XRacer Debian package:

There is mpeg movie support in the latest xracer versions. However, no mpeg
files are currently supplied with the package.
And none are actually used either - but if copy a random mpeg movie to
/usr/share/games/xracer/video/intro.mpeg, it'll be used as an intro movie. As an
added bonus it will also make xracer shut up about not finding 'intro.mpeg'.

There are also (currently) two startup warnings about missing textures. These
are not critical, and do not prevent you from playing. They are also not used
in the (only) currently available track.

I have disabled the check for the XRACER_HOME environment variable. All game
data MUST be in /usr/share/games/xracer. I did this because the track and
vehicle data are shared libraries, and if a user could set the data path to some
random location, that location might hold malicious libraries. (I'm not sure if
it's that much of an issue, since the xracer binary isn't setuid root or

The -p option added in the Debian version may be useful when you're using a
window manager that asks you for the location for each window it has to display.
XRacer tries to grab the mouse pointer, and when you have to click first before
the window gets displayed on screen, this usually fails. When give the position
as a command line parameter (and your window manager honors the request), it
probably won't fail.
Note that you could achieve a similar result for fvwm2 by adding the following
line somewhere in your configuration files (I've put it in ~/.fvwm/post.hook):
"Style XRacer* RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement"
This places the window without waiting for a click. It doesn't give you any
control on where the window gets placed though.