smb2www for DEBIAN ------------------- ! ! ! IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SMB2WWW ! ! ! Smb2www is now disabled by default. You can enable it by running `dpkg-reconfigure smb2www' and answering `Yes' to appropriate question. Please make sure that your web server follows symbolic links in both /var/www and /usr/lib/cgi-bin directories. Apache in its default Debian configuration does this. Also please make sure the CGI script capability of a web server is enabled, as it might be disabled in default configuration for the security consideration. To enable CGI for apache2, please do something along the following: $ sudo a2enmod cgid $ sudo systemctl restart apache2 Please note that smb2www, if enabled, will allow anyone to browse your network, if this is what you don't want to happen then you should modify your web server configuration to suit. Please read /usr/share/doc/smb2www/index.html for more information (Especially FAQ 4) on how to do this for apache. The FAQ gives you a way of allowing only people on localhost to browse the network. In addition, people not on localhost, who are specified in the file /etc/smb2www/smb2www-users will be allowed on. I would be interested to hear from users who run other web browsers on ways to restrict access. Craig Small , Tue, 4 Aug 1998 14:53:20 +1000 Updated by: Robert Luberda Sun, 04 Aug 2019 12:17:41 +0200