See upstream README file for configuration and usage instructions. Almost all information from that file is relevant. However, from the section "INSTALLATION", only this is relevant: * Edit a file like e.g. /etc/request-tracker5/RT_SiteConfig.d/ and add the line: Plugin('RTx::Calendar'); * Clear your mason cache rm -rf /var/cache/request-tracker5/mason_data/obj * Restart your webserver For the Base Configuration section, use this HomepageComponents setting. You may need to adjust this if you've added any, it is a good idea to check HomepageComponents in Admin -> Tools -> System Configuration (the addition is to include MyCalendar). * Set($HomepageComponents, [qw(QuickCreate QueueList QueueListAllStatuses MyAdminQueues MyCalendar MySupportQueues MyReminders RefreshHomepage Dashboards SavedSearches FindUser MyAssets FindAsset FindGroup)]); -- Andrew Ruthven Sat, 05 Aug 2023 21:13:34 +1200