siconos (4.4.0+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Patch to remove obsolete swig argument "-py3". * Patch to remove WITH_SERIALIZATION argument to swig due to duplicate definition. * Patch to include picklable.i where make_picklable is needed. * Update standards version to 4.6.2 (no changes). * Patch to fix use of deprecated "np.float". (Closes: #1024864) * Update debian/watch for github changes. -- Stephen Sinclair Tue, 17 Jan 2023 11:59:04 +0000 siconos (4.4.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Update patches. * Disable integration with fclib. * Fix CMake target patch to not be sensitive to version number. * Include a SONAME increment commit that was added after release. * Update symbols for and * Add usage of dh_numpy3. * Update policy version 4.6.1. * Update python3-vtk7 dependency to python3-vtk9. (Closes: #1016600) * Add upstream fix for siconos_vview necessary for VTK 9. * Update kernel-dev test according to changes in new release. * Set DESTDIR during cmake configure. * Include upstream patch to fix crash in QPConvex test, fixes autopkgtest failure. * Fix library linkage for SparseMatrix_test.c, fixes autopkgtest failure. * Add patch to exclude test code from Python package. * Add patch to remove write statements from Fortran code. (Reproducibility.) * Update copyright years. -- Stephen Sinclair Thu, 15 Sep 2022 10:43:48 +0000 siconos (4.3.1+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Disable test ContactTest due to timeout on arm64. * Disable test ConvexQP_test_collection due to timeout. -- Stephen Sinclair Mon, 25 Jan 2021 19:50:26 +0100 siconos (4.3.1+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Rebase patches: + Remove upstreamed patch to FindLAPACK.cmake. * Update policy version 4.5.1. * Update debhelper version 13. * Add missing symbols for numerics. * Change architecture for siconos and siconos-mechanics-tools to all. * Add debian/upstream/metadata. * Replace debian/compat with debhelper-compat package. -- Stephen Sinclair Sat, 12 Dec 2020 18:31:54 +0000 siconos (4.3.0+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Patch to fix indexing bug in siconos_filter program. (Closes: #974184) * Patch to suppress a warning due to CMake's FindBoost in siconos script. -- Stephen Sinclair Sat, 28 Nov 2020 22:00:41 +0000 siconos (4.3.0+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Set Python3_EXECUTABLE instead of PYTHON_EXECUTABLE. (Closes: #972394) * Skip test dr_iso1 due to occasional timeout. -- Stephen Sinclair Tue, 27 Oct 2020 19:05:25 +0000 siconos (4.3.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version. (Closes: #962219) (Closes: #961735) * Add dependencies libboost-timer-dev, libboost-chrono-dev. * Depend on openblas and lapacke instead of atlas. * Require fclib 3.1.0 * Update location of install paths. * Enable WITH_GENERATION, now required for serialization. * Install new siconos_export_raw_data tool. * Fix cmake import targets to allow independent packages. * Update patches for new upstream version. * Add a flag for gfortran to avoid a regression in GCC-10. (Closes: #957794) * Remove unused build rule for swig3.0 symlink. * Remove non-existent files from debian/copyright. * Rewrite patch descriptions using gbp pq. * Fix a Python warning about using 'is' with a literal. * Patch for to import Command from distutils.core. * Patch to fix broken lapacke linkage. * Remove empty override_dh_auto_clean. * Patch to update use of node factory in breathe. -- Stephen Sinclair Mon, 07 Sep 2020 18:59:58 +0000 siconos (4.2.0+git20181026.0ee5349+dfsg.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Patch to remove bad cc options. * Patch to find python3.8 config. * Depend on swig instead of swig3.0. * Backport support for swig4.0. (Closes: #952601) * Removed a failing numerics test. * debian/rules: Remove use of ccache. (Closes: #945613 #954497) * Require Python 3.8. -- Stephen Sinclair Mon, 23 Mar 2020 21:11:30 +0000 siconos (4.2.0+git20181026.0ee5349+dfsg.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Patch to fix ref filename for test SMCTest::SMCLsodar. * Add TwistingTest::test_ExplicitTwisting_Lsodar to list of broken tests. * Remove compiler paths and flags in installed CMakeLists.txt. (Closes: #940194) * Update to standards version 4.5.0, no changes necessary. * Update to debhelper compat 12, no changes necessary. * d/copyright: Add Upstream-Contact field. -- Stephen Sinclair Sun, 02 Feb 2020 20:12:40 +0000 siconos (4.2.0+git20181026.0ee5349+dfsg.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial release. (Closes: #915656) -- Stephen Sinclair Sat, 06 Apr 2019 18:47:19 +0000