Welcome to the Debian package for SeqAn3 To use SeqAn3 in your own projects using cmake and "find_package (SeqAn3 REQUIRED)" add CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/share/cmake before invoking cmake, or adjust your "find_package" like so: find_package (SeqAn3 REQUIRED HINTS /usr/share/cmake) NOTE: "seqan3/argument_parser/argument_parser.hpp" includes telemetry/phone-home code that is **opt out** unless the application author passes an extra constructor argument #include using namespace seqan3; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { argument_parser myparser{"Game-of-Parsing", argc, argv, false}; // disable version checks permanently --------------------^ } Otherwise, users of applications that have this feature activated can opt-out, by either: * disabling it for a specific application simply by setting the option `--version-check 0` or * disabling it for all applications by setting the `SEQAN3_NO_VERSION_CHECK` environment variable. -- Michael R. Crusoe Mon, 12 Aug 2019 14:05:10 +0200