xchpst (extended chpst) for Debian ---------------------------------- The xchpst package for debian enables runscripts provided for system services to launch those service with hardening options not available from the chpst tool normally used with runscripts. See the man page xchpst(8) for details. Runscripts that take advantage of xchpst features in Debian should ensure that they terminate their use of extended options with the '-@' separator to enable a fake version to invoke the classic 'chpst' tool with the remainder of compatible options. An example invocation within a runscript: exec xchpst --scheduler=idle --cap-bs-keep=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE,CAP_NET_RAW \ --new-root --ro-sys --private-tmp --protect-home --no-new-privs \ -@ -n 19 -- /usr/sbin/radvd --nodaemon --username radvd \ --logmethod stderr_clean --config /etc/radvd.conf The following shell fragment is presented in the documentation to demonstrate one way of achieving xchpst compat: /usr/share/doc/xchpst/xchpst-funcs.sh The xchpst binary and man page are installed using the 'alternatives' mechanism via the name 'xchpst.real' so that fake versions can be supplied by another package at lower priority. See: update-alternatives --query xchpst