yabause (0.9.15-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team Upload * Bump debhelper from old 12 to 13. * add d/.gitignore * Avoid explicitly specifying -Wl,--as-needed linker flag. * Update standards version to 4.6.2, no further changes needed. [ Bo YU & Eric Long ] * Add support for riscv64, (Closes: #1019213) -- Alexandre Detiste Wed, 06 Dec 2023 11:05:48 +0100 yabause (0.9.15-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Drop yabause-gtk. (Closes: #967843) -- Bastian Germann Sat, 26 Aug 2023 12:48:13 +0000 yabause (0.9.15-1) experimental; urgency=medium * Team upload. * New upstream release. (Closes: #832486) - fixes command line handling (Closes: #797700) * Build-depend on libglew-dev to link with system glew. * Update d/copyright for new upstream version. -- Reiner Herrmann Sun, 25 Aug 2019 19:21:06 +0200 yabause (0.9.14-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Port to Qt5. (Closes: #875242) * Remove trailing whitespace in d/changelog. * Update watch file. * Update debhelper compat level to 12. * Update Standards-Version to 4.4.0: - declare that d/rules does not require root * Mark -common as Multi-Arch: foreign. * Use https for homepage. * Enable all hardening options. * Build against sdl2 instead of sdl1.2. * Use installed path for pixmaps so that dh_missing notices it. * Set 'set -e' in the script body of postinst/prerm. * Drop unused paragraphs from d/copyright. -- Reiner Herrmann Sun, 25 Aug 2019 14:49:38 +0200 yabause (0.9.14-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Update gtkglext-patch again and look for the correct include path. (Closes: #897548) * Switch to compat level 11. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.4. * Drop deprecated menu files. * Remove README.source. * wrap-and-sort -sa. * Move the package to Git and salsa.debian.org. -- Markus Koschany Sat, 09 Jun 2018 18:15:32 +0200 yabause (0.9.14-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Search for gdkglext-config.h in the new location. (Closes: #870304) -- Adrian Bunk Tue, 29 Aug 2017 15:49:16 +0300 yabause (0.9.14-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Build without dynarec, as this fails with PIE. Closes: #837582 -- Evgeni Golov Sat, 29 Oct 2016 09:53:24 +0200 yabause (0.9.14-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release * Add myself to Uploaders * Add menu files Closes: #726907 * Standards-Version: 3.9.6 -- Matt Arnold Fri, 29 May 2015 22:39:31 -0400 yabause ( unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream bugfix release. -- Evgeni Golov Sat, 04 Jan 2014 10:58:24 +0100 yabause (0.9.13-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Do not crash settings, if there is no optical drive in the system. Patch imported from upstream. Closes: #732804 * Standards-Version: 3.9.5 * Update debian/copyright to final machine readable format -- Evgeni Golov Mon, 23 Dec 2013 16:52:53 +0100 yabause (0.9.13-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Correct Vcs-* URLs to point to anonscm.debian.org -- Evgeni Golov Mon, 15 Jul 2013 22:22:25 +0200 yabause (0.9.12-2) unstable; urgency=low * Upload to unstable. * Standards-Version: 3.9.4 -- Evgeni Golov Thu, 16 May 2013 07:13:36 +0200 yabause (0.9.12-1) experimental; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Drop use_dpkg_buildflags.patch and disable_dynarec_on_arm.patch Applied and/or deprecated upstream. * Set YAB_OPTIMIZATION="" to force using Debian's -O2 and not upstreams -O3. * Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 9) -- Evgeni Golov Fri, 25 Jan 2013 20:59:56 +0100 yabause ( unstable; urgency=low * New upstream bugfix release. * Drop all patches, they were either taken from upstream SVN or were applied upstream in this release. * Properly enable hardening flags. Thanks: Simon Ruderich Closes: #662969 Added patch: use_dpkg_buildflags.patch * Disable dynarec on armel/armhf. Added patch: disable_dynarec_on_arm.patch Closes: #654615 LP: #944749 * Standards-Version: 3.9.3 -- Evgeni Golov Sat, 05 May 2012 17:16:08 +0200 yabause (0.9.11-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. + Switch build system from autotools to cmake. + Closes: #650255 * Switch to dh7 "tiny" rules. * Fix typos spotted by lintian. + 02_typos.patch added * Use debhelper compat 9 for hardening buildflags. + also fix build with -Werror=format-security with 03_fix_build_with_hardeningflags.patch * Update binutils-gold patch. + Renamed patch to 01_link_with_libm.patch * Fix segfault in dynarec sh2 deinit with patch from upstream + 04_dynarec_segfault_fix.patch added -- Evgeni Golov Tue, 29 Nov 2011 13:05:24 +0100 yabause (0.9.10-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: + Really remove DM-Upload-allowed. + Section: otherosfs as suggested by the ftp-masters. + Add dh-autoreconf build-dep. + Standards-Version: 3.9.2 + Drop quilt build-dep. * Add 01_link_with_pthread.patch to fix FTBFS with binutils-gold. Closes: #556767 * debian/rules: + Call dh_autoreconf(_clean) where needed. + Drop quilt calls. * Switch to format "3.0 (quilt)". -- Evgeni Golov Thu, 05 May 2011 11:13:35 +0200 yabause (0.9.10-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Update my email-address. + Remove DM-Upload-Allowed: yes. + Standards-Version: 3.8.1. + Add B-D on libopenal-dev. * debian/patches/01-fix_qt_build.patch: + Remove patch, it was taken from upstream CVS and is present in the current release. * debian/rules: + Do not sed the desktop files, upstream does this for us. + Do not install gtk manpage as qt one, qt port has an own now. * debian/yabause-qt.install: + Install upstream manpage. * debian/copyright: + Update copyright information and refresh dates. -- Evgeni Golov Tue, 02 Jun 2009 09:32:34 +0200 yabause (0.9.9-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Update the short-descriptions to reflect upstream naming change. + Add a new yabause-common package, containing images and translations. + Add Build-Dep on libmini18n-dev, so we can enable translations. Closes: #508166 + Set DM-Upload-Allowed: yes - I am DM now. * debian/rules: + Upstream now supports --programm-suffix, so we don't need to rename files on our own so much. + Rename build-%/Makefile to build-%/config-stamp, so the Makefile isn't erased. + Don't change the Icon-field in the .desktop files. * debian/yabause-{gtk,qt}.install: + yabause-common contains yabause.png, so no need to install yabause-{gtk,qt}.png in the appropriate packages. * debian/patches: + Add 01-fix_qt_build.patch so the Qt build does not FTBFS when built out of source, imported from Upstream. -- Evgeni Golov Sat, 07 Mar 2009 22:15:38 +0100 yabause (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/rules: + Don't use rm in the clean target, use dh_clean instead. + Use more debhelper 7 helpers. + Use $(QUILT_STAMPFN) instead of patch, so configure isn't run twice. + Use more make magic to build the two interfaces. * debian/control: + Add alternatives to Build-Depends. + Build-Depend on debhelper 7. + Add ${misc:Depends} to yabause's Depends to please lintian. * debian/series: + Make lintian happy by putting a single # into series. -- Evgeni Golov Wed, 03 Dec 2008 19:41:09 +0100 yabause (0.9.7-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. + Drop patches/updates_from_cvs_since_0.9.6.patch. -- Evgeni Golov Thu, 04 Sep 2008 00:05:47 +0200 yabause (0.9.6-2) unstable; urgency=low * Import some changes from upstream CVS to improve stability and the GUI. + Use quilt for handling this patch. + Add README.Debian about quilt-usage. -- Evgeni Golov Fri, 08 Aug 2008 21:45:46 +0200 yabause (0.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #483124) -- Evgeni Golov Wed, 09 Jul 2008 09:37:54 +0200