add system-install-Add-common-install-target-for-common-.patch * Add AppData file via upstream patches - Add appdate-Use-template-set-at-install-name.patch - Add appdata-Upgrade-via-appstream-util.patch - Add appdata-Fill-in-remove-FIXMEs.patch - Add appdata-Update-description-screenshots.patch - Add system-install-Install-appdata.patch * Make sure guidelines.txt is accessible by client for first-connect - Add system-install-Add-doc-link-for-client-finding-guide.patch * Use make variables instead of patch to build with system Enet - Drop build-with-system-enet.patch -- Martin Erik Werner Mon, 13 Apr 2015 18:35:56 +0200 redeclipse (1.4-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Markus Koschany ] * Move Red Eclipse to the main archive since it fully complies with the DFSG. -- Martin Erik Werner Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:32:43 +0200 redeclipse (1.4-5) unstable; urgency=low * Standards-Version 3.9.5 (no changes) * Fix FTBFS on hurd-i386: missing link to rt (Closes: #712894) - Add debian/patches/gnu-link-rt.patch -- Martin Erik Werner Tue, 17 Dec 2013 18:26:55 +0100 redeclipse (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low * Fix FTBFS due to d/control typo lib{lg->gl}1-mesa-dev (Closes: #707028) * Standards-Version 3.9.4 (no changes) -- Martin Erik Werner Sat, 11 May 2013 11:53:10 +0200 redeclipse (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable * Remove unused screenshot entries for Ubuntu -- Martin Erik Werner Sun, 05 May 2013 22:04:18 +0200 redeclipse (1.4-2) experimental; urgency=low * Fix broken server-only installs - Add upstream server install patch - Add upstream patch enabling the server to start without data -- Martin Erik Werner Mon, 25 Mar 2013 21:18:33 +0100 redeclipse (1.4-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * Move server examples to /usr/share/games/doc/redeclipse/ * Added screenshot URL for Ubuntu * Removed Enet from source package (unused) * Drop dpkg Pre-Depends (upgrades from old Ubuntu versions not relevant) * Include version.cfg in tarball, required for server -- Martin Erik Werner Fri, 15 Feb 2013 00:30:48 +0100 redeclipse (1.3.1-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release * XZ compression for orig tarball * No more icon conversion in build - Drop ImageMagick build-dependency * Dropped debian/patches/build-with-ldflags.patch, upstreamed * Add unversioned lib dependency alternatives - libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev - libsdl1.2-dev | libsdl-dev - lib1g-dev | libz-dev * Enable hardening build flags - dh compat level 9 - Removed build-with-debug-symbols.patch: Now handled in d/rules instead * Enable paralell build * debian/copyright now generated from upstream equivalent -- Martin Erik Werner Sat, 01 Sep 2012 21:11:34 +0200 redeclipse (1.2-3) unstable; urgency=high * Add debian/patches/security-text-command-fix.patch - File access security fix (Closes: #684143) -- Martin Erik Werner Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:53:19 +0100 redeclipse (1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/patches/backported-fix-icon-sizes.patch - Fix icon size and location, cherry-picked from upstream SVN * Standards-Version 3.9.3 - Set final copyright Format: link * Instruct to use -h before -r in reportbug instrutions -- Martin Erik Werner Sun, 26 Feb 2012 00:20:12 +0100 redeclipse (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #626161) * debian/patches/: - windowed-by-default.patch: added - build-with-debug-symbols.patch: added - build-with-system-enet.patch: added -- Martin Erik Werner Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:48:41 +0100