wsjtx on Debian and superfox mode ================================= wsjtx 2.7.0~rc5 introduced a "superfox" mode where the DX station (the superfox) uses a new 1.5 kHz-wide waveform to work up to 9 stations in parallel, including a digital signature to prove the station is not a pirate. (The "super hounds" still use normal FT8 signals that can be decoded normally.) Unfortunately, the superfox code for sending and signing, and on the hound side receiving and signature verification, is not open source, but released as closed-source binaries sftx and sfrx. These binaries are not part of this Debian package. The wsjtx Debian package still supports superfox operation, but the sftx and sfrx binaries have to be obtained separately and installed into /usr/bin/. * Download the wsjtx tarball from * Unpack the tarball * Unpack the nested tarball found in wsjtx-*/src/wsjtx.tgz * Go to wsjtx/lib/superfox/ * Pick your architecture (amd64 = "linux", arm64 = "arm", arm32) * Copy foxchk sftx sfrx to /usr/bin Other operating modes supported by wsjtx are unaffected. -- Christoph Berg Sat, 20 Jul 2024 11:44:53 +0200