storymaps (1.0+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Remove non-free JSON library (src/org/json/*) from the source. The license of this library is not free see: (Closes: #692071) * debian/patches/use_google_gson: Patch to use Google's GSON library instead of the non-free JSON library. GSON is licensed with an Apache License v2, which is compatible with the GNU GPL v3 (though not with the GNU GPL v2). In addition, source has been repacked to remove the JSON library too. * debian/copyright: - Remove references to JSON's "do not do evil" license since we do not distribute it anymore. * debian/copyright, debian/storymaps.sgml: Update Upstream's email address * Add Build-dependency on docbook-to-man, fixes FTBFS (Closes: #691809) * debian/control - Update Standards-Version, no changes needed - Add Build-Dep-Indep on libgoogle-gson-java to use Google's GSON library - Change VCS-Git to X-VCS-Git-Upstream - Change VCS-Browser to X-VCS-Browser-Upstream This is used to indicate where upstream's vcs is (Closes: #691810) Note: In the future I should push all of my changes (debian/) into upstream so I might change it back to 'VCS-Git', 'VCS-Browser' * debian/rules: - Remove files/directories created automatically when building * debian/patches/upstream_address_change: add a patch to update upstream email's address in all of the Java source files' copyright notice. -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:03:57 +0100 storymaps (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Debian Upload (Closes: #675006) Upload to Debian after upstream added copyright headers to all the java files and included the original sources (PSD files). * Provide a manpage (not included upstream) through a sgml file: debian/storymaps.sgml * Include debian/ script to be used in the future in order to generate a printable page with the storycards for offline use. -- Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña Wed, 08 Aug 2012 20:16:23 +0200