Shibboleth Service Provider for Debian Introduction This package provides the Shibboleth Apache module and accompanying daemon for a service provider. In Shibboleth terminology, this is a web server serving some content that should be secured via Shibboleth. In order for someone to access protected content from a Shibboleth SP, they will have to authenticate to a Shibboleth IdP (Identity Provider), either one that the Shibboleth SP points to directly or one that is part of a federation that is trusted by the Shibboleth SP. Installation and Configuration The following instructions assume use of the Apache 2.4 access restriction syntax. If you are still using the earlier Allow/Deny directives, you may need to use "Allow from all" instead of or in addition to "Require all granted". After installing this package, the module is enabled but not properly configured. At least some manual configuration will be required before the module can be used, such as creating a certificate for the SP to use to authenticate to IdPs. To generate a self-signed certificate for the Shibboleth SP, run shib-keygen. See its manual page for more information. This may or may not be what you want to do depending on which federation you plan on joining; some federations may want you to follow other procedures for generating a certificate. A default Apache configuration for the module is installed in /etc/apache2/conf-available/shib.conf and contains the two Location blocks reproduced below. You can modify it to suit your site's needs or disable it entirely with a2dismod. If you use a restrictive Apache configuration that denies access to all URLs by default, you will need to open access to the /Shibboleth.sso URL namespace. For example (as enabled from /etc/apache2/conf-available.d): AuthType None Require all granted The default error messages from Shibboleth are located in /etc/shibboleth/*.html. The paths to those error messages are configured in /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml in the tag. If you customize them, you may want to copy them somewhere else and change /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml to point to the new locations. Also in that tag you can set the URLs to the logo and style sheet used by the default errors. If you want to use the default URL (under /shibboleth-sp), add this to your Apache configuration: AuthType None Require all granted Alias /shibboleth-sp/main.css /usr/share/shibboleth/main.css For Shibboleth to work properly, you will need to extensively customize /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml for your site. In particular, the section will have to be customized for the federations your SP will trust and the section of needs to list the credentials that your SP will use to authenticate when communicating with IdPs. Your local site may provide a standard shibboleth2.xml for you to use. Finally, you will want to protect some web content with Shibboleth. The most basic configuration is: AuthType shibboleth ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1 Require shib-session for some , , or block. You can also put similar code in an .htaccess file. This will require authorization using the default federation defined in /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml. Changes in Debian Package The WS-Trust.xsd schema, which is needed if you use the ADFS support and turn on schema validation, was removed from the Debian package for license reasons. To enable it again, do the following: 1. Download the original source from 2. Extract schemas/WS-Trust.xsd to some convenient location, for example to /etc/shibboleth/WS-Trust.xsd. 3. Copy /usr/share/xml/shibboleth/catalog.xml into /etc/shibboleth. 4. Uncomment the WS-Trust line and set its uri attribute: 5. Edit /etc/default/shibd to contain DAEMON_OPTS="$DAEMON_OPTS -x /etc/shibboleth/catalog.xml:/usr/share/xml/opensaml/saml20-catalog.xml:/usr/share/xml/xmltooling/catalog.xml" 6. Restart the Shibboleth daemon: service shibd restart. Extend the above for other missing schema files as necessary. Testing with TestShib If you don't have a local Shibboleth Federation you can easily join but want to test your Shibboleth installation, you can use the TestShib federation (which exists primarily for this purpose). To do this, use the following instructions (but test them against the details on the web pages in case anything has changed): 1. Run shib-keygen to generate a certificate for your new SAML entity. 2. Set the entityID attribute in the ApplicationDefaults element of shibboleth2.xml to a value like https://your.service.tld/shibboleth; it needn't be resolvable, though that might come handy later, see 3. Run a2enmod shib2 && apache2ctl restart && service shibd restart. 4. Go to , click on Register, and follow the instructions to obtain your SP metadata and upload it under a unique name. 5. Now select Configure, scroll down to Service Provider Configuration, choose Other for the platform, enter the hostname of your web server, and click on Create Me. Save the resulting configuration file as /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml. 6. Create some part of your web site that's protected with Shibboleth as described above, restart Apache with apache2ctl restart, restart shibd with service shibd restart, and then go to that URL. You should be redirected to, and after logging in with one of the offered identities, redirected back to your protected page. The best test page to use is a CGI script that prints out the environment; you can then confirm that you see the Shibboleth attributes as environment variables. If this doesn't work immediately, wait a few minutes and try again; sometimes the metadata takes a little bit to update. These directions should work as of Jan 2016, but note that the service may have changed since then. TestShib is useful *only* for testing, not for any production use. Those of us who have worked on the Debian package are not affiliated with, just personally find it useful, and make no guarantees that it will work properly. You should read over the shibboleth2.xml file that you download from before using it to make sure that there's nothing strange in it. If the above instructions don't work or there are changes in the TestShib service, please file a bug against the Debian libapache2-mod-shib2 package and let us know. Further Information For further installation information, see: -- Etienne Dysli Metref , Mon, 27 Nov 2017 08:59:25 +0100