tinc for Debian ---------------------- The manual for tinc is also available as info pages, type `info tinc' to read it. The system startup script for tinc, /etc/init.d/tinc, uses the file /etc/tinc/nets.boot to find out which networks have to be started. Alternatively, you can create a stanza in /etc/network/interfaces, and add a line with "tinc-net ". This will cause a tincd to be started which uses the configuration from /etc/tinc/. You can use an inet static (with address and netmask options) or inet dhcp stanza, in which case the ifup will configure the VPN interface and you do not need to have a tinc-up script. The following options are also recognized and map directly to the corresponding command line options for tincd: tinc-config tinc-debug tinc-mlock yes tinc-logfile tinc-pidfile tinc-chroot yes tinc-user An example stanza: iface vpn inet static address netmask tinc-net myvpn tinc-debug 1 tinc-mlock yes tinc-user nobody tinc-pidfile /tmp/tinc.pid This will start a tinc daemon that reads its configuration from /etc/tinc/myvpn, logs at debug level 1, locks itself in RAM, runs as user nobody, writes the PID to /tmp/tinc.pid, and creates a network interface called "vpn". Ifup then sets the address and netmask on that interface. -- Guus Sliepen , Fri, 25 June 2012, 20:28:35 +0200