solvespace (3.0.rc2+repack1-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Add 12_Remove-march-native-from-mimalloc-build.patch: fix buildd-discovered issue. * Update patch metadata. -- Ryan Pavlik Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:06:33 -0600 solvespace (3.0.rc2+repack1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Upload into unstable -- Anton Gladky Sat, 06 Feb 2021 20:04:57 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc2+repack1-2~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Ryan Pavlik ] * Enable LTO and OpenMP in build system [ Michael R. Crusoe ] * Remove erroneously added debian/salsa-ci.yml. -- Michael R. Crusoe Sat, 23 Jan 2021 20:31:05 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc2+repack1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. [ Ryan Pavlik ] * New upstream version 3.0.rc2+repack1 * Adjust script for RC2 * d/rules: Specify package version for CMake. * Drop 20_use_system_flatbuffers: Upstream dep removed. * Add 02_add_debian_pkg_version.patch to provide better version ID to upstream * Add 03_use_system_threejs.patch, update d/control to use system-provided three.js * Add 04_use_system_unifont.patch, update d/control to use system unifont * Add 10_mimalloc_restrict_cpu_yield.patch to fix mimalloc armel build. * Add 11_update_js_three_r111.patch to support three.js r111 as found in unstable, instead of old r76 bundled in tree. * d/control - Fix warning about substitution variable - Update description to cover new operations - Update version in Build-Depends for CMake - Remove Build-Depends on libflatbuffers-dev. * Add missing_sources for hammer js * Update copyright file * Package more docs * Add manpage for solvespace-cli from notesalexp repo. * Update solvespace manpage * Ensure build flags are exported and used * Add autopkgtests [ Michael R. Crusoe ] * Do not parse d/changelog (routine-update) * Add salsa-ci file (routine-update) * debian/upstream/metadata: mention upstream's GitHub repository * debian/patches/03_use_system_threejs.patch: refreshed * debian/patches/10_mimalloc_restrict_cpu_yield.patch: enhanced with better atomic yield for SSE2 (if available) and better/added ops for arm64, armel, and ppc64{el,}/powerpc. Closes: #980169 * Run the build-time tests as part of the build on amd64. -- Michael R. Crusoe Sat, 23 Jan 2021 20:15:11 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc1+repack1-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [3fa5dd1] Remove arm-patch -- Anton Gladky Fri, 15 Jan 2021 15:40:02 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc1+repack1-3) unstable; urgency=medium * [fa2ba63] Use CXX for mimalloc compilation -- Anton Gladky Thu, 14 Jan 2021 23:41:14 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc1+repack1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * [7192813] Update d/copyright * [93f958e] Fix compilation on armel -- Anton Gladky Thu, 14 Jan 2021 19:41:26 +0100 solvespace (3.0.rc1+repack1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * [2c974c1] New upstream version 3.0.rc1+repack1 * [d29ee68] Update get_orig script * [73cbc23] Refresh patches * [d8e0c6c] Use gtk3. (Closes: #967751) * [09453c9] Update watch file format version to 4. * [70475f7] Set Standards-Version to 4.5.1 -- Anton Gladky Tue, 12 Jan 2021 23:27:41 +0100 solvespace (2.3+repack1-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [f5f8b5c] Add link to the fixed by upstream issue * [4ac4b71] Use secure URI in Homepage field. * [ef3f5da] Bump debhelper from old 10 to 13. * [047d9c4] Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends. * [8b28a26] Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit. * [fba85d0] Update Vcs-* headers from URL redirect. * [ab740f9] Use canonical URL in Vcs-Git. * [84a98ae] Replace libglu-dev by libglu1-mesa-dev in BD * [fdf3c0d] Set Standards-version to 4.5.0. No changes * [cefcb01] Set Rules-Requires-Root: no * [9869a0d] Add .gitlab-ci.yml * [53ab556] Install usr/share/pixmaps -- Anton Gladky Mon, 01 Jun 2020 22:17:17 +0200 solvespace (2.3+repack1-3) unstable; urgency=medium * [6d84f29] Set minimal cmake version to 3.1.0. * [be690c9] Fix FTBFS with glibc 2.25. (Closes: #882167) * [6c8697c] Set Standards-Version: 4.1.1 * [2c3d9bd] Set compat level 10 * [fb232b5] Set maximal hardening options -- Anton Gladky Wed, 22 Nov 2017 09:54:12 +0100 solvespace (2.3+repack1-2) unstable; urgency=medium * [0d4dc2b] Add missing dependency on libslvs1. (Closes: #856937) -- Anton Gladky Mon, 06 Mar 2017 20:59:20 +0100 solvespace (2.3+repack1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * [a7825d4] Add d/watch. * [15facd8] Update script. * [4bcf775] New upstream version 2.3+repack1 * [5bfcd9a] Refresh patch. -- Anton Gladky Sat, 31 Dec 2016 09:54:59 +0100 solvespace (2.1+repack2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial Release. (Closes: #797997) -- Anton Gladky Mon, 15 Aug 2016 22:31:44 +0200