trac (0.11-2) unstable; urgency=low

  Trac no longer provides standalone cgi. CGI sripts must be generated
  using trac-admin:
   trac-admin path/to/env deploy /path/to/deploy_dir
  deploy_dir has the cgi-bin and the htdocs bin.

 -- Luis Matos <>  Mon, 14 Jul 2008 00:29:56 +0100

trac (0.11~rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  Trac no longer implicitly assumes nor installs global data in the
  /etc/trac/trac.ini. Instead, you'll have to modify the configuration
  of your project environments to explicitly "inherit" a global
  configuration in trac.ini, for example:

    file = /etc/trac/trac.ini

  This will load the configuration from the /etc/trac/trac.ini file, while
  of course allowing to override any global settings in the
  environment's configuration.

  In that global configuration, you can specify shared directories for
  templates and plugins, e.g.:

    plugins_dir = /etc/trac/plugins/
    templates_dir = /etc/trac/templates/

 -- Otavio Salvador <>  Wed, 21 May 2008 13:58:10 -0300

trac (0.10.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  This release has a new system-wide configuration path, under /etc/trac/

  If your installation uses /usr/share/trac/conf/trac.ini, you have to
  manually move the file to /etc/trac/trac.ini to take effect, or otherwise
  your system-wide configuration will stop working.

 -- Jesus Climent <>  Wed, 13 Dec 2006 23:25:32 +0200

trac (0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low

  This release requires that you handle the upgrade process for each
  project by hand.

  To do that, you should do two steps on each project:

   $: trac-admin /path/to/your/project upgrade
   $: trac-admin /path/to/your/project wiki upgrade

 -- Otavio Salvador <>  Thu,  5 Oct 2006 13:52:10 -0300