ttf-bitstream-vera for Debian
The Bitstream Vera family of TrueType fonts has been designed by Jim Lyles of
Bitstream, Inc. and released under a DFSG-free license. They are distributed by
the GNOME project. Please see the copyright file for licensing details.
There are ten font faces: four each sans serif and monospace (normal, oblique,
bold and bold oblique) and two serif (only normal and bold). They cover all of
ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-9 and ISO-8859-15. Covarage of other charsets is currently
very limited and non-latin scripts are not covered at all. If you are looking
for fonts with a wider Unicode coverage please have a look at the ttf-freefont
Note that these fonts have been designed for anti-aliased display (preferably
through Xft2) and may not look good when rendered without anti-aliasing. This is
very unlikely to change, so please do not file bugs about it.
The fonts are automatically available through fontconfig (if it is installed) to
all fontconfig aware applications (e.g. GNOME 2.2, KDE 3.1, Mozilla when using
the mozilla-xft package). If you wish to use the fonts in generic X11
applications you will have to install x-ttcidfont-conf and follow the
instructions given there.
When reporting bugs in the fonts themselves (i.e. not just in the packaging),
please be sure to include the following information as far as applicable:
* the versions of your libfreetype6, libxft2 and fontconfig packages,
* all relevant configuration (especially anti-aliasing and hinting),
* the application being used,
* the affected unicode code points.
It may also be helpful if you can provide a screen shot demonstrating the
problem, however please don't attach it to the initial bug report (especially
not if it is large). Please also try to make sure that it is actually a bug in
the fonts and not e.g. in freetype (if a problem appears after a freetype update
or if other fonts exhibit similar problems it is a sure sign that the problem is
in freetype).
Further details can also be found on the Bitstream Vera Fonts homepage at:
-- Michael Fedrowitz Thu, 17 Apr 2003 18:15:22 +0200