ruby-rbpdf (1.20.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.

  [ Utkarsh Gupta ]
  * Add salsa-ci.yml

  [ Marc Dequènes (Duck) ]
  * New upstream version 1.20.1.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0 (no changes).

 -- Marc Dequènes (Duck) <>  Sat, 08 Feb 2020 20:33:33 +0900

ruby-rbpdf (1.19.5+ds.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Antonio Terceiro ]
  * debian/copyright: adjust license for rbpdf-font/lib/fonts/ttf2ufm/

  [ Cédric Boutillier ]
  * Remove version in the gem2deb build-dependency
  * Use https:// in Vcs-* fields
  * Use https:// in Vcs-* fields
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7 (no changes needed)
  * Run wrap-and-sort on packaging files

  [ Antonio Terceiro ]
  * Remove myself from Uploaders:

  [ Hashem Nasarat ]
  * Exclude third party source tarball in new upstream
  * New upstream version 1.19.5
  * Drop unneeded patches due to new upstream (Closes: #892183)
  * Update vcs links to salsa
  * Add myself to Uploaders:
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.2.1
  * Fix unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright
  * Handle (and not install) new 3rd party sourcecode
  * Fix copyright years, attribution, and files

 -- Hashem Nasarat <>  Fri, 07 Sep 2018 00:25:33 -0400

ruby-rbpdf (1.19.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Klee Dienes ]
  * Initial release

  [ Antonio Terceiro ]
  * Add patches:
    - 0002-Relax-dependency-on-htmlentities.patch
    - 0003-rbpdf-font-test-test-font-path-contents-not-exact-lo.patch

 -- Antonio Terceiro <>  Sun, 14 Feb 2016 13:42:07 -0200