This package was debianized by Andreas Tille on Sat, 27 Oct 2001 22:16:53 +0200 It was downloaded from: and while the source was merged to one common upstream source (see README.Debian) Authors: Toby Gibson Julie Thompson Des Higgins Copyright: Non-free. You cannot distribute it at will. Debian holds a special exemption for distributing (see below). The licence does not forbid Debian from using autobuilders to create binary packages. Licence included here: ********************** LICENCE FOR CLUSTAL W ********************** Clustal W (hereafter "the program") is copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Julie D. Thompson, Desmond G. Higgins and Toby J. Gibson. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and use the program provided no fee is charged for it and provided that this copyright and licence notice is not removed or altered. The full source code of the program is provided free. You should not distribute a modified version of the program without obtaining the permission of the authors. You must keep the original copyright and licence notice. You must also document clearly the modifications you have made. You must make clear that this is not the original version. Commercial distributors of Clustal W are requested to contact the Clustal W authors in order to take out a non-exclusive licence. See the README file included with Clustal W for a rationale. You should understand that this software is provided as-is. The authors make no claims towards its suitability for any purpose and accept absolutely no liability for any damages the program may cause. Use at your own risk. * End of licence Special authorization for Debian: From: "Toby Gibson" Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 14:37:02 +0100 To: Stephane Bortzmeyer Subject: Re: Fwd: clustalw_1.7-4_i386.changes REJECTED Hi Stephane, Now that we have thought about it, I don't think we can meet your stricter free criterion. There are already several companies who bundle Clustal W in sequence analysis packages and so are effectively selling it. They have paid for non-exclusive licences even though anyone can get the program for free: but they must have a multiple alignment engine, so we might as well earn some money which we can put toward further development. I think the main thing is to allow the distribution at all by Debian. We seem to have reached this point. Please do include this licence in the Debian package and I hope the release can go smoothly from now on.