sratom (0.6.14-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.6.14 * Build with meson * Drop obsolete patch * d/copyright: Update year and add myself to the d/ section * d/copyright: Remove waf entry and BSD license * d/watch: Check for .gz and .xz files too * Remove obsolete d/clean * Add salsa ci config -- Dennis Braun Tue, 13 Sep 2022 23:05:28 +0200 sratom (0.6.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster [ Dennis Braun ] * New upstream version 0.6.10 * Refresh patchset * Bump Standards Version to 4.6.1 * Comment out libsratom-dev suggests for now * d/watch: Set pgpmode=auto -- Dennis Braun Tue, 31 May 2022 16:43:44 +0200 sratom (0.6.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.6.8 * Disable doc build for now, missing sphinx_lv2_theme * Bump S-V to 4.5.1, no changes needed * Refresh patchset, drop obsolete reproducible-build patch * Remove unnessecary LDFLAGS from d/rules * Fix including * d/watch: Update pgpsigurlmangle for asc files -- Dennis Braun Thu, 14 Jan 2021 20:37:11 +0100 sratom (0.6.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Use secure URI in Homepage field. [ Dennis Braun ] * New upstream version 0.6.6 * Add d/upstream/signing-key.asc * Add d/upstream/metadata * Add Build-Depends-Package to symbols file * Add me as uploader * Bump dh-compat to 13 * Bump S-V to 4.5.0 * Update d/copyright year * d/copyright: http > https * Update ldconfig patch * Make build reproducible. Thanks to Chris Lamb! (Closes: #966531) -- Dennis Braun Thu, 08 Oct 2020 15:15:07 +0200 sratom (0.6.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ondřej Nový ] * Team upload. * d/copyright: Use https protocol in Format field * d/control: Set Vcs-* to [ Felipe Sateler ] * Change maintainer address to [ Ondřej Nový ] * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat [ Helmut Grohne ] * Fix FTCBFS: (Closes: #929088) + Annotate Build-Depends: python with :native. + Pass cross tools to waf. [ Sebastian Ramacher ] * New upstream release * debian/: - Use python3 to run waf (Closes: #943235) - Bump debhelper compat to 12 * debian/rules: Remove get-orig-source * debian/control: - Bump Standards-Version - Remove obsolete Pre-Depends - Set RRR: no - Bump build dependencies -- Sebastian Ramacher Sun, 08 Dec 2019 21:41:55 +0100 sratom (0.6.0~dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream version 0.6.0~dfsg0 * Patch refreshed. * Tighten B-D for libserd-dev. * Bump Standards. * Fix VCS fields. * Update symbols file. * Fix hardening. * Update copyright file. * Enable parallel build. -- Jaromír Mikeš Fri, 23 Sep 2016 02:47:37 +0200 sratom (0.4.6~dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Jaromír Mikeš ] * New upstream release. * Tuned get-orig-source. * Remove --debug from configure to cppflags be passed. [ Alessio Treglia ] * Add symbols control file. -- Alessio Treglia Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:30:29 +0100 sratom (0.4.4~dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Jaromír Mikeš ] * Added myself as uploader [ Alessio Treglia ] * Imported Upstream version 0.4.4~dfsg0 * Bump Standards. * Refresh patches. -- Alessio Treglia Mon, 06 Jan 2014 10:15:42 +0000 sratom (0.4.2~dfsg0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable. -- Alessio Treglia Wed, 08 May 2013 08:39:36 +0200 sratom (0.4.2~dfsg0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Needs sord >= 0.12.0. * Tigthen build-dep on libserd-dev (>= 0.18.0~) * Aill -dev's Depends field up properly by adding libsord-dev, libserd-dev and lv2-dev. * Fix libsratom-doc.install file. * Bump Standards. -- Alessio Treglia Tue, 12 Mar 2013 17:18:50 +0000 sratom (0.4.0~dfsg0-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Implement mechanism to automatically repack the upstream tarball. * Install NEWS as upstream changelog. * Refresh patches. -- Alessio Treglia Sun, 02 Sep 2012 18:17:28 +0200 sratom (0.2.0~dfsg0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release. (Closes: #669343) -- Alessio Treglia Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:47:31 +0200