sword-dict-naves (1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low * rebuild to finish /usr/doc transition, Closes: #359580 * debian/rules: update debhelper compatibility to 4 remove commented debhelper bits * debian/control: standards version 3.6.2 delhelper build-dep >> 4.0.0 -- Daniel Glassey Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:40:35 +0100 sword-dict-naves (1.1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Bump standards version to * Change build-depends to build-depends-indep to satisfy lintian -- Daniel Glassey Tue, 1 Jan 2002 12:01:14 +0000 sword-dict-naves (1.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * Upgraded to version 1.1 * renamed package to match source * improved description -- Daniel Glassey Wed, 29 Aug 2001 20:09:45 +0000 sword-naves (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low * Change section to text * Change email to wdg@debian.org * Upload for ITP bug 84033 -- Daniel Glassey Wed, 28 Feb 2001 23:49:38 +0000 sword-naves (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Daniel Glassey Mon, 4 Dec 2000 19:18:51 +0000 Local variables: mode: debian-changelog End: